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Show padWy Pree tt eernve, Uae 20s ek ie5 eb Wasatch Reporter The White Rim Trail: pci White Rim is a vie Ws The White Rim trip was a fascinating juxtaposition of the finest nature has to offer with the some of the worst attributes of mankind. We planned for several months to ride the White Rim Trail in Moab. As every trip of this type needs, we had one hyper organizer: Angie hammered out the details, got the permit, and generally set us up for what should have been the most epic four days possible. Troubled fortune dogged us from the outset, and the lesson from this trip was: choose your trip-mates eeoCe Angie’s soul-mate Dave crashed on “for all of a training personal exorcisms: hammering down ra corners, feel- ing the drift of tires with severe drops feet away and hearing encouragement from the day travelers on the road. After but a few miles all was right with the world. The first days ride was an easy 23 mile jaunt, mostly downhill, At camp that evening an early frost settled on the crowd as the fellow who had borrowed the 857 had decided it was easier to deny the loan rather than repay the value of the bike...welchers make for poor camp mates. Yet for all of the preoccupation with our troubles, the natural world of southern Utah would not be denied, and slowly forced its way into every cranny of our beings. The sec- — ond days the preoccupation with ride was ride. Dave suffered a our troubles, the natural world of separated shoulder while we packed the truck for SOUthern the trip. A myriad Utah would not be denied, of small irksome troubles @NA Slowly forced its way into every accompanied the ‘6 pack- Bing, With a butane back © arny of our beings. “KIN D SANDWICH & cloud we headed off. We arrived in Moab DEE! Where the sandwich makers are POSITIVE. veces eee downtown @crossroad's Plaza.sic richara’s street level § thieves was about $4000. Not bad for five ele minutes work. Bemoaning our trouble we eleleac 1 | bd9=2400° | SC HWAG stop to wet our whistles two bikes were a stolen off of one of our vehicles. One was | borrowed Proflex 857. Total haul for the located ho up at a rented Proflex 756, and the other was a _ = 7 e sandwiches headed to our cool and with ear | the te shape Sie 3 from the raine< and met (2 Eddie McStiff’s...but during our brief A vee. sunny campsite...only to be of two days before. We made good time to lunch, and then one lucky soul took his turn at the wheel of the Jeep while the other seven started the ride towards Murphy’s Landing. Murphy’s is a hard hot climb to the evening’s camp. Murphy’s raises out of the desert floor like an aircraft carrier. The wiser riders came into the climb slowly and cranked up. One competitive soul felt the need to rush out front as if there were prizes for first place. Inevitably she hit the wall at Murphy’s when youthful _7 drenched in the first rain storm in six strategies fared poorly. In a livid childish tantrum she q weeks. Before bed several of us got together to try and rid ourselves of the curious hex which surrounded us. pitched a fit about her inadequacy...we looked away in embarrassment. At camp that evening the petulant one By noon the next day we were outfit- day’s ride in an instant. The descent to the air conditioner on...becoming one with nature. The view from Murphy’s is perhaps the finest on earth...Strong words, but the vista across the desert basin is beyond description. We all took turns staring into the White Rim void, and listening to the swallows as they made high- ted with rental bikes, and we all had enough nervous energy to cover the first is fast switchbacks on bumpy fire road. Several of us used has a new this time With over 20 as WHAT'S IN A NAME.....0..0.cs00.000....2? Little Cottonwood Canyon’s only on site real estate office now name - cottonwood canyons realty. Formerly snowbird realty. years experience in the Snowbird/Alta Resort Areas, we are now serving Big te which eet neem megan LAA RIN e a thy tude eas the most beautiful terrain in southern Utah. Pere need to be reserved months in advance allow for two parties per day to travel supported each direction on the trail. Supported means you bring your own four wheel drive vehicle which carries water, food and gear. The hard core riders do this trail in a one day bonsai of self flagellation. We chose the more relaxing three night four day variety. Before we hit the trail we were bombarded with an astonishing array of bad luck. Several very fun people cancelled at the last minute. One misguided soul wrote the wrong month on his calendar, two became engaged, and then ensconced in all which accompanies matrimony; and sadly at the last moment change the — oe an wends through some of carefully. Rann WI th began her annoying habit of sitting in the Jeep with the vom naa pay PPPOE il | slibas napiaicl eodan Leica sil cede Canyon speed flybys...below hard deck. When darkness set the petulant one and the welcher removed themselves to a quiet arroyo for an evening long romance...the hallmark of any group camping trip. Much amusement was had in Cottonwood Canyon. Looking for a place in Solitude Resort’s new Village? 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