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Show a THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1907. HANDKERCHIEFS REDUCED. handkerhed, as "vd te re reguls linen and handke 35« lo vid a Stocking Chin; ie One to 19 cents as Ma is \ on a | he | », ha 4 ps Bo at Big Reductior She Ronnets and Caps to 3g 30¢ Gime $ nets and - 49¢ at lot Tam O'Shanters, ' $1.00, at this Final EAR. "*hildren's abt peed values up 2A t?7 a ute 44 Caps caps te. he . G8C oO0 i ¢ and Decisive Clearance [mpcrative ! mA eo [OUR LAST FINAL FAREWELL TO ALL WINTER GARMENTS | | omitted from the sweeping orders for immediate clearance of all Winter Merchandise. Not an article will be packed away. buyers will take advantage of our necessity. Join the crowd argument. Just read the items on this full page and be convinced. last chance. the Positively Sale. Clearance Farewell Great this of share and get your Not an article Thousands of There is no early Monday Corsets Reduced I t Justrite I ar 1 1 $$1.25 lar I ] I _ $1.00 € t t Reductions Extraordinary lit ENTIRE WEEK. CONTINUES AND MONDAY COMMENCES SALE Gloves at Final Clearance i Silk Waists. rored, in Knit Underwear Women's Not an item. he $1.25 IKid Gloves Trnis Final... $1 This ) inal. See ; at t Coats I2 u hree-quarter up to $16.50; to ge this final ut « at oO $1.23 "Ss at $1 ll-wool 1 © 48 } 1 * Ee sold up at this black ? CHILDREN'S ly ¢ out at ULAR Woolen Gloves : oo to 3 final. hand this sale PRICES ength » 1 fy A stzes | f ates it. Children's coats, box li of ts\ COATS will HALE hat ist that -plain--and> thé sold up to close ye fs to : 00, $1.1 evel $1.49 wane old mixed its; union $3.79 43c wool xtra and sp cotton 79c Fancy Neckwear at this finalfo los i 15¢ t 5c ; sk ul ail colors a | Sacrifice. 10c 15¢c at Windsor But They | t oY Must Be Sold. s 19¢ final orchon ststl l.2 Lace Al) | | ] 15 | Belts Te Ode | $1.48 98c 25¢ Every 2 ‘) Hat 25c ° 50c > rh Mau Til I st Go ore wk pine oT p a peas at This soe raeue sae CVee I Sale! ese are aes l Silk nd I I 58c $1.69 Ornamental Combs be and, 0c 35¢ Final Clearance of Hosiery 25¢ ae $1.95 © $2.45 ose aes $3.95 % « 7, one. 10c Ribbon 60c Clearance Ribbor E i 39¢ Bethe y. 15¢ Rib GREAT REDUCTIONS IN 98c p e 5c Leather belt at th Sensation Miulhlinery GRO ‘R Ay lal 1 ld ur $9.06 t's Our Loss Our Loss Is Your Gain Don't Delay by zac oneand panet "IT, Dresses ye 4 (Say BSc fleeced vests Aa Children's Wool oe lity cotton $495 close REG- 10c tBae 1 Kimonos, Wrappers ot- throebs 5.00; 67 95 39c m4 fine fleeced crea i est $2.29 v is beautiful lin € in ali-sililk Extra Special Final Cleanup 19¢ 1 Y A quality its, in 43c large SOlOrs lo eo Robes, At Greatly Reduced Prices Children's EVERY WAIST IN THE ENTIRE LINE HAS MET WITH A DEEP CUT. 5 : Caps at Sees. % a'00 this eats l Senet a Caps ° Wr ™/ 5fe . hand- 00 cents oe ¢ . att 25 cents plain 6 for em-embroidered CHILDREN'S HEAD to Fur Sacrifices ] $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 $5.95 $1.69 SKIRTS! $2.89 $3.89 $4.89 10¢ I } Infants' Head Shawls 1 l ] 79¢ Rad I ] H ! Oe | $1.48 Fascinators & Shawls 19¢ 2/c J (pens atag foi ef it ah oi 4, ‘ ‘ | |