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Show I INVESTIGATE I CHIROPRACTIC I and Learn of Its Merits I I Tliero is a principal which is a bar against all Informa. I I tion, and which cannot fall to keep a man in everlsstlng Ig-I Ig-I norunco! That principal Is CONDEMNATION BEFORE IN- I I VESTIGATION. Spencer. I I IF YOU ARE AILING IN ANY WAY, YOU CAN AND WILL I I GET (PERMANENT) RELIEF BY GIVING CHIROPRAC- I I TIC A FAIR TRIAL. ADJUSTMENTS ARE POPULAR AMONG MANY OF I UTAH'S BEST CITIZENS MEN AND WOMEN WHO i I THINK FOR THEMSELVES. I DR. C ft. BERG PALMER GRADUATE L Offico over Bank of Garland .... Garland, Utah I (. , I Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 12; 2 to 4 p.m.; 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. I I Reception Room With Dr. T.W. INNES U SUBSCRIBE FOR THE QLOIE " t T mmfilmmm g Wato aViStoj naaitlunj 1 t ..1 1 ? far 1 J I 1 ' 1 ClotKci Cleaned, Preyed an4-Repaired an4-Repaired I Comb Pipon I Company; I - THE CLOTHIERS J Mm Howell Jones wm progeria Uktf jrj. 1. f uprMM Cf drcuHjCdurta, rlrtt .tyMjrl r(llwff. RIQHAM CITY.jUTAH IHontot:ian Special fe Shumway 6c Evans OariaitaV - - - Utah 4S L Li B Billiard pUUe, ";:Salt Drki Ciaai OasriMi aai Taam A pitapat pUof-.'fo' iptnd your Iefcurfjfcpnr, r A RKtf-rth? people MAIfstUSA itJOCK CkirkrraL' . . ; Utah It f ay ta AwVtrtlM Jn tha CMb '- ? Father ahd-' '., f 8 ' I the Boys-- ):, i D ! Wliy Hot a I ' Wfidle-Famlly Gift U This Ofirlsimas? ' Why not get togother thl j year and secure a H gift that win delight every laember of the family, f ' with Mother as the chief benlficlary? U An electric Range,' Electrlo Vacuum Cleaner H , or Electric Sewing Machine, for example. It's a J step forward for every member of the family to H have such a supremely useful device In the U house. And you Will make Mother the happiest person In a very happy group. mm H For smaller, more personal gifts, you will find H an abundant selection among the electrical ap- II 1 pllanc'es in our stock. Toasters, curling irons, H grills, heaters, milk warmers, electric Irons, per- II colators dozens of practical gifts that will be U appreciated for many and many a Christmas. II They do not cost much to buy and'they are econ- U omical to operate. You can pay for them H monthly if you wish. U We've all these things arranged conveniently for you to look them over and make your selec- M ' tlon. And you will find our sales folks ready to give you complete Information. M iiiah Power & Lighi Go. m I "EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE." H I u I II ' '' D J I am now located at the "Old Stand" D H Factory St., I door west of the Garland y N Merc. Co. where I am prepared to do H all kinds of Harnest Repairing, Oiling, etc. U y Bring in your harnaeaes, etc. and let me fix them up y P QEOWQE at LAN FORD. Q Garrett & Richards ....Dealers in.... FfwH mt4 Om4 Mats, Qrn, Staple) and Fany raaarlM Always on Hand a DILIVmY AND COLD STOWAGE A Few Thing Wa Buy. Baef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Poultry, Wool. Pelts. Hides and Prodifce WI MKT ALL COMPETITION ?Both Phonei 1 F'.70. Gadand, Utah " ..-.i.. , If you don't get the 'Globe, ' you'll know tho reason when we ' tell you again that it must bo paid for In advance. Many of our readers have made good t with tho advanced payment, yet 3 thero are quite a number who have failed to settle past dues nnd advance tho $2.00. THE MBW WBKT MAQAZIMB -SalUtac Iki Wuf ' bUUbW lllt-rv (hi SiiiIi w Wm Makta, wrWkhuh kIkUc a, a4 F, I Mill. MlmtUM. Of UMr lo'SV. falsi I teitr. Immm u4 .IjtlMir. rtlatad aa Ut h mdi mnr wttli nun Salt lm SJaianUi. y , si i May. ih. tuiata, 1m. SWwk mum. H Un rr tU. Sm4 bvw. Mht WaTXtiV i iaa. IIUaaUw Bak BMa. SkM'Ukt OMr, Vuki ISM WkM Ut'Giuim, Wml. j TM WMwr Am, DMraM. sfca. 4 Sir M i Ml mYIm, r tUt Tt tjm itl aHM)t f tkk inii', A sample copy of the Garland Globe Is an invitation to subscribe. sub-scribe. Only $2 per year. You ought to be a Veeular reader of THE WEEKLY GLOBE, one of the best papers In Box Elder county. Let us add, your name to our big list of readers. Your Money j ; DRAWS lj ! INTEREST j j When it is in the av-j jings department of this j ! bank. j It earns nothing when ! carried in your pock-! ets. j ! Open an Account i TO-DAY j Th Bank of G.rUMul! |