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Show Salt Lake Stock Show Beit Thnt the showing of sheep ut the rum Miles in Salt I-iU;e far exceeded anything seen at tho International Live Stock show, which was held at Chicago last week, is the opinion of Dr. It. W. Hoggan, stnto llvo stock Inspector, who has returned from a visit to the show and also the meeting of tho United .States Live Slock Sanitary Sani-tary association held In the same city. Tho handling of sheep at the show he considers n disgrace to -the sheep industry. in-dustry. In tlio eradication of tuberculosis tuber-culosis nmong herds of cattle, tha United 'States government, through the bureau of animal Industry, will slutro tho expense In tho destruction of afflicted af-flicted nnlmnls nnd wlfl pay one-third of tho appraised value of tho animal, . tlio payments being limited to not moro than $50 for grade cattle and not mora than $100 for puro bred. This Information Infor-mation was imparted tlo -jKbOciutlon at the meeting. ' |