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Show No Red Cross Soals Sold This Year The American Red Cross has appropriated $2,500,000 for the maintenance and enlargement drulng the coming year of the war against tuberculosis conducted con-ducted by the tuberculosis and public health association of tho United States. This appropriation appropria-tion will take the place, of the usual salo at tlils-season of the familiar Red Cross Christmas seals. Becauso of the great number of financial drives this year, the seals will not bo sold. But the American people will not be permitted to forget about them and tho great health drive which they represent. Ten seals ;ln a leaflet on tuberculosis will be awarded to each Jierson Joining Join-ing or rejoining tho Red Cross during the present Roll Call. Six-hundred million seals have been printed and distributed to the Red Cross chapters throughout through-out the country. By this action of its War Council, Coun-cil, the American Red Cross has given tangible evidence of Its 'recognition of tho vital importance impor-tance of tho health campaign and especially of tho campaign for the study, prevention and cure of tuberculosis. The Utah Public Health Association, As-sociation, which represents the tuberculosis campaign in this state, will share in this appropriation. appro-priation. Slnco Its organization, two years ago, it has been supported sup-ported largely by the salo of tho 'Red Cross seals. This year It Is assured of a sum slightly larger than that realized from that" source last year. |