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Show MUST INCREASE FOOD EXIifRTS i r ft ' iU America iCalled on fcfc End if War to Supply MM ! Mllllofw. ECONOMY STILL AEEOEaV ii Over Three Time Pre-War hlMMM ' Required Situation In Wheat Fate Prove QoVernmantV Policy Count. With the guns In Eures atleaceA, , ire Unfa now to consider afaew wrt4 food aOuatlon. ' Hut taerejeaa t a hopo llmt the volume of war exaMa can be llglileaed to M allffcteet aV grce with lliu cessation t JiwMUttem Mllljons of pcoplu liberate treat taa I'rUHsInn yoke are rfr'ftpsaiatai1 upon us for (he food wwIaV Wtlf aa them froiu'starvatlom v With food the Ualtaa Jtataa saaaa It possibles for the foraaf" as aaaaae racy to liojjfout to vlctarjfc Valasera democrncytn lb world, jm ana' eaa tiuue lo llva" almsly la ejer ftat may suppietflhese liters Mt"aUM a Europe wlUi food, HwM ar r a people Irisjllably braaS' aaeV. American fefcd ante! eauIHao ws of jnaklngtt world aarffter nm racy. ! f' Last yesitore aant UJaMM tM a food to Uujrpa. rtrtkiHal year, with only (ba Kuropean iVee to tea, w had orlgfially plsasaamwaalfaa ta a progruintiot would aamthnraaM our exports ! lT.SOO.OPiAaaa, New, to feed lbjtJtl)rated natgaa, wa wt have to rxflort a lotaf aflat taaa ffcaa 20,000,000 o practical taa Ht of loudlngrtfcpaclty at awycifti, 'W Tlowlng tbt'world fa4 , wa find that one foods will "6a eHatsiaHa In quantltlas sufllclaat a mmt all world ncoda under a reaj(M af aea-Domtcal aea-Domtcal consuraptiea. Oh ta ataef hand, there will be start wart4 shortage In tome Impertaat tsasa4t; Uea. ' , Return te Normal Brmi Ij(. With the enlarged waeat eras which American farmers bar grvwa, and tho supplies of Australia, the Argentine? Ar-gentine? nnd other markets aow aeoss slblo to shipping, there are ra4 grains enough to enable tka MtteM to rctUiT. to ilielf iiuruml waaat ifaii provided wo coutluue ta ssltl aiur at a high pcrcenloge of aatractlaai a4 maintain ocounuiy In 4tla s4 she avoidance fit waste. ft- In fau hcre will b i'kmir aftf ago about 3,000,000,00 and-.la pork products, dairy iyraalaqto aa4 vogoUbloiqtla. While UtoaWto shortage of about thrM'fsUllatksX In rich prptoln feeds far dairy 'iaf-mals, 'iaf-mals, thero will be suflcleat sitfflla of other focdatufta to allow eeaeajlea consumption. ' In tho matter si baef, taa weckfa supplies aro limited to hia casaettr a Ui arallabla refrlgerattaC aMaa. 1 supplies of beef In Aoatrsita, Use Air gonUne and' the Uulted 'States are asj dclent to load these ships. Taari will bo a shortage In the laspsfttaf 9m-tries, 9m-tries, but we cannot hop to aapaM exports rautertallx for tbs nsxt ssMtSui In vlaw of the battto sack la ins portatton. We will have a suSldaat sSMiy af sugar to allow normal consussptlM to tills country If the otiier nations retain re-tain tbolr present short rations ar la-crcaso la-crcaso them only eltghtlr. Tor tka countries of Europe, however, ta If crease their present rations to a uta-terlal uta-terlal eitout will oeceaallale bar skar Ing a part of our own' sappHo arlaa them. Twenty Million Tana af Pas. Of tho world total, Marts Asaartcai will fumla)i more than M par oast. The United, States, Including tka Weat Indies, will be culled upon tt'faf VaU 20,000,000 tona of food of aU ktaan) 94 compared .with our pro-war esparto about 0,000,000 tons. While wa wilt be able ta caae aar program lu many reapscta, tvaa a' casual survey of the world aafMa In coinparlsoa U wartd damssaa awe) conclusively tnat Kurope wM hw) famine unless the Anterieaa vaag4a bring their bom coMuaatlaai aWwa to 'the barest minimum feat wHI seeks tain health and straafth. There are conditions af faasus to Europe that will b eayoad ear avww to remedy. There era A00U,9W paa ple In North ltuaala wkoas anaaw' to smsll chance of raschlog wltfk to4 this winter, Thalr tranapartottoii to dumorallscd la ooasplata aMrety, " shortly many af their parts will ka froten, even If latoraal trisagtrt could be realised. To Preserve eMHaattoa, At this moment OarBsny'laM aM alona sucked the food and valssa!a from all those maasaa af pieala aaa haH dominated and left stsrrta lMt alio has left behind her a total wreefc-uko wreefc-uko of social Institutions, aa4 tbto nmu of people I now eoufroatad wltk uhsolute nuarcliy. It wo value our own safety aaa ska clnl organization of tka world, If wa value the preservation of civiUsaUaa ItHcl'f, wo cannot permit growth ot this rancor In tho world's vitals. PaniIno la the mother of aaareaj. From the Inability of aovamasaato to secure food for tualr people gmwa n-volutlim and chaos. From as aWaltjr to supply their people grows staklkltr of govvrnniFnt and the defeat t aav archy. Did we pet It oa ae htoaas piano thnn our luterests la tka aa-tcctlon aa-tcctlon of our Institutions, w ajnaat bcatlr oureelvea In aolutloa aC ahto protlniii. |