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Show WILHELM ATTEMPTS SUIGIDEREPORT MEMBER OF FORMER EMPEROR'S RETINUE PREVENTS CARRYING OUT OF DEED, 18 WOUNDED. Experts Interview Herr Hohentollern at Amerongen Concerning International Inter-national Law Applying to His Present Position. London. Wlllnm Hohcnzollcrn, tho former Gorman emperor,' has attempted to commit suicide, following mental depression, de-pression, nccordlng to tho Lolpslc Togo-jilatt, Togo-jilatt, which Is quoted In n Copenhagen dispatch to' tho Exchange Telegraph company. A member of the former cmpjoror's retinue, who prevented Herr Ilolienzollern from carrying out his Intention, In-tention, received n wound, it Is snld. ' William has hod several Interviews nt Amerongen with two Gcrmnn experts ex-perts on International law with whom bo discussed his personal position, nccordlng nc-cordlng to an Amsterdam dispatch to the Express. These experts arrived and left Amerougcn'ln u rather mysterious myster-ious mnnnir. It Is understood, according to tho (lis-paich, (lis-paich, .that Herr llohcxizollcrn Is writing writ-ing his autobiography nlid a history of his reign. Ho will explain his attitude atti-tude beforo and during the war, It is said. The book, which will ho long, Is Intended for publication, or If Its author Is tried before nn .International tribunal, may bo read ns part or h:s defense. |