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Show PLAINTIFF AWARDED lH The case of Leonard Eskel- . ftl Bon vs. Joseph Ransom, trans- ferrcd from Justice J. D. Harris' j court at Trcmonton, came up in Justice John J. Shumwny's court l H Tuesday of this week. Tho . I J plaintiff was represented by I'l Atty. A. D. McGuire and County 3 Attorney LcRoy B. Young np-peared np-peared for tho defendant. The plaintiff asked damages for the . ejection of his household goods : from houso belonging to tho de- , feudaut Numerous witnesses were examined and the caso was decided in favor of tho plaintiff, who was awarded damages and ' costs. During tho trial, some iH lntrcestlng testimony was Intro- duced which we may hear from i lM |