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Show Eu-nif and l'r.if-v--kHiil Curds. 1' a. wade, ii.n.. j fUTSICIAN AND SdtOBOX. i OYEICli: Us.-!: of i'iiv Puis Store. G&- otii ly and Ni-bt. . BrL;him I'ilT, Utah J HEKU, Jr,, BAULIER. Shaving. Sin-iiiiiy uud H air Cutting a lied need to All our Si 0.00 Ladies' Coats . . S7.50 " " 12.50 " " ... 9.50 " " 15.00 " "... 11.75 " " 20.00 " " ... 15.00 Special Notices. Notices in this column one cent a word each insertion. Twenty-live cents minimum charge. bn.i'mny. Main street, 1 block uouth Court nouse. UHstuiiu City, - - Vlah. J . UAHUIMITON, M. D. PHYMICIAS AND BUBO EOS. OFFICE: Eust wide Mnln street. Hrlhma City, - Utnh. For R;:nt. Two good rooms with cellar for rent at $5 a month. Apply to Jonah Mathias, City. For Sale. Splendid work team; also a first-class saddle horse. Address, "Z." care BfOLicu oflicc. 3-1. Foil rale. Have two or three head of good work or driving horses; will sell or exchange for stock. 23-8 A. N. Koscnbaum. Cash paid for hides, pelts, furs, etc., at J- AV. Shellield's. Highest prices. Boots and shoes made to order. Repairing a specialty. 23-2 Notice. The Second quorum of Elders will meet in the Second ward meeting house next Monday, at 7 o'clock p.m. D. Booth, Pres. Found. At Three Mile Creek: a small hand satchel and pocket pistol. Owner can secure property at The Bugler office by paying for J L. SCUAKFKEK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Attention RiTon to Collections, I'robato Mnl-I Mnl-I ters, and Examination of Rnul Exluto Titles a specially. Practices In the District Courts. OflQeo over Hoothe & Pclrce's ttore, BrlKhum City, - Dtu.li. -yy- u.jones, AS3AYEB AND MINERAI.OLOCJICAL CHEMIST. Hyrum, Utah. JONES & JONES, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAAV. Office abave Doothu k Pcirce'B store w Stock! Misses' & Cliildrcn's Coats! STYLISH AND CHEAP. BRIGHAM CITY CO-OP. notice. Wanted. A load of wood will he taken on subscription. Apply at The Bi'gler ollice at once. Arrangements Ar-rangements are being made whereby where-by we can also take wheat on ; subscription. Found. I have in my possession two animals: one roan mare, no brand visible; one mare branded on left thigh; one glass eye; bald faced and white spot on each side. Parties claiming same will call and identify. C. J. Con ley 22-2 Brigham City. Brifilmm City, t'tnh. m . reeves, Electric Medical Practitioner. Main Street. - - n't ah. J It. ELDRILIUE, CARRIAGE PAINTER, BOX ELDER STOCK & MERCANTILE CO. Have just received a carload of Breakfast 11 Stoves! Knl ires in tins oliiiun.anioiiK live reading read-ing mutter, 15 rents a line caeli insertion. inser-tion. In regular pay-local columns, li) cents a line first insertion and 5 cents each additional insertion. His?-jilay His?-jilay advertisements un second and lliirdpagey, $d an inch per month; on fourth puge, $1.25; un lirat page, $1.50. Brltfham City, .... Utah. Jjl C. PETERSBN HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. Paper Hanging ft Specialty. j A FFFL LINE OF y-?" mTI F-jl rl r N zao msba .l.. .- kb bbi nrVwmwl Eda W Noa Coal hods, Stove pipe etc., Always on hand GLIDDEN BARB WIRE! HARNESS, LUMBER & HARDWARE. A. IF SNOW, - - - MGR. Uriftlmm Cifv,. ... U h. JIIARLEY CIIONG, Famous Chinese Doctor. CSCures Rlioumatics, Pneumonia, Catarrh, Typhoid and all other Fcrcr?. Mnia Si met, - - Brlshtim City, Utah. JTJ C. CHRISTIANSEN. MERCHANT TAILOR. Now has nn hand a full Hno ol winter rooiIs. Call and sclent your suit Uri'ham City, - - ------- Utah. A Great Liver Medicine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a Sure cure for sick headache, billioiiB complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos-tiveness, cos-tiveness, torpid liver, etc. Theee pills insure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich the blood and make the skin clear. They also produce a good appetite, appe-tite, invigorate and strengthen the en- , tire system by their tonic action. Sold at 25c a box by Boothe fc Fcirce. ot-nv J B. KIRK, LICENSED ABSTRACTOR OF TITLES For Box Elder County, Utah. Address: Brifrhara City, Utah. W. II. BOOTHE. L. T. PKIKCE. BOOTHE & PEIRCE, DRALERS IN Drugs, GeneralMcrclmiulisc We Make a Specialty of First-clues CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES And all Kinds of Dry Goods and Groceries. Main St.. - - Brigbara City, - - Utah. Many sutler from irritation of the kidneys and bladder without knowing what is the matter with them. Dr J.II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm will give relief. nov J-yt. R. G. MILES I Of Oden VETERINARY SURGEON. Veteriuary Dentistry a specialty. Will he in Biigham City, at Lovcland & Glover's Livery Stables every Tuesday. Dr. R. L. St. John of Howland, Tnt-nam Tnt-nam county, Missouri, takes especial pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Cough Remedy, because he knows it to be reliable, lie has used it in his practice for several years, and says there is none better. It is especially valuable for colds and as a preventative and cure for croup. This most excellent medi cine ia for sale by City Drug Store. Dr. J. FI. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its vitalizing vital-izing properties, will brighten pale cheeks, and transform a pale, haggard, woman into one of sparkling health and beauty. nov j "W. OOIAI3'Z,03Sr, Artistic Photographer. f;A liiNETM, s:i.oo 'K: noz. Snrri'il atl--Miti -,-ivcn t c ojiyi njr pud en-! en-! let -iii-j, in r.nvoii. Ci-U-i ui Imiu. I;:):. I 1 nU kte'a full line of nr- fv.iirf mid j runts. A. Xi. UOMI'TON, I WEST SIDK MAIK STHKKT, Hri'ham City Utah. ELS AS JENSEN " has Tin; ONLY FCRNITLRE ST011E IN THE CITY WHERE WAl.L-I'AI'ER, CARl'ETING ASTi ALL KINDS OY Fl'RNI I'L'KE ARE ALWAYS KEPT OX HAND! Etisl Fide Main Strct-t, Brighnui City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1802. Joslin & Park, JEWELERS, 170-172 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, VTA II. Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE Sole Agents fur the Palck, Philippe & Co. wat-lics. Now goods for the holidays arc arriving arriv-ing daily. All the latest novelties in gold and silver. Our store ha? lately hrcn enlarged and refitted and newly slcckeil, and wc now have the lines! equipped jewelry house Li the west. JOSLIN & FAFvK. AVc are the on!v auihorizi-d ritv time kceporf. Spci-ia! m tpnimn l mad orders. Sign of the irrct el.jck. Dr. Bnnanko's Cough and Luiir Syj up. I This syrup ia composed of wild cherry, I tar and balsam of Tolu, which every one ! knows is the most tonic and healing' remedies known for the throat and lungs. To this we add just enough squills, ipecac and blood root to loosen and throw ofT the offending matter, by expectoration. Ask your doctor if there could possibly be a more happy combination combi-nation for the cure of coughs, colds and i bronchitis, or build up a weak and emaciated consumptive patient than ! this. For croup and whooping cough I there is nothing better, and every : niolher who values the lives of her little 1 children should always keep it in the' house. It in perfectly harmless and the babies like it. Sold by Foodie Feircc. oct-nov, j BUY YOUR COAL. jBRMai.U1 Cfhf COAL CO. ! Wc carry : Rock Springs, Red Canyoi and Grass Creels. IMivcrr.l :it Your Homs. I'.oden, Fi.ackH. i:n, Cniu.-'rori:i.M:N, Agent.1?. Otli'T find Sra'es :t u-'.. Leave Orler.- ;.t iiorn- y'.- .-More. LOVELAND & GLOVER'S Feed and Livery Stables. Hujrtrics, Carriages and Saddle Norses, at all Hours. Terms Very Low. X.'iir City Hole . Eri'nam. XJta.li. Box Eider Marble Works :okn h iiorr, prgpkiktok. Den If r In ; KAS3LE IM GKASiTE BOKCKEKTS. nriirifctoite Tst.lst. Etc. Al! K lii-is of IM it'll 113 Wwk Made to Order. M.-ill SfM'fl. "r fi-.-.r r.nf-Ntlf I'.i-"k Somb of T.iIh.m:h l:-uiiM:i Cilv. I't'ib. J The most dtdirjite constitution can 1 safely use Dr. J. IF McLean's Tar Wine J Lung Fahu, It is a sure remedy for i coughs, loss of voice, and all tVoat and 1 lung troubles. nov j J)o you rend the ads. in The I Hurler? If ymi d-ut, yon miss big barL'.'iins evn v week. j Lmiv I if. King's New I)i shivery -r.nd II. L. Ilnckiey's Ar.iua Salve ! at Jidin Chi ii-leiisiu's, west hide Main si. j 'We're In It. j Our new store, with the must i complete line of goods in the City. I 1 Everything new and fresh. Prices will bo pun ran toed right. Call and I sec us. Ilorsl'-v A Sn, I L, La.i-trup. manufacturer ol' .-hues and c'.-g-i. Kepatriii" a, i specially. S.iuth street, half block web', of ( iem salxu. o-ly ! Kissing is a riVeiing hlis That leaves a ia-tin pain, I Fur each ki.-? is followed by I Desire to kiss again. Ex. |