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Show MUAM'S ANI M AUKS. Cuukcu of Jesl's Cincivr oi l. n k r. Day Saints Sabbath School ill the four :irN, 10 a. ni. Afternoon uieeiiiiK, '-' p in., m tut Tube mat k-. I PCRMIYTISKUN I'HViSCH. Sabbath School, 10 a. in. I'reachiiit; 11 a. in., and 7. SO p. m. SiraiiiitTn eoniially invited. S. L. OlLl.Ki-i'lE. I'aMor. Cliristiaii Olson, ' STOCK VlS CATTLE. j iStfisJ i OM mmmA: Kiul.t car oil' sl.orl ; nn,!i-r . vm, in !,.fi. 0 l.ril Ml rilw. f;.ll'n I' "'I. i:!.I.T ton i-.t v, Vlr.h. V. O. II..X ,SL'. James R. Sniurtliwaile. IH'YKU AM) SliirTKIt tV Fruits, Grains, Seeds, Yefetsliles, Tie Hiliest Prices in the City. CALL AND SIlE VS. Wo are located Muck and a half west of new Co-op. AGENT TROY STEAM LAUNDRY. j mtuiii.VM city, - - - rr.ui. JOSKPII F-ilODSIIAM, CATTLS AND HOKSES ?,1 v !i :u:il .11iK ,us li lt r-,i:imnlir women. Tho common ndl let ions of women aroslck-hctiV Ecliea, iudlBtJStion biiJ ner-ous trouble. Thi-y ariso largely from etumacb diaordcrs. Aa Joy' VegoUblo Sarsapiirilla id tlio only bowgl r ovulating ovu-lating prci'iirniloii, you can aco why It h moro effect ivo tbuu any ot'jcr E-uraftpnrllln In tlioHo troubles. It Is dally reliovlns liundrcdv Tho 1 tctlo:i U 1:1 1 lit, direct und effective. Wo linvfl oores of Mtcrs from grutefvl women. Wo refer to a fow: Kervomdobillty, Mrs. J. Barron, H2 7th St., S.F. Nervous debility, Mrs. Fred. I-y,3'27 Ellis St., S. P. General debility, Mrs. Euldcn, 610 Mq.ioii KL, B.F, Nervous debility. Mrs. J. Lumnhere, Ti Turk St,, 8. V. Kerrens debility, Mlaa R. r.uacnbhim. 1 ITlh St., . F. i fitomitcti troBblca, Mrs. It. L. Whentou, 70t l'oa Bt., B. F, Sick bondocliCB, Mrs. II. D. Price, 10 I'rosiect Tlaco, S. F. Pick hcadachoi, Mrn. M. Fowler, 327 Ellis St., S.F. IndlireitloD, Mrs. C. V. Stuart, V2'2l Miasion St., S. F. Constl patlon, Mrs. C. Molvlo, 130 Kearny St., B.F. wulf wSarsaparitla Mrt modern, most effect ivo, largest bottlfc Bam trlce. SI. 00 or 6 for 16.00. For Sale by Brigham City Cc-op Store. Jossiili, Sell! anil fl. Kills' Brands. i l e'.nsv ImlW-rlo "'i l.-fi !!)! S" tcn -lil-on 1,-f! j:i-,v..(l,.,.;:;c"'- r,i i''!;;im L'ily !'.' l.l'.r fOHHtr I T ; : i ) j f' I if o fl . UJ lli ' Pi? 5 iii O H in 4 FEISTS I OlSTS. THE DISABILITY HILL IS A LAW. SOLDIERS DISABLED SINCE THE WAR ENTITLED. Dependent widows and parents now dependent Vfhoe sons died from eflects of army nervice are. included. If yon wish your claim speedily and Huecehsfully prosecuted, address JAMES TANKES, I,;itf Commissioner of Pensions. WASHINGTON, D. G. 13 TIIK "CITY liKLL" Express - - Wagon Can Always l)e Found Between the Depot and Town. Its delivery of fieifriits, express find bngjrage is prompt. Kates reasonable and satipfaetory. $js2 Leave orders at Mrs. Packer's, hall block wesl of Co-op. P. K. PICIKCK, Proprietor. XL H. BOOTES'S BRANDS. LEGAL NOTICES. No. 1113. Notice for r ubllcittlon. Seaort Laal, Final Proof. United SIntes Lund Ofnce.l null Luke Cilv, Utnh, Oct. 12lU, 1HPI.) "VfOTICE In hereby given that Derastus PI Spencer, Jr., f Corinno Box Elder County, Utah, has filed notice oi intention to make Myb::iiid X apm-aiv on RIGHT THICK of lim-A-s; on fibril lilr1 ul "cattle. Addirys, Liox fc.der V. O., t'tah. JOB WAGON. I am now Prepared to do Gener-' Gener-' al Delivery Business. Make a Specialty Spe-cialty of Delivering Coal. Give us your orders. tssohias ih. cisom BTN. Brigham City, - - - - Utah. INSDRMCE EEEPYOuRe:- MniuTV proof on his desert land clnim, No. 2643, for the I Lota 1, 2, 8 and 4, 6J NE'4, S,' NWy; and SWJi See. 4.Tp. 9, N. R. 8 W. before the Judge of the! Cunty Court of Hor Elder county, Utah, at 1 Brigham City, Utah, on Monday, the 33d day of November, 1MU. Ho names tha following witnesses to prove the complete Irrigation awl reclamation of smiil land: Harry Allen, W. E. Hadley, James Coil and W. B. Bradford, all of Corlnne, Box Elder County, Utak. FRANK D. 1IOBHS, Register. Bird A Lowe, Attorneys. 18-6 LEI;IAK JOHNSON, YKTK UiNAUV .Sl'R'JEON. ........... ir:'' N..-4 ., , -. Hv$.4 L C, i.il jt-f t :-:i-'i:'idtT. C::LlIe brand l:r;l.uni City, C.j: Kklcr county, Ut. HENRY PULSIPHER Runs one of the most prompt and Keliablc Jolo Wagons in the City. Good and Honest Terms to Suit All. Coal orders a specialty. Leave word at the store of Boolhe A J'eircc. IVlUlN L I In the Territory and pMrcmzo the OF UTAH, j y e;i:is;, Enuist. Ptilnicsi- Dentirtry. lVorto Extracted by Aid of Yegctablu Vapor. Socifilty made of G"ld Filling, Gold Cnp.n and Cr ivqr. Artificial leeth of all kind. Half Bloolc Sorth of Court House. llrltfuim, Utah. Call on our lirigluini City ngonl. V. F. Madson ; ho will tah. pn.d car of you. HQber J. Grant k Co. SALT I. A K K TrV. The Leading Insurance A -rent.-. TZ. X-Z' jjATY-S lior:.c-l.r:u,.l. 1,-ft , i. ..nld.-r; cattle, left " ' lrA, !'.x !::drr i'. 0., L'Uh. TO COfJSUBIPTlxfESi. TheiindersiKtie'.l iiavinrr hi-n rc-toi-r :1 to Ii."ftl.'i bysimiilo means, &(:.? .mflt-vm: (ur s-ver.il c.ra with a hL-vcrelnnirafuvtion, nnl l'uhl At. m dix,-r. ;a Consumption, is anxious to make kmm n in M:: fellow imlferws ihn T'uv.'is of cnrn. ') il -j -vl.j desire it, lie will cViTf;tlb- r;tii1 freed el l;u- j a copy of Oie prescript ii ni ns'l. winch Uify wi.l iu,1 e sure cure fr Cnnsumptiun, AHi.-'k:, t n tnrrh, Brtyjich itittr.ml all ihinjitiii.s! .M.-:'-adies. He iiopn all i-LiTvrer- will try l"11 r-u- .jy, ositisifl v.-iiunUu. Tluw tiesifin tue ii'' ..Tli! u, which will C.M.-.1 them nnthiu,;, juid n:y ptvvo a blussmp, will pleat, j ;i "!:-e-s, BT. EDWARD A. WfJiONj Bi'nol;ly.i. Nnv T-tIe. TH.JICE !;;1E C3rX M7. LVE STG:K C9. ' i:Mvr i'. U.. V RAINING! W'q have n I'iff stnt-k of Ilnhhcr ,r'n'ls bon.tlit of a leading house rttiiiny from hnine-o on this Const. ChiM'.s nihlicr shor-u, tr 10 f.i'i Mines' fooihoMs IJto 2 Misev' nvorslmcJ .--". J "l 1 Mi.-rtivf' iii-tics utnl lii-h nut .rl.r0. fl.i I,uilir-' ov-r shin--, nil styles ?.:;', ..in. ,.'.0, .(id LiiiM-'s' ii.-tic i.nil snow excln.I-rs f l.oO. fl.-J". Iuiios" hi-'h in :;iutu'-s ?1.7." I.a'ii--' bnnt. ..pjcitil 1jnr--i-.his ?... fl.v;. fhilil's hoot ?:.ii, fl I Mioses' bwU $1..')0 Hoy'ti bools f l..vi hi f '.'XI Men's short hoots, L'iru f.'.Vi io f:,."!l Men's hit houti S:;.:-o m fc.oo Mi-nV over shors, rich; si vies. . . .J. ri. .:.'. ,a .7."- Men's r.nics am! snow ei-lii.k'rs fl f Rubber i lothiiiK of nil kinils nl n l-.i-j divounl from rt'i,l.ir piici'. A.-l; for our full Il-t o Rnbl.tr 'Jon-Is ,Vl.lrr- smiths' t;.;i st.iuk, UC-li:i Fr.mt stri'i't S.ni Tra-icispo, Cul. stanii), (i i-fcfipi' ir d :uoiiili.' y C C f 3 p BE.OTC13 ES, t!?uA7-E! ?. -1. ct-j, ! lcjlvinir Hit! skin sett, rViLT :'...l iv:--: :f :L A Sure Cure for Pilca. Itching rileB are known by moisture like prespiration, cruising intense itching itch-ing wlion warm. This form aa well as liliml, r.lecdincr and protruding, yield at once to Or. Uofaiiko'a Pile Remedy, which acta directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent euro. 50c. Druggists or mail; circulars free. Dr. llopanko, j 3-2) Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by j Hoothfi A Peirce. Cavcnts. anrl Tr.iH.n-M rn-Vfi obt jlnil. nil i'H- Qur Office is Opposite U. S. Psinnl (Hfirp. and tc can scruri 1 tit in It- Unit- Ihaa llic.o reinon; from Wjisliiii.'m. Scud mufli;. draw ii.v or pl;otr rtf: friction. fric-tion. We advisfo. if iiiMiiuhlo i.r iwt. fr,-n ui charirrc. Cir tw- not dm- i i : 1 u.i:r:n'.-. -l. A Pamohlet, "li'in- n Ol)t:iln l'.:i nii. ' n Ith namct i'f actual ci;c-!!!i in yui;r Suit, n'lint;-', r tow u. i! cut lrcc. Aficre?, Opposite Patent Oflicc, Washinglon, D. C. , '.i:.-j.t "-. j tuhUmo I r.--:'; r ?. r. . pv-.-.-i.-s Purposes. I - ' "' ' ' " icv..'.vi'lfU , . JE--CTOr.ERS, As a preventative and cure for croup, I ; Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no: ' rival. Ilia in fact, the only remedy I that can always be depended upon nnd that is pleasant and safe to take. Thera j ii not the leat danper in giving it to children, as it contains no injurious j substance. For sale at 50 cents per Ixtltlu by City Drug Sioiu. PATENTS und Rpismics oMiilacd, oiivonts fiii"1. trp.do murks rt'iji.ilcred, Inlf I'lViriirt1 i: ti-1 uip'iil.J prose,;uecl in ilif p-tU'iu ulll -c ami suit- ime-cuied ime-cuied ami lefctnlcl i 11 x'.ic i-mii is. Fifi moderate. mode-rate. 1 was for several years n im t-vnin iiier in the 1'atcni otliec, ini'l Mtn e r.-i-zn I i:u lit K imn prlvato biisiin--, li.ni' il-ii exclusive utlcsit Inn to puteiit lTimters. Corn-spoil-1 uiiti n.ny tif nssn n-.-l ;i.;t I rill irive persoiml iitti-ir.nni i tin' c.ri-iul mi'l prompt prosecution of i. ;i!:i'i,lf niv. nn-l tu nil oilier p:itrn: fni-in.-s- jvii in i.i; InsinN. I pon receipt of uimlel or skctcli m" i :i vi-u i ion I o.lvive ivs tu p-iti-m.-iMliiy frcv of c!i;ir-o, j Your lcnrniui; uinl crc.it cxp'-'ictic.' " 111 i-ii-nl.k- you to rcii-l-r t'.ic li-clc.-i ..r,-r ..f : ic-to ic-to Minr flle:ils." H-cj 01. in lt.it tt-rworl h. e:;-j (omiii;.ioncrof IMt-n:-. -Your i; i."l c ,ir!i n:n! i-.v li f nliics. h ;Vc in-niy ! timi- l'c-ii-'...hcn to i ic." -M. '. M'.;i;-om- ills aim i;i p.ncnt uui: ;- ." --.-ini'. !-;r Ion e i'.u-f !cik ..I i'...-i:i . ill . - A.:.;:,-.-: liM. '..': Ilui'i mi.. If you are troubled with HiitMiniali-in ' or n lame buck, bind on over l he seal of pain a piece of flannel ilniapoed : ChaniK'i-lain'.w IV. in I'nlir. V-sMfpfi.-fd at tin- prompt ' ' nil cent b-tllc- K-r .-at ' Srtuie, |