Show I SIM PLY nuSI RULES HULKS IX iN OFFICE There Is nothing more mere nor less les In the tho proposed plan of or civic government now before tho the Utah legislature than tho tim application of or reasonable rules to the tire go government govern govern- ern- ern mont ment of or the cl city It is I simply business business- In office We Ve do O not think any anyone one will wJ challenge the statement statement state state- ment meat that under the present system of city government there Is a n good deal of graft a good deal of ot money spent unnecessarily There are arc more than are needed and there Is n not t tho tire degree of at efficiency in the public service that there should be No business man of or all al those who help to pay the tho taxes taxes that support the city would run his Iris business as his iris city eity is run run And ind yet It I is Is a 0 business Institution after aCer aCeral al all It I must bo hO operated on precisely the tire same fame principles ples pIes as would be bo necessary In the conduct of a mercantile mercantile te tile house Tle TIo city cly has an Income nn and there are arc expenses expenses ex ox- that must be mot mat mot How low to get this iris Income with wih the least hardship and expense expense to the people who own the tire cn city how to give them the tire very best service and antI how to reduce the tire expenses to lo the lie point of or absolutely necessary necos- necos sary samy charge this charge this should be the aim nin of the tire managers manager of or public affairs as It t Is the tire aim of ot the tire business man who seeks to conduct his Iris establishment with the greatest possible lc efficiency and tho tiro smallest po possible waste te There Is no soun sound reason why a n city should maintain main main- fain tain men In simply because they need the tho mone money No merchant would ou employ a a man with no better reason than that He lie 10 might pension an old and amI long faithful long But Dut he would not havo have any dead wood In his business house If Ir ho expected c to make malte even at the end endor r of or the year ear A city should be run more economically than a private private I Dr-I vate ate establishment because there la Is no purpose e of ot making mak ing money by the city The only need of ot an Income Is Isto Isto isto to meet necessary expenses If I every ever effort efort were vere directed to raising the ire efficiency of or each department Instead of ot spen spending the money for 01 the benefit of place holders the cost of running the tire city ct machinery would be bo va vastly Uy less than It is now and the lie people would be hotter better boier served than iran they ever have been in tho the past past It I is not a good objection to cli call the tire proposed plan phan tho the tho Galveston sh scheme seMme me No matter mater where tire the tie plan Iras has been tried the tire real question queston Is Has ne fl it f been successful success success- ful fin And what is called the tire Galveston Gaveston plan iras has hn certainly cel been successful It I simply demonstrates what every man knows to bo be a 0 fact tact City governments governments' as a now managed certainly as this of or Salt Lake is I managed cost more than they need neetI need to to c cost st st. Taxes are arc higher than they hey the should be bc Public service Is less efficient than thun it I should be be There is an utter uter absence of ot logI logical logical sensible sensible ble plan or policy and there would b be plan llan nn and policy polO if I the city were managed as us business establishments er are nr manage managed Putting the lie handling of the city's affairs In the tire con- con Irol of or three men properly paid pala arid and holding tiem them responsible re rc- re- re will wl have have anti ana ana elsewhere It i has hM had the had the effect ef of- feet of at greatly greaty lowering the cost of ot city government greatly Increasing tire the tle service to which all ni citizens are arc ac i entitled I It I is a n measure that should be adopted by the te legis legis- egla- egla lature We Ve sincerely trust that members la in In both houses houss will wi realize the sensible argument that is advanced and help municipalities to relieve the people of ot the tire unnecessary sary burdens of politicians and handle their public business business busi busl- ness nes according to the tire rules of of legitimate private business |