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Show iMEMOPlAL DAy NEVER in the half century of loyal and proud celebration of the day set opart as sacred to the memory of the dead heroes of the nation who fought for the life of the republic and saved its unity and its liberties has there been another day so solemnly impressive, impres-sive, so filled with inspiring visions, so glorified by high and vast national undertakings, as this holiday dedicated dedi-cated to patriotic self-sacrifice and exalted ex-alted service to mankind. It is the 1 greatest of Memorial days, the most Impressive celebration of devotion to country which is faithful unto death. In 1S98 the coming of Memorial day found the nation at war, indeed, and with a fine, unselfish purpose, but the task was small and easy, for so great a power, and the world as a whole was quiet. The brief conflict with Spain in no vital sense resembled the tremendous world struggle into which the American republic has been forced. Now we realize there has been on altogether different contact with the most vital and fearfully difficult problems of mankind, with opportunities opportuni-ties for service which entirely dwarf the problems and possibilities of 19 years ago. fins year the people of the United States know that mighty forces hostile hos-tile to American Ideals, American principles prin-ciples of government, American hopes and desires, took the field for the triumph tri-umph of reactionary militarism, the divine right of kings and the supremacy suprem-acy of armed power. Now it is clear to all who are neither blinded by prejudice nor the victims of stupidity ond lying that the free nations of the world had to fight for their freedom, free-dom, that the countries which love peace had to battle for their security against the upholders of greed ond aggression. ag-gression. Today America stands before the world as the greatest and most unselfish un-selfish champion of the rights of nations, na-tions, large and small, that ask nothing noth-ing more than freedom. to live their own lives In their own way and enjoy the security which good intentions toward other countries ought to insure. in-sure. Now the position of the United States is higher and more potent for right and justice in the councils of the world and the ordering of human life than it ever was before. That Is what makes this the finest and highest of Memorial days, the most thrilling In its promise of far1-reaching far1-reaching service to the common good of mankind and its assurance that the American republic is to meet, in Its mighty bulk and wealth and power, the expectations and hopes which lovers of liberty have built upon its heroic deeds in the weakness and poverty pov-erty of its youth and the relative meagerness nnd incapacity of its later struggle to save its own national sou and hold its heritage for generations to come. That is why this Is a holiday holi-day never to be forgotten by auy true American of sensibility and intelligence, in-telligence, who was fortunate enough to be a part of the vast drama en- ncted, with the wide world for its stage. Oq the day sacred to the dead who laid down their lives that liberty might live ond grow strong and great, the country they loved and served dedicates dedi-cates itself anew to the finest and highest tasks of which nations are capable, at whatever cost lu blood and treasure. The spirit of the great days of another generation is awakened awak-ened and dominant again. The glorious glo-rious ideals and devotion of the times which made Memorial day possible are giving that holiday new significance signifi-cance and power for good. There ia a rebirth of the best and holiest spiritual spirit-ual life of the nation. |