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Show Nullco of Korroltm-c. fjio .hunt's MiMotu-trit!, .Mm T. Simiiuito, or l i it nuiy rim- oorn : You ami I'ttrli of you uri IhtcIiv noti-lieo! noti-lieo! Unit wo have expcmU-.i Uno llun.t-rt-ii ilollars in liilxir a:ni iiiipniveiiiems upon the ''.:ist Pinie I.O'le," situa.cil ir. I'antiltso Mining IHstrict, Comity of t'ji-.'lie, I'tah Territory, ot whi.-li the I.o-ratiou I.o-ratiou eertilieate is touin-J on Kei-oni in liook C, I'iiire SS and ! in the oiiiee ot the Reeonlor of tiie saiti Minini: Iis-Iriet. Iis-Iriet. Inonlor to hoM sai.H'iaini iiii.Ut the provisions of Soettun oi the Jie-vised Jie-vised statutes of tho I'ttited Slates Concerning Con-cerning Annual Labor upon Mining Claims, tving the amount rciiuireil to hold said Lotle for the pcri.-d enilinc on the otst dav of lVeeiiiler. A. l lS'rj. And if within ninety days from the service ser-vice of this notice .or within ninety davs alter tins notice by publication) ymi fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expenditure as it co-owner, your interest in the Ciiiiui will become ihc j property of the subscribers by the terms of eaid Section. j Daniel Viv.ihn. J'i. 1st. IS'.i;!. A. Ji.htis.m. j w-i3. |