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Show CAMPAIGN AGINST YAQUIS. . ', Mexicans Will Endeavor to Wipe Out Hostile Indians. Nogalcs, Ariz. It Is announced that ( n vigorous campaign is nbout to bo Inaugurated ngnlnst tho rebellious Yn-quls Yn-quls In Sonora. Tho Twenty-second battalion has arrived at Guaymas from tho south on tho steamer Alamos, nnd j tho gunboat Tnmplco Is on tho wny to tho snmo port with tho Twenty-ilfth Twenty-ilfth battalion. m General Lorenzo Torres will as- Btimo tho chief command. Thero nro nbout 1.000 Ynquls under guard nt Hcrmoslllo, who wero gnthorcd from nil over tho state. Thoy will bo do- ported to Yucatan on tho Tamplco nnd tho Alnmos. Thoro hnvo been few depredations committed by tho Ynquls Intcly, but tho fear InsplroJ by them hns brought mining nnd other enterprises almost to n standstill stand-still In tho region infested by tho Indians. |