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Show August 1997 Francisco. Mr. Witchell pa TURNG.... bash. A fond farewell to Chef Garrett Penistan, who has © moved on to warmer, sandier places. We’ll miss you, Garrett! Shrimp from hell won’t be the same without you. We anxiously await the next big Snowbird party... Oktoberfest kicks off in a month or so. A month of semi-good beer, yummy pretzels and lederhosen-clad men polkaing. What more could you ask for? Ron and Marta are back from their sojourn south, more to tell, but they told us to keep our traps shut. Welcome » ¥> / ’ { = * Ry ain cy, . y ‘Ylld, * : & eo = +) P ‘ . is ar e % u ° = os iN RESTAURANTS, eee THe y Noy ACCIDENTALLY VSOKM OS. AND WE TRUST THE MECHAMIC WwW CROSS BO WORKED ON THOSE BRAKES To HANE GOODDONE SOS. Pye : : We sy : : NN Street We A PERSON DONT€ORKNOW US. : r : ay a) eo OS Nites € EXPECT WE 4O STOP = ™ % ieee g | YOU. ee Z WHEN WE THE STR & S TERRIF SUNG! Awe ANE ¥ ) SS LIFE 1S ‘~ : KMOW STRANGERS? 1m . x TOVAL & Z \ oe Lip te i Ee Me j © as eR 4 - hE. % 2 WE TRUST AIRPLANE TALOTS NOT TO FREAK OUT AND ALL WS ALL. | \ our new Cartoonist to the fold, af AA 1 era Shannon Wheeler, brother to Raspberry Hummingbird Sundown Wheeler. Speaking of, Ras just married Snowbird ex employee John Witchell in a ripping good wedding in San t 5 pastes i, TAG we reason 4 : RET Lo} fees” I AM THE SUPERHERO TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN! Praag >% >’ <2 2%. Beyond the occasional ranting liquor store customer searching unsuccessfully for real beer, Jazz and Blues Fest was again a treat to attend this year. Brand-spanking new Event Manager Misty Clark joined her fellow team members in providing a joyous time for all. Hats off to the Special Events Department at Snowbird, along with KUED, KRCL, Space Agency and not to be forgotten tent and lawn experts Corey **Pookie” or “Afro Boy” Fisk and Donna “Pinky” Keith — it would be kind of difficult to host the fest without the Event Center. Resident German guy Steve Hirsch added some international flavor to the weekend with his good-bye-tothe- Keyhole-for-the-summer WHEEL » spe BULL End SFE Ss) v4 ah THE ot Se i HEY! © COWT 060 YOU EVER Sto P AND THnk = > AS ns will keep his own name. Gregg Chisolm reports it has been blowing solid 4.0 on - Maui for over a week, but he is putting his boards down long enough to visit the Outdoor Retailer show. Steve Mayer suffered hysterical blindness for week, but appears to be on the mend after the earnest ministrations from soul-mate Roxie. ? BE 44g iy ne i ees ‘ $3 7 P atte HEE HEE Ww HEE a Y IT AM A BOWL OF SPAGHETTI, SUPER - VILLIAN ARE YOU FEELING BAD ABOU TYOURSELE iS THAT A TRICK QUES ‘I KNOW! T KNOW! I'M GOIKG B 4D STOP ANoiDt We MY _RESPONSIEALITIES. BOUT AVRST WM GOIRG 1 oo SOME oO PEELING GCENERZ: « agen i I HAE STRANGE AND UNUSUAL YOU TALK 96 MUCH NOODLES ATIACK/ { TRERE’S Raye ee ae eae AN SASY EEL. DETER! 5; vale YOU'RE ON THE FLOOR! YORE MEATBALIS ARE USELESS! YOU HAVE, NO POWER. wi RANE GL a WORSE OFF THAN YOU iF YOU FEEL AAT FIND FIND A FATTER FRIENGEE STUPID? SOMEONE STOPIDER ae THOUGH MY ARM MAY Be BAOKEM CET THAIS BE A LESSON TO YOu: GOOD ALWAYS TRIUMPHS! OVER. EVIL. a ; 2 og K 4 eee ESA Es A YOS RE RIGHT? —— LAM STARTING TO FEEL EVER! COMPARED TO NEW SET OF FRIENDS . I'M DOING PRETTY Goo. HOLD ON? OWYRY ARE You Si BEING SO ARIENDLY |< es TO ME? ms |