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Show C'OFPE RIVETED ,0 ADDRESS: SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ONE OF NATURE'S NOBLEMEN. This ie the biithduv of IWidunt Wilford Woodrufl and the Iff mid extends cordial congratulations to 1 tlie ;ijed veterar, who hears liU i5 j years with so inuch vi.r and dig- nily. lie is one of I'tah's pioneer and of nature's nohlemen for lie is recognized hy all classes of people who know him as an honest man who is sincere in his heliefs and straightforward in his ways. W'e hope he will yet live many yearn and enjoy health and prosperity. Herald, March 1st. TONIGHT! TAYLOR DRAMATIC Go Will present the SEA OF ICE at the Urigliam City Brigliam Fl.-.nr a:! ..l!, r I I : I I'm- ; Hl-t:- nfiui I-;::rrl. n! I)lla,t;' ! City A! Wiiy- liaial. I hull I'M l-.N'T. Strai-!it Cr.i.lr, Roller I Ckaiiasi. Srlf-i;!in;'.L',,ni M.-iil, i ity.-: I Mill ; (lerm;;de. liran ami Short--, and lil'SINKSS CARDS. j II. JOSKS, A'l'TiUtSKY AT LAW, I'nu'liri'i. in Uu l.nn.l J i-im it mt-n t , liic tUilu-rt S(u!o C.uri of I'liiims. an.l nil 'IVi i iiit IhI Stutf mnl I'uiti-il Sink's I'mms. liiaiiAM City, - - - iir.ni FARM FCK SALE. Is situated nl Plymouth, Pox ' Khler Co.. Clah. Consists of 0'2 i acres in ail. One acre orchard, lili . Ineern. '0 wheat ami :Ui acres hay land. Cood o-room hrick house. j(iood wells, con-als, slallcs, Mater j right, farming implements, Act Terms: ;;,Ui)',. cash, or one-third in horn stock. nejuire of Mr. Ph-ivon, Piymouh. or J'"len Parnard. CollinsUm, l'(ah. 81 t. The Rugler yn A home paper! lO ) l,:l.vm" medium, therefore , ( A good thing! TT l n ( A large circulation! n increasing suhscrition list! ( Sitaeo for sale! WANTS Advertising lmsiness! ( Job work business! Crtll at our oftlcr; GET ADVERTISING RAT1CS ANIJ Kxititilll oiirJnli Wo lit Sntiililo llnolt. j Chopped drains of ail kinds. Company. For I'rii-es. Wholesale or Uetail, Apply lo Samuel Smilii, Manager, Brigham City, j r A. WALK, M.H., I'MYSIOIAN AM) sHIUiKON OPririi: Hnck iTfcity DiiiKSli.ro. &- 0.m Duy hii.1 X lulu. Kiisltuin City, - - LT lub HKUii.Jr., HAIlllKU. SliiivliiK, SlnnoiiiK ami Hah CuUimk b Slu-i'iiiUy. In Aniii'.lii Ulurk, in-xl H,tuk of Uii((liiiiii City. UilHluiin l ily, .... milll TIIK (H.l) FAVOUITICR, i3; ; Harry Taylor Chmenia, Pratt Bailey AUK ASSISTED JSV A ,)tron Company of rtit. DON'T MISS IT! Priors of admission: 25, 35 and 50 cents. THE IEELEY 1NSTITUTF F SALT LAKE. AT THE GAUDO 1IOUSK. sNote of Warning! As n iinilti'r of Jnslicc to ourselves mifIto tlio rcpiitntinn of Dii. Lksi.ik K. Keelky'h World Fumed KniR'tJics for l,l(iir, Oloin -----FiRjirfHi Imported a,nd Home-made; also G lass and Paints. All kinds of Repairing; and G-lazing Done. G-eneral Undertaking a Specialty. Coffins furnished on short notice. Remember the place: half block north of new Co-op. BOWRING'S GROCERY STORE IS THE PLACE TOGO TO BUY Oranges, Figs, Dates, Lemons, Bananas Ba-nanas and all fruits and vegetables in season. Fre.-ih Oysters, Celery and Crackers, Crack-ers, Choice Candies, Gum, Nuts of every variety. Tea, Moca and Java Coll'ee, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. CASH PAID FOR EGGS AND CHICKENS iuuI i olmri-u.we WJtru On- puui'i' Oiiil uii-se Rcim-Llios nre nod hy No iNriTiYHTioS (IF T 1 1 b Kind IN Tiik Tkkkitouy Of Utah V. xv.v. htinJ Tn e Keki.-ky I fiPTiTi'TK, At The Uahdo Housk, In Salt La k r City. All Others Claiming to Use L J)r. tits 1 tA' Itemed iew, Or Formulaa, Are Frauds and Imposters. Bincn January last we have made nearly 500 Cures, and these men are among the people of Utah today, as living evidences of the unspeakable Value of this Treatment. W'e guarantee the Genuine Keeley Treatment as administered nt this Institute In-stitute to be Perfectly Harmless. Arrangements for Treatment may be made with our Representative, A. C. IvinsP. K. Morris, GAliDO HOUSE, SALT- LAKE CITY. The Pioneer Boot and Shoe Shop. Oliiiilcs K.11 Manufacturer of Hoots iuuI .siiucs. Tlv 1"'-1 of Mock iie(! anil ii ood lit REPAIRS NEATLY & PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Ri'iiieinliiT tlic I'luce: One half liloi-k nurt I ui tliL- new i'u-op Stuio; siime si.le i-t tiect. Oilicial Il.riid blanks for salt- la Tiik Duoj.Kii oHice. J K. ELDHUKjK, CAltltlAUK FAINTKH. HriKlmm Oils', - Utnb , 1'- JOHNSON, ATTOUNKY AT I.AW UXITKD ST AT KB (,'OM.MIriSIONEK. Ofkick lu Conn lluuse. HrlKlmm city, - - UiuIk yyx.. o. w. snow, fr HKNTIST. Hpet'inli y limile of iirchcrvlng the imtural teeth, iilsn down tun! Id lilL- work, or wliul In cum moiily know us leetli wiLLout h i.liite. Careful mientlon gUeii to till Limb of denial OH.TJLli0llS. Office: First door north of Co op. DitioiiAM City, - - - Otah ' 11 CLAWSON, Til P. BRIGHAM CITY pWQOLEH MILLS CQJ lut-v for -iile to ilio re mil or wholesale trade 2,200 yards white and gray Linsi-:v. 150 Bounds Stocking Yahx. 100 Pounds Batting. Will Tui' or trade for Wmn,. Work nl fnetory dumped fur tlie i:i'-ciH, lnit the jilnre wil! be ii'eii every i-iiliu dny nfteiiiooii for Ijii-ine.. A. A.JfiriMnn, Cheap at the price, is what they say after buying any article ar-ticle or goods at my place. I give no credit; have no bad debts; sell for cash and therefore can aiford to sell as cheap if not cheaper than those who are weighed down with un-collectable un-collectable debts. Get my BED-ROCK PRICES before purchasing elsewhere. else-where. :SSCJ John fTta-1 christensen. American Biscuit & Mfg. Co. (SUCCESSORS TO UTAH CRACKER FACTORY.) Henry Wallace, JVlyfr. MANUFACTUKERS OF THE Celebrated Silver Brand of Fine Crackers. SALT LAKE CITY, Box 1345. 27 E. Third South Street. jT I i fT LOU95 O. VAQRVEniS, 0n3 of tho best known lftsbosa men la Chicago, jfipreeentative of the prcat Bradstrcet Oo. HEADACHE, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Dr. Stiles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Gentlemen : I take i!casuro in Informing jrm ' of tho verv beneficial results which have followed tho use of Do. MiLs- Rcstorativc Nervine In IbeCBseof myselt and wife, tor a ye&r I was subject lo a distressing jmln at tho bu.se of Uie braiD and upper portion of the spinul cord. I . u . last flesh and wits preRlly I l t n troubled with slccpleieneee. WUriUU1 your Nsrvtnfi wa hi(thly recommended to mo. Mycft.ohud been ro otiti-imto otiti-imto that I had no contidunee In thu etiiiwy of anymedieine. Vet as a re.-airt I consented to pive it a triul. Much to my BurjirlFe, I experienetd m&rkod benefit; my (ileeplfssnew disuppeurod: my lieadnche was wmoved ; my s put La and Reucrsl KETHOUSANDS OAINED TWENTY POUNDS. ALL THIS OCCURRED AFTER LEARNED AND WELL KNOWN PHYEICIiNR hd tailed. My wiibi (nbhiH tliu Nervine wftii the bcdtoi resulw. Louis D. Vamisuvkuk. Sold on a Positive Guarantee. Or. MILES' PI LLS.50 Doses 25Cts, $ CITY DRUG STORE, : lit kiniiN nl' linis. ; W. A. WADE, Propr. Briyham City. ''For Kent" notices, printed on cards, for sale at Tiik Brur.Ktt office. 95 cents will buy 100 and 100 and 100, equal 300. All for 95 cents: 100 note heads, 100 envelopes and 100 cards, printed to order. Subscribe for and advertise in The Buoi.er. I L1C EN Hi; I) A1J8TK AC'TER OITICE tit Clitic. Kelly's Shoe b'lure. Main St. - EriRlinui City, Ulali Wedding cards and visitingcards at The Bucleu oiliee. r a THE LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER, A. W. tl,,,, 5 J Docs all kinds o i JgCS E C J-iJNLAltOlNG IS NtallAYON, ANIJ INDIA INK. Yuii ciin also get the Intent S F P kATJN X. INISII X 1IOTOS At a Dozen. Wr.sT Si ok Main St., It hh; hasp City, Utah Fou Rent. A good room in very heart of city. Inquire at The Bugler Bu-gler office. 95 cents at The Bugler Job OHico will buy you 100 each of note heads, envelopes and cards. If you want to rent a good room cheap, on the best business corner in the city, inquire at The Bugler office. Try an ad. in The Bugler. Money to loan, on farms with water right, at Bank of Brigham City. 0. 0. Snow, President. Only 95 cents will buy you 100 envelopes, 100 note heads and 100 cards, all printed to order at The liuGi.Eit Job Office. The early and late advertisers in The Bugler catch the trade. Here you have it: 100 note heads. 100 envelopes and 100 cards, all for j use 95 cents, printed to order at The Bugler Job Office. We are paying eight cents for dressed hogs. Bring in your pork and we will pay you the cash. J. F. Erdmann tfe Co. SELLING AT COST. I have a good assortment of flannels, and linsey, all home-made, that I will sell at cost. Drv goods at bed-rock : prices. Come and examine mv goods. E. M. Hill, Three MilV Creek. 35-3 ! D. P. BuRT& Co., j DEALT Its IN t , Lumber, Shingles. Lath. Doors. .Sa0i, ! Building Paper, Nails, Builders' ; Hardware, etc. All kinds of JOB WORK DONE. BRIGHAM CITY, - - UTAH. nl the ads. in The Buglei: 1 and secure all the bargains DcnfiM'.iH ('iin't be C'iircl by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Eus-tachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a running 1 sound of imperfect hca ring, and j when it is entirely ciosed, deafness j is the result,and unless the iiulam-I iiulam-I mation can be taken out and this j tube restored to its normal condt-j condt-j lion, hearing wilt be destroyed for-j for-j ever; nine cases out of ten an-caused an-caused by catarrh, which is nnth-j nnth-j ing but an inilauud condition of I the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol- lars for any case of deafness (caused ; by catarrh,) that we cannot cure 'by taking Hall's Catarrh cure. : .Send for circular, free, i J. F. Cheney it Co. Toledo, O. ; Sold by druggists, 75e. in-L'l JENSEN f JEPPSON, M A S ' FA CTt' HERS AND ItKAI.KUR IS larMe S? Sai Stone ss--sjMrafflents, Heaistones, o-o-o-o FROM to UI', o o-o-d ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Cull uii'l set uiir Slock Before I'urchiuiing Kl-ewlierc. ' Wust siile Mutn St., l) j block south Court House BIG REDUCTIONS. A. II. Snow lias bought the Hardware Harness and Paint Departments De-partments and t lie following goods will be closed out at wry 1 jw prices: WAGONlT STOYEDEPABTMENT. SADDLEBY DEFT PAINT BUGGIES, CLOSING CUT. large stock. DEPABTMENT. ETC. l- : ' : " : " ;"rTT: ' A S...7IX licavy H-l, IMW Tor ljes, T1. ,,,., w w k,,,, r- Tlireclnirstolsn. 7 rut SI. .v.-. ,.ly , ,,,K.t ,u ,c ,,ri,.,., ,vt. u.,.,, uiMITr rin '-.-f-.! II", iiieco', of f 11 rn i t uru- rcl 1 from f ,,,,,,., , ,.., ;,. W M I I L LtAU, ti!lx. N,, 1 ll.-nv V,,rk H,iriK- K,ular prU.' i t iS :S 7 K.irly HraiktnM i:.i,.k- (:V! I,, jv. . UltO ' !!'. Inch nLnvwnKon.r'O.'X) j " " " :j , .:!,, ivy V-,i k Itiiuc0:.-i;iilKr prir.- MIXED PAINTS Gnl sccon.l-liiui.l " -ir.CK 1No.HR.H.i:ps,TV,.ir,vrnvrin,,f!l.-'t Jl'.now si'I'f'l I TY . Cn,l Siu.lc-takur siCl,. ' n"!"', N' ' "ll.'.ivy""rl- ll;,n-Mt3l,,r,l,-,. '""""a '!' IVrt..rl',.,.k Il,;..v, ,!!:: K,,,,,.,r ,.,.,,. j. i. an. sniky i.i.m ii s f , , v, . "" Call and t-e ( Fie' im-li rriiin (L-,.-itn Ml rum I'll"' "lily IS n a rf.,l. '' r '" "' ,. ,,, ., Kii,.,w-i;ii.,.i,'iy i:,.-,.i I,. ,l..n in i,i,-. new guoils, coming l..UIS.,l ;.., ,V!,1, .,..,,,....,.,..,. (r f, U rut .low,, . Slirlllk's from J., to 170. 11,-1 ll,lztir,l- I',, H,1,t only ;MI k- -J. in . n, ,-. ill U U'W (la VH. U.UvDWARK CO UN K II. i Fdi; ui-;nt. One 15x20 fnot build-in. build-in. i; f.ir rent. Ni-xt 1i .i.ku oiiuv. Only ?5 ;i :imnth. llSJaPowder: The only 1'urc Cream of Tiirtar Powder. No Aniinouia; Ko Alum. i Uucd iu Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard, BPV PIbo's Itomody for Catiirrh Is tho CW I Beat, Easiest to U"e, oiid Ubuapt'ut. 1 Ea So'! bydmygftt3or8.'ntbjrmall. I I ' U BOe. . T. UaMltiuc, Warren, Pa. L4 NO OTHER SarsaparUla has effected ef-fected such remarkable cures as HOOD'S Sarsaparilla, of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and other blood diseases. NO OTHER Sars.-i-uri!'.-i hns the I merit to secure tiio confidence of j entire communities and hold it year after 1 year, like HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. |