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Show ter Wa Rights ir . 1997 _ It is the heard round the al. So to determine canyons as far as development goes. Wayne G. Crawford of Sandy, Utah has | applied to the Utah Department of | Natural __. Resources : for a “points worth of Canyons. water in Little 5019 of Cottonwood, real. say ct... “St seems as if he oe of families and 59 families in Big Cottonwood. Achieving water rights is merely the first step in a long arduous development path in either of the canyons, but it is the most difficult step. If Mr. Crawford is able to gain water rights for 5019 families in Alta, it would be the most significant canyon development issue since the first skier descended Mt. Baldy.— Interpreting water rights in the west is aS simple as using the Dead Sea Scrolls as light bathroom reading materi- Mr. Crawford’s intent with his application is next to impossible. From all appearances it seems as if he is trying to create water rights for up to 5019 families in the town of Alta...population 397. A drastic change _ to diversion” for his water rights. While this is an innocuous sounding request, the truth of the issue is very wide reaching. Mr. Crawford hopes to redirect his water rights to the top of Big and Little Cottonwood : shot oo One Individual Turns Water Rights on Their Eari in Alta penny August | In opposition to Mr Crawford is every environmental group who has ever hugged a tree, as well as the Town of Alta, The Alta Lift Co., Salt Lake is trying to 5019 families in the town of this: He has Alta...population 397.” S is some elaborate calculations, measurements, etc., and from his ciphering he believes there battle. oe create water rights for up to a Situation done City Co., Sandy City Co., and several other big hitters. Clearly Mr. Crawford has Stirred up the proverbial wasps nest of trouble with his application. Yet if Mr Crawford possesses legitiwater rights then his application may be a_ righteous request...according to current water law. (Ed. note: which we don’t understand.) in this request which suggests Snowbird has a financial interest in these water rights. Many eyes are on the final decision in this case. It looks to be a long is far more water available than the Salt Lake Conservancy district has — acknowledged. Mr. Crawford is apply- ing for the rights to this additional water which Salt Lake does not currently have the rights on. If his assertions are accurate, then he may have a compelling case. The World's first digital avalanche beacon is available online at The Backcountry Store ~ _ 15, CAPITOL HILL Close to the Avenues 584 N. West Capitol Street (55 W.) EXPANSIVE VIEWS ¢ DECKS PRIVATE FENCED YARD ¢ 1983 CONTEMPORARY 3 BEDROOMS « 2 BATHS © 2 CAR GARAGE mate Large living area wifireplace, elcome ome Tis emer omsitellits doors to covered back deck. Quiet street — close to downtown $217,000 Snowbird/Alta Solitude/Brighton Sait Lake Valley Wolf Mountain A hearing took place Tuesday, July 1997, an 645-9444 ~-toom — 214.of = fie aes Department of Natural Resources building. During this hearing Mr. Crawford 2 le: 944-9444 ‘iat treet tee” a iF ie ern Bajrd was notified that he has 30 days to provide documentation of his claims. Snowbird corporation was also named We’re Certifiable! er, Certified! YESSIREE—Active Sports Recycling has USCF Certified Mechanics & DT Certified Wheelbuilders! And we specialize in consignment sales & service of bikes, frames & components. Forget the _Swaps—come see us on your schedule. You'd be crazy not to check us out!!! Check this out: NEWTime shoes $50 -$95 ASR is the home of Team Active Sports MTB & Team Untamed Spirit oa < ACTIVE SPOTS Shave crucial minutes off rescue times with the most advanced avalanche transciever on the market www.bcstore.com Active Sports Recycling 2008 South 1100 East (Sugarhouse) 486-6400 = |