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Show Additional Local. Kph Oionibs spent Wednesday In the state capital. Will Clayton was au Ogden visitor Wednesday. Mrs. II. Iloyd was visiting relatives lu Dcwcyvlllo Thursday. See Kllason Sisters big ad on page ti. Bargains for the Ladles. It Ira Taylor went to Lchl yesterday morning to spend a few days. Horn To tho wlfoof M. M. U-avitt a fine son Wednesday morning, Merchant F. J. Walker of Fielding was in town on business Wednesday. Atty Chas K. Fexley of Point lookout wus lu Garland on legal business Thus-day. Thus-day. L'rsel Rose drove over to I.ognu Thursday morning returning lu the evening. Tim Covert of Kv.ins llroM. Co. of Collinston, was heru Wednesday In the Interest of tho Company. R. II. Ftancls has gone into the Drag anJ Transfer business mid seems to bo tho busiest man In town these days. Oscar Peterson of Ilrlgham City, Deputy Inspector Utah Statu Hoard of Kxamlner.s of Harbers, was In Garland on mi Inspecting tour Thursday. Mrs. J. Cotider of Prnvo, mother of Mrs. II. U. Cutler, was operated upon for it tumor in that city the foro part of this week. .Mrs. Cutler wont to Provo Tuesday, MIfs Mary llowcn returned Wedni-duy Wedni-duy from an extended stay in Rrigham City. Sho left again Friday morning for Spanish Fork, accomqunled by Miss Maggie Miller. The following residents of Garland leave Salt Lake City today to take in tho Grand Review of the War Fleet nl Ban Francisco: Rest. Mgr. Moslah Evans and daughter Har.cl, Supt. T. II. Kd-wards, Kd-wards, Charlie Kdwards, R I) Schwab, George Clark, John Olsen und James Jo use n. |