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Show C4 The Emery County Review, Tuesday, September 30, 2008 EVENTS Huntington Huntington Film Festival Actress Leigh Taylor-Young to speak at festival Oct. 10 As the date for the 2nd Annual Huntington Film Festival draws ever closer, organizers of the event are excited to announce that actress Leigh Taylor-Young will speak at the festival on her career in film. The actress, who has starred in movies with Peter Sellers, Ryan O’Neal, Candice Bergen and Charleston Heston, among others, will be at the Huntington Film Festival on Oct. 10-11 to discuss films and the art of film making. The festival will begin at 7 p.m. on both nights. The film festival at the Star Theatre in Huntington will also have John mOrton as a guest motivational speaker on both nights. The festival invites Emery and Carbon counties movie lovers to celebrate their creative side by making a movie of their own. Janice and Percy Mounteer, owners of Star Theatre are hoping to make this festival a fun way for local amateur filmmakers to spend their time and express themselves, as well as a place where fans of independent film can come to see what is developing in the minds of local filmmakers. New this year, the Huntington Film Festival will also present Castle Valley’s Funniest Home Videos, and invites residents of both counties to submit the funniest clips they have captured to be judged for prizes as the funniest home video in Castle Valley. The difference with Castle Valley’s Funniest Home Videos is that, depending on interest, Star Theatre may start presenting the videos on a monthly basis at the theater. The funniest videos category is being offered for those who love to take home videos but haven’t worked up the interest (or courage) to actually develop a short film. For both the Huntington Film Festival and Castle Valley’s Funniest Home Videos, submissions will be due to the Star Theatre by Oct. 5 and must be submitted in DVD format. After being submitted the films will be reviewed and added to the schedule of the festival. The organizers have created guidelines which must be followed for a film to be featured at the festival. The main guideline rests upon the film’s rating. The festival is meant to be a family friendly activity, and therefore organizers ask that before submitting your film you go to MPAA.org and check that your film would receive no higher than a PG Extension. Lunch will also be provided. There is also a $25 stipend available for travel reimbursement at the end of three one on one follow-up sessions. Learn the magic of controlling your future. Call Ashley at 637-4950 to RSVP by Oct. 10. Balance Rock Arts Group rating, with a preference for G-rated, therefore outlawing harsh language and explicit subject matter. It is preferred that the submissions are around 10 minutes or less, allowing those who attend the festival to see many different films. On the night of the festival the attendees will be asked to vote for their favorite local film. The three films with the most votes will be awarded first, second, and third places. First place will receive $250, second place will receive $100, and third place will receive $75. Mounteer hinted that ‘special prizes’ would be given to winners as well. Anyone looking to be involved, whether as a sponsor, an attendee, or a filmmaker is encouraged to do so. The event is sure to be a fun time, so mark your calendars and get ready to have an experience like never before. For more information call the Star Theatre at 687-7827. more information at 4728264. follows the antics of a man and woman who discover that their spouses are having an affair and decide to invent an affair of their own. Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for students and senior citizens and $2 for CEU students with an activity card. Box office opens 30 minutes before curtain. Veterans from Orangeville Out ‘n’ About Budget Class A free class on living within a budget and becoming debt free is being held by the USU Extension on Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Active Re-Entry, 10 South Fairground Road, in Price. Sponsored by Active Re-Entry, Vocational Rehabilitation, SEAOG Food Bank and the USU CEU Theatre Presents Lunch Hour The Balance Rock Arts Group is a gathering of women artists who meet monthly in Helper to encourage each other, alert members to upcoming opportunities and promote art related events. Contact Karen Jobe Templeton for The College of Eastern Utah Theatre presents the comedy “Lunch Hour” Oct. 2-7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Geary Theatre. The Jean Kerr play Speech/Hearing Screenings Emery School District conducts annual speech and hearing screening to identify students who might need further evaluation of their speech or hearing. Students who fail the initial hearing screening will be given a retest in three to four weeks. Screening is scheduled with the schools involved and takes place anytime during the school year. District speech-Language pathologists administer the tests. All district preschool, kindergarten, first grade, new students and any referrals will be screened for hearing. Pre-kindergarten students will be screened during kindergarten registration and third grade students will be screened for speech only. t The Emery County Review we like to focus on the good news of the community and we do our best Parents who do not to tell the stories of those who call the county home. We are committed to providing our readers with want their child to receive the unbiased news of the area and we do so with an equal commitment to search out the good news speech or hearing screening mery do our best that County is so seldomReview reported. we like to focus on the good news of the community and we tests must contact the school secretary. he stories of those who call the county home. We are committed to providing our readers with Because the News isn’t All Bad cause the News isn’t All Bad A We believe Emery County is a place to be celebrated and we do so each week in The Emery County Review. Orangeville City is looking for names of veterans and those who have served our country from World War II to the present. The city is sponsoring an Eagle Scout Project of updating and making a new plaque to honor Orangeville Veterans and military personnel. To qualify to be on the list: 1. They need to be or have been a resident of Orangeville City sometime during their life. 2. They need to have served in any military branch or called to active duty with the reserve or guard units. Orangeville City is proud of the men and women who serve our country in the many capacities that the military offers. If you know of anyone or you are a veteran yourself, please contact Orangeville City at 748-2651. We need to have this information by Oct. 1. Please check with us to see if you are on the list. Foster Parenting Free foster parenting classes start in October for Carbon/Emery county families. Visit utahfostercare.org or call 1-877-506-4666. biased news of the area and we do so with an equal commitment to search out the good news Library Corner Subscriptions to the Review are $23.00 for one year (52 issues), a $16.00 savings from the news stand price. m reported. Check Out YOUR Library! To subscribe to The Emery County Review, simply complete the subscription form below and mail to ery County is a place to be celebrated and we do so each week in The Emery County Review. The change in season o the Review are The Emery County Review, P.O. Box 487 Orangeville, $23.00 forUT. one84537. year (52 issues), a $16.00 savings from the news stand If you would like to start your subscription immediately, simply call us at 435-748-2541 and we can gather your mailing and billing information by phone. The Emery County Review, simply complete the subscription form below and mail to When choosing your news source, remember at The Emery County Review The Emery County Review, P.O. 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