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Show f Ban Raisedr j , StriclQuaran-f StriclQuaran-f tine Adopted !' ' , . At a'speclal meeting of the Gurlund City Council, held Tues-1 Tues-1 day evening, December 10th, ; the matter of partly raising the ' ' ban In tho "flu" .situation was i thoroughly discussed and It was unanimously decided, to open th Public Library for tho dlstribu-- dlstribu-- tlon of books also to allow tho pool halls to open tllelr doors I upon about the same basis as t the mercantile establishments h" that Is, customers will be allow-Is-; , ed to go In, purchase what they ' want, play pool, but Tiro for-f for-f bidden to congregate, lounge L . around and "loaf." The wear-Is wear-Is of tho mask was ordered dlscon- tinned and the "strict" quaran- tine order enacted, which mcas- ure Is to quarantine all cases . and all people supposed to have been exposed to the disease, for a period of ten days; also that people released from quar-jf- antine, must wear the mask for K seven days after being released if from quarantine. Tho Council f feel qulto encouraged over tho t past "masking" order as today ' 'there exists but three cosos lL , where a dozen existed prior to jir "the masking order. d'the City Fathers beat us to ' k, but wo are giving space to j the article for what It is worth. (i Tho. Box Elder Journal says: J "The ban on business and j Bchools could bo lifted in this i city tomorrow, with safety, ,un- ' der "strict" quarantine regula tions." There is more common senso to that statement, in our opltii ion, than all tho masking and shutting down of business to prevent tho spread of the epidemic epi-demic that can bo instituted. "Strict Quarantine" regulations havo. saved cities and towns the world over from small-pox and ' other contagious diseases and twhy wont it work with this infernal "flu?' The closing up of business houses, the ban on schools and public gatherings, especially at this season of tho year, doesnt seem good Judgment Judg-ment when tho "strict quaran- tine" law would handle tho BltuStion in better shape and give general satisfaction. Quarantine tho "flu" cases; strictly enforce thex quarantine law; open wide the city and lift I tho "ban" on business and social conditions and we predict that we'll get rid of tho "fluu in half the time. Under present conditions, con-ditions, wo may be bothered with tho epidemic for the next two or three years and then have "flu." The masking proposition pro-position is becoming a huge Joke and wo believe the time is ripe to grasp the situation as other I ) sensible communities are doing. This Is no slam at our City officials, offi-cials, who havo done all hi their power and have exercised all wisdom In endeavoring to rid the community of tho epidemic, but it is a line of thought that v s appeals to us as the wisest and safest plan. I Tho colums of this papor tire open to the public for tho dis- V! cusslonof public topics along t lines of advancement, but we ! cannot and will not accept ar- 7 tides of a "slamlng," "fault- I finding" nature. Let them bo $ .' good, clean thoughts and of fj subjects that will upbuild and I " establish peace and unity. tjj " I On December 10th, tho D'es- 7 eret Evening News published i tho following article which waB written by Philip Vrlgloy,.and Is, right in lino with our ' thoughts "It seems to me that our state . and city boards of health could learn something from the measures meas-ures taken during the "Black Death" epidemic In England some 300 years ago, if indeed they havo ever heard of tha plague. ''In those days a red cross was placed on every house where an afflicted person resided.' Today wo place a sign reading, "Influenza," "In-fluenza," on SOME of the Iioub-cs. Iioub-cs. In London they placed a guard before every house, and no person, of low or high degree, was allowed tb enter .or 'leave that house intll the sick were well or dead. Today wo "highly Intelligent . moderns" do not Bccm to havo cither the moral courage or the foresight to enforce' en-force' a strict and absolute quarantine quar-antine of the pqrsons afflicted with this scourge. "Of all the farces that I over heard of, thoactIon of tho state and city boards of health In quarantining an entire city of well people against few sick people, peo-ple, takes tho prize. Why not leave tho well go about their affairs af-fairs Hi peace, and quarantine the sick and every member of the family where there may be a person afflicted? "I venture to say thut it would bo no trick whatever to raise any sum of money that Bhould )o needed to adopt und enforce a strict an absolute quarantine of every house. ,("Eubllcltyi,would'conquo "In; gest'tliat the name and address of over' person quarantined be published from day to day, that the public be warned to keep away from contact with members mem-bers of that family, and that neighbors ho urged to report any entrnnco or egress at (hat homo. "I have seen persons entering and leaving homes where Influenza In-fluenza slgiifi were displayed. I know these persons to bo "visitors," "visi-tors," and by what right are friends or relatives allowed to visit the sick with the possibility of spreading the disease to others? oth-ers? "I called upon, tho board of health and reported tho matter and they said that children are not nllowed to leave a quarantined quaran-tined house but adults may come and go as they please. "Now, it Is a well known fact that children are not nearly so susceptible to the disease as adults, ad-ults, and it Is also well known to the health authorities that tho perlo'd of Incubation Is from two to three days, and that a person can communicate the disease to another before ho even comes down with It hlniBelf. "I am heartily In favor of opening open-ing up everything . theatres, stores, schools, etc., but I believe In quarantining the sick and not the well. And by quarantln, I mean REAL QUARANTINE that will prevent all possibility of a"hy person who has tho disease (or who has been exposed to It) from spreading it. "It seems th.at our constituted authorities are either incapable of handling tho emergency, or they lack sufficient funds. Which-ever Which-ever Is the case, let their hands be strengthened, and you will not And tho public of Salt Lake City failing to rocpond to any energetic effort to stamp out the' worst calamity that has ever visited our city." |