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Show Btrmr Shots. St. Louis has just been visited by a million-and-a-half dollar fire ! and St. Paul by a half million dol-; lar blaze. Palo Alto, the famous stallion, ! covered the mile in 2:08 at Stockton, Stock-ton, Tuesday. Barb wire at the Hardware. Fly paper at City Drug Store. Stoves at McMaster & Fosgrcn's. Do you advertise inTiiE Bi'glek? See our Gem stove. McMaster k Fosgren. A new stock of ladies' fine shoes just reed, at Horsley & Sons. Go to the Hardware for your school books. Bedrock prices prevail at R. L. Fishburn & Sons. . "Warranty and quit claim deeds for sale at The Bugi.eb office. An elegant lot f gents gloves just reed, at Horsley & Sons. Booth? & Peirce's is the place to buy cheap clothing. Elegant fall and winter hats for ladies, now at the Hardware. Gents cork sole shoes at Boothe & Peirce. Light, warm and cheap. Elegant new stock of clothing and shoes at Horsley &. Sons. The Buglkii Publishing Co. has one of the most thoroughly equipped equip-ped job offices in the Territory. Give us a trial order. The Gem is just the atove you want. McMaster & Fosgren. Ladies, purchase one of those nice hats now idling fast at the Hardware bargain counter. Clothing! clothing!! Fall stock just in; quality good and prices low. R. L. Fishburn & Sons. Rio Janeiro is reported in a state of siege. Fonseca's soldiery are running run-ning things. Some Russian soldiers have asked that their daily bread ration be reduced one-third in favor of the starving peasantry. The Hardware has just received a large lot of school books, slates, etc., which they offer at right prices. Horsley k Eons are exclusive agents for the Buttrick patterns. Call and get a pattern sheet free. Bring all your job work to Tns Buqi.fr office. Terms low, and the beet of workmanship guaranteed. The largest stock and finest variety vari-ety of candies can always be found at the Bakery. Prices from 10c a pound and upwards. Home-made molasses at Horsley A Sons. We sell you bargains in everything every-thing we carry, at R. L. Fishburn A Sons. Small profits and quick returns is the motto of R. L. Fishburn & Sons. Ladies, if you want the best thread for hand or machine use, try Clark's "Mile End." white th read wound on black spools ; black and colored on white spools. For said by the leading dry goods houses of Brigham City. Wholesale Whole-sale by Brigham City Co-op. 26-6m Horsley & Sons are head quar-1 terB for Mrs. Boden's home-made candies. Before purchasing, call and get prices on our clothing. R, L. Fishburn Fish-burn & Sons. The only thing sour at Horsley & Sons is their vinegar. Subscribe for and advertise in Thk Buglek. 1801 catch-anchovies and salt herring at Horsley fc Sons. Perfumes of the freshest quality; imported; at 50c an ounce at City Drug Store. To subscribers who have not yet paid for their Bcoler, we are etill able to take oata nt market prices for a few days longer. Now's the time to settle. |