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Show RIVERSIDE The Stork visited tho homu of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke a few days ago and presented them with a fine boy. Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Ward loft Friday morning for Salt Luke City. They took with them two of their children, Wilford and Jennie, who wcru taken to the L. I), ri. Hospital and both underwent opera tlons. Mr. Ward returned Monday evening mid reported both doing nicely. Gen. A. Zumlel of Hl.sbco, Arizona, who has been visiting hit mother und sisters of this place, left for Rowhldct Nov., a few days ago. Mm. It. Hatch of Woods Cross Is the gnust of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Ptirku, Mrs Mnty Nye spent the past few days In Ugdcn. A number of our pcoplu were Portage visitors lust Saturday lUtcinlIng Priest, hood meet Int; und other Officers' meet lugs. FIZZ. April 20lh. UMiS. |