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Show LAND, LAND, LAND. If you want land in a good land, land in a land where land can be landed at a price worth landing land, then land you a pieee of land under the Highland. We have land to sell, land to suit and land to satisfy. Gunnison Real Estate Co. Gunnison, - - - Utah, i Irrigated Lands j - -f IN THE I l Great Gunnison Valley 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO The X I Companys Invarible Policy. I . 1. TJIAT special primary water rights of the Class A I 1 Only, is issued to buyers. X X 2. THAT it will furnish no other water title than Class A t I 3. THAT an Inferior class of water title will not be issued t 4 by the Company under no circumstances. I 1 4 THAT a Guaranteed title by abstract will be issued X i to all buyers, in all instances. f t 5. THAT a full legal description of all the irrigat ion f X systems, covering the several classes of water, can be had t X on application. f 1 6. THAT Class A water title is equivalent to the I X primary Pioneer Water Rights. X Keep youreyo on dd and offe rs fro m week to viy g&I-c X It will Interest You. T In tte next issue a scientific description will be given by specialists T r on the duty of water, and the meaning of the term second-foot of T -t water and acre-foot of water, as applied in irrigation. X l Spalding-Livingston Investment Co. HENRY K EARNS, Local Manager, Gunnison, Utah. 1 Coal! Coali! Coal!!! The Cove Creek Coal company wil sell the bost screened lump coal attlie mime $3.75 per ton, delivered for $5.50 per ton. Peanut coal $1.80 at mine, or $8 25 delivered. Order by mail from S. M. Duggins, Sterling Utah, or M. Beauregard, Gunnison, Utah. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quilkly realieved with Beess Laxative Cough Syrup. Pleasant Pleas-ant to take. Best for children for coughs, colds, crup and whoopiog cough. Sold by Paul von Noideck. , j ; SHOE! SHOES! Our new line of Browns Shoes. has mow arrived White House Shoes FOR ME?; AND WOMEN Buster Brown Shoes FOR BOYS AXD GIRLS The Best Line ever put on the market. Every Pair Guaranteed. Call and see them Yours for business, I J.W.EDWARDS j SHOES. j TRUE SHOE BEAUTY HAS BEEN ATTENDED IN OUR STORE. ?j THE FANCIES OF THE DESIGNERS HAVE BEEN I GIVEN FULL SWAY IN THE SEASONS PRODUCTION I AND WE ARE SHOWING MANY VERY PRETTY i I SHOES IN FASHIONABLE BUTTON AND LACES IN I VARIOUS LEATHERS. SOME EXCEPTION ALY PRETTY I I EFFECTS ARE SECURED IN THE TOPS. LOOK INTO THE BIG VALUE OF OUR LADIES i 1 SHOES IN VARIOUS LEATHERS, ?3.00 i h ; BEAR IN MIND A GOOD FIT IS HALF THE SHOE I WE FIT EVERY PATRON WITH CARE. GUNNISON CO-OP 0. B. BERGLUND, Manager. j |