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Show A4 The Emery County Review, Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Dutch Oven Cook-Off Canyon View students put their culinary talents to the test Josie Luke The upper parking lot of Canyon View Junior High was transformed into an exhibition for Dutch oven cooking on Sept. 23 as students competed in the annual Dutch oven cook-off. Students prepare a wide variety of foods, from the classic Dutch oven chicken and potatoes, to more exotic Hawaiian and Oriental foods. They plan for the event for weeks, hoping their recipes and presentations will win over the judges. After several years organizers have developed a system for the cook off. Students each set up their stands in one of the parking spots left open for the event. After being given time to prepare the food, they then serve the judges before selling it to the public in order to recoup some of the costs involved. As the event has grown, it has proven to be a student favorite: 47 participated this year. The scene, along with the weather was brisk that morning with as students began their preparations -lighting charcoal briquettes, setting up tables and canopies, searching for duct tape to hang signs, and even calling home for forgotten ingredients. During the judging, the weather warmed up considerably, but the chefsin-training continued their lively work throughout both lunch hours, as many of their fellow students, members of the faculty and parents sampled their dishes. Home Economics Teacher Donn Jeffs was delighted with the students efforts this year. She said “every participant wins for doing this,” and revealed Madison Hendrickson. that John Gilbert, who has judged the competition in almost every year, said that it had been “the most competitive and overall the best year” that he had judged. The Judges’ Choice winners were Savahna Hall and Shelby Allred; the Best All-around Meal winner was Brandon Tucker; Best Main Dish winners were AJ Borba, JaeCee Ewell, Jessica Guymon, Jeremiah Luke, Colton Jensen, Brooke Fisher, Kittyara Barnes, Myrka Lerma, Auminee Bennett, Josh Justice, Jaden Gordon, Jaiden Huntington and Robbyn Brown; and Best Dessert winners were Shawnee Westenskow, Madison Hendrickson, Ky Jensen and Taylor Weihing. San Rafael Junior High will get their turn this week, as students compete on Oct. 2, from 8:30- 11:30 a.m. JaeCee Ewell. Public Notice Public Notice Emery Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. at the Emery Town Hall at 15 S. Center St. Emery, UT. 84522. The hearing is to review and approve the Subdivision Section of the Development Code and to receive public comment on the construction of a new Emery Town Fire Station and Municipal Building using Permanent Community Impact Fund Board funds to complete their construction. Comments will be welcomed on project scope and implementation. Regular Council Meeting will commence at the conclusion of the public hearing. Further information is available at the Emery Town Hall at 435-286-2417. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations during these meetings should notify Emery Town at P> Box 108, Emery, UT. 84522 and/or (435) 286-2417 at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. The Canyon View Dutch Oven chefs. Find out the details and eligibility for this offer on our website www.emeryanimal.net or call our office. -s Pamela S. Adams Clerk/Recorder Published in The Emery County Review September 30 and October 7. 2008. is participating in a Exotic Pets Available At Kilfoyle’s Snakes • Monitors Bearded Dragons • Geckos Ferrets • Chinchillas • Birds and More Photos by Josie Luke Free Spay and Neuter event sponsored by No More Homeless Pets in Utah During the month of October, 2008 qualifying families may have their dogs and cats spayed or neutered at no cost to them. Glen Jensen, DVM Sharmon Gilbert, DVM Chinchilla Ferret Gecko ‘S 435-637-9663 • 1510 S. Hwy 10 • Price UT 490 West Hwy 29 Castle %BMF t 435-381-2539 |