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Show Revolution In Argentina. Buenos Ayres. Nows hns been re- t- eelved hero of a serious situation in tio provlnco of Corrlcnts. Tho provincial pro-vincial chamber has approved a motion mo-tion that tho governor of tho provlnco prov-lnco bo brought boforo n local court on charges of treason, and tho press predicts that anarchy may bo oxpect-cd oxpect-cd In Corrlents. A rovolutlonnry outbreak out-break haB taken placo In tho provlnco of Santiago. A band of revolutionists nttneked tho governor ot tho provlnco, prov-lnco, drovo him nnd his ministors from tho stnto and proclaimed a pro- v vlslonnl government. J |