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Show LYNCHING BEE IN CALIFORNIA. Gambler Who Murdered Butcher Hanged to Telegraph Pole. Ithyollte, Nov. Shortly after dusk Wednesday night n small band of citizens cit-izens nt Skldoo, n enmp In California, llfty-ftvo miles south of hero, ov re-powered re-powered tho sheriff's guard in charge of Joo Simpson, tho gambler who shot nnd kilcd Jnmes Arnold on Sunday, nnd hanged tho prisoner to a telegraph pole, whoro his body dangled in tho morning ns tho citzens of tho camp nroso. Tho lynching wa accomplished accomplish-ed quietly and no one In Skldoo will acknowledge having any Information relating to tho affair. Simpson walked Into Arnold's butcher shop nnd shot Arnold through tho henrt, without np-paernt np-paernt provocation. |