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Show J ing, the services would be con-, con-, tinned on from day to day for probab1' three weeks. The speaker said that the seating , I capacity was 2.5(H) and with two services a day 5.000 people, could le accommodated each day. Wilford Header was the next speaker. He was to start on a mission to the Southern States in a few days, and felt very weak to shoulder such a responsibility. respon-sibility. Made some remarks concerning con-cerning officiating in the temples for the dead. Thought we had a great work to perform for our departed relatives. Alvin Nichols said lie had aided in his humble way in some way the erection of all the temples of! the hitter days except one, in the early history of the church. Was thankful he was permitted to live in this day when the greatest edifice of its kind was to be completed. com-pleted. Ilcped that all people who were able and worthy would avail themselves of the privilege and attend at-tend the dedication of the Hull Lake Tuinple. The choir sang an anthem. Benediction was offered by Jens Hansen, and the congregation dispersed. H THE TMIUUB. Cliitrh-a Kt lly. II foul Iteu.ler nltri Alvin NIoIioIh Aiu Uiu S.cuULrs. The regular Sabbath services at the Tabernacle last Sunday afternoon after-noon were largely attended. There were between tiOO and 700 people present. The day was pleasant and the mom comfortable. Stake Counsellor Charles Kelly was in charge of tho meeting. There were on the stand, Charles Wight, Lyman Wight, Jeppa Jeppson, X. P. Anderson. James Bywater, C. Kelly, Alvin Nichols, M. li. Ensign, W. L. (iardner, J. C. "W ixom, Henry Tingey, Jens 1 lansen, A. A. Jan son, David Reader and August Valentine. fter the congregation was called to order the choir sang. Prayer was offered by August Valentine. Singing by the choir. The sacrament was administered by the priesthood of the Third ward. ' j While the sacrament was being' passed, a chapter was read from tlie Bible by -lames Bywater. The First speaker was Counsellor Coun-sellor Kelly, lie read a letter, to President Clawson, from the First Presidency, in which it was stated that only church members over! tight years of age would be permitted per-mitted to attend the dedicatory services at the Salt Lake Temple in April. Each person must have u recommend from bis or her Bishop. The letter asked for the nu nb -r of pers m fr im Box Elder Stake who would likely attend the services. Arrangements would he made accordingly, iis the. seating capacity of t-be assembly hall was limited. It was thought, in order to give all tho privilege of attend- |