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Show PASSENGER and EXPRESS Passengers to depot - 50c Trunks - 50c and 75c Express - - 10c Satisfaction Guaranteed, A. Madsen & Son r 1 Gunnison Commission Co. ' All kinds of Insurance Fire, Life, Accident. ; A Specialty in Live Stock Insurance Farm Lands and Tracts Handled Let us Locate You. M. D. BEAUREGARD, Manager Gunnison, Utah. A Full Line f 8 Of Staple and Fancy Groceries-the a a best stock in the city. X Dry Goods, Shoes and Notionsa x g good line to select from. W. H. GRIBBLE, Prop. CASINO Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor All kinds of refreshing Summer Drinks. Ilce Creams, Co" factions fact-ions and Refreshments Banana Special, Sundaes, Sun-daes, Sodas. f. S. K. ROPER, Gunnison, Utah ANNOUNCEMENT. Slimmer Course of Music. Miss Elma Fjeldsted will give a course of 24 lessons in piano music, commencing May 26th, for $12.00 for the term. Miss Fjeldsted has studied extensively with Prof. Lund and Miss Lydia Edwards and is well qualified for the work, as has beer, demonstrated by her former students. stu-dents. Recitals will be given and with her present enrollment she expects ex-pects to be very busy. Adv. - ELITE BAKERY and CAFE Our Bread is Unequalled Made in Gunnison and from Gunnison Flour. Cakes, Pies, Cookies and other Goodies Home Made Ice Creams Fountain Drinks 2 ADOLPH PETERSON, Prop. s & , 4 I CASINO THEATRE I PROGRAM: V jv Friday and Saturday I "HANDS UP" Comedy and News K Sunday I Charles Ray m "OWN HOME TOWN" Sennett Comedy in "HIDDEN PURPOSE" Monday and Tuesday t "THE HEART OF HUMAN6TV" I In Nine Reels Wednesday and Thursday I Enid Bennett in I "BIGGEST SHOW ON EARTH" 3 J Take your outing j j Fishing Tackle j : Baseball Supplies 1 j I Bicycles j j j Guns and ;i Ammunition , GUNNISON VALLEY FURNITURE CO. j j CHARLES HASMUSSEN, Prop. j "2 Will for ) Mui P ' 1 ' " FACTS about the Economy of Merchant Tailored Clothes THEY LOOK BETTER THEY WEAR LONGER THEY COST NO MORE Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Altering J. C. PETERSON, Gunnison, Utah J |