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Show BltlGIIAM BUGLER. lubltfhcl ovry Saturday. SLBfcCRIITIOS IMill t. One Year W Hii Monlhn I Three Monlhn "6 Hingle Cnpii-H l,rj SeiirTRiunitB will confer a favor by forwarding information to thi-J "flue when their pnperH ure not promptly received, that we may determine where the fault lies. j Coi(jiKhi-oNm:N-K dehired on nil public ; questions Kcjected commuiiinitionri will not be returned tinlesn prepaid and , Roecially requewted. Anony w com-, municfttionH will not be noticed. Ve will under obligations to Huli.-criljerH if. they will send in, per posUl card or . oUirwific, any prrsoniil or local items of , iuterent that may come under their obnermtion. AiVKETiuKMfc'NTH will !-' iiiHfirtcd regu- ! larly until paid for and ordered out, nnleHH cJiHracted for npecilied time. 1 Thi Brtii.nii has a solid, Hteailily-jri-ow-ipg, genuine Hubttcription lint, and U the only pner publi.betl in Iiox Klder, a flourishing county of UI.IMM) people, making mak-ing it of great value to advertisers. Kates reawonablc and cheerfully given on application in person or by letter. A s v hkmittam'e on subscription ntless than the rates nlwve given, will he credited for the time for which the mount pays and no longer. (Jive your postollico address in full, including county. Remit by express money order, draft, poet office order, postal note, or in registered reg-istered letter. The IIloi.er Publishing Co., Box 7). - Brigham City, Utah. Entered at tho PofHollice, Brigham City, Utah, for transmission through the mails an Eecond-clasa matter. giKOW, IMilor nml ITlntfr. SATURDAY, NOV. 21, 1SU1. |