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Show NORTHWEST NOTES Business men of Denver have begun talking for a world's fair to be held In the Colorado capital in 1911. The Oregon legislature assembled on January 11, both houses perfecting organizations. C. N. McArthur being chosen as speaker of the house, and Jay Bowcrman president of the senate. sen-ate. According to the report of the state Superintendent of public instruction of Montana, there are 76,909 children of school age in that state. This is a lain of several thousand over the preceding year. The recent severe rainstorms have caused a great deal of annoyance and loss to residents of Reno. Nevada, business houses along the river being flooded and telephone and telegraph service badly crippled. In a pistol duel in. a saloon in Seven Troughs, Nevada, George L. Jordan was shot in the left arm, after striking strik-ing William Morrison over the head with a bottle. Both men fired several sev-eral shots, but their aim was bad. Sheepmen whose flocks arp ranging rang-ing in the Red Desert country in Wyoming fear heavy losses as a result re-sult of the recent snowstorms. It is estimated that there are at least a million head of sheep in that section. sec-tion. Two men were burned to death, xne was probably fatally burned, and two painfully injured in the destruction destruc-tion by fire of the Great Northern hotel at Everett, Wash., on January 14. An explosion of gasoline caused the fire. The Southern Pacific oil house at Wells, Nevada, was destroyed by fire last week. For a time the fire threatened threat-ened to spread to adjoining railroad property, but was held in check by the efforts of citizens and railroad employes. The French three-masted ship Alice, bound from London to Portland, Port-land, went ashore during a gale at Ocean Park, which lies about twenty miles up the Washington coast from the Columbia river. The crew got safely ashore. John C. Beatty, aged 65, of Mount Vernon, N. Y., said to be a wealthy, landowner, was found dead in a bathtub bath-tub in Denver, in which hot water was running. As far as known the body had been in the water a'l night, and was literally boiled. Thomas Nat-ghton, one of the emptiest emp-tiest pioneers of Montana, aged 80 years, died suddenly at Helena on January Jan-uary 12. He was one of the first settlers of Alder Gulch and was prominently prom-inently connected with mining and ranch interests of the state. Beryl Benjamin Lasa, a young attorney, at-torney, was declared not guilty in Federal Judge Lewis's court in Denver, Den-ver, of using the "hypnotic eye" or exercising powers of clairvoyance to influence jurors to hand down ver-diets ver-diets favorable to his clients. George Campbell and William Par-Ii Par-Ii ell came near losing their lives thirty mies north of Reno, Nevada, when they were caught in a storm while walking from a construction camp to Reno. They were found 15 passers-by, and it is feared both men will lose both legs, they were so badly bad-ly frozen. Bellingham, Wash., was shaken by an earthquake at 3:45 o'clock January 11. The buildings in all parts of town were jarred. Hundreds of people rushed into the streets. The duration ol the shock was about ten seconds. Some of the brick buildings, were so badly shaken that the plaster fell to the floor. What, is probably the largest herd cf caribou on earth, numbering, according ac-cording to arrivals at Dawson from Ladeux valley, half a million, was last week reported trekking in the course of a sudden change of winter-quarters winter-quarters from Sixty Mile creek to the 'lanana riyer, the line of march being be-ing from 18 to 20 miles in width. In his message to the legislature, Governor Chamberlain, of Oregon, urges strict observance of the direct primary pledge on the election of a United States senator. It happens that Governor Chamberlain hamself is the choice of the people for the senate. O. Wr. Mathis, who confessed to wrecking the Exchange State bank of Blaine Wash., in November, 1907, and pleaded guilty to a forgery charge of May, 1908, receiving a sentence sen-tence of fourteen years in the penitentiary, peni-tentiary, has been pardoned by Governor Gov-ernor Mead. The Denver Trades and Labor assembly at a recent meeting adopted resolutions denouncing the recent decision de-cision of the supreme court of the District of Columbia sentencing Gompers, Gom-pers, Mitchell and Morrison bf the American Federation of Labor to fine and imprisonment. A lone masked bandit entered the Bridge restaurant on the West Holly street viaduct. Bellingham. Wash., just before daylight on January 11. He lined the patrons, cook and waiter up against the wall with a revolver find looted the cash register, securing $163, and disappeared. Jacob Brentic. a Polish-German, 46 years of age, was brought into Lombard. Lom-bard. Mont., in a serious condition trom wounds and exposure, the charge being made by Brentic that he was set upon by a companion, so and robbed. He will recover from his frishtful experience. E. H. Harriman has ordered the engineering en-gineering department of the Union Pacific Pa-cific railroad to at once parallel the lines of the Colorado and Southern in the norihern part of Colorado. A construction force of over 1,000 men will be thrown into the field as pnon a 'hey can be organized |