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Show Wasatch horses are just some of the hazards which are questionable rights of way. On a recent ride in the Jeremy Ranch area it took locals thirty minutes just to locate the entry to the maze of fantastic trails in East canyon. It climbing workout due to its gentle yet con_tinual gradient. Yet youthful exuberance and improper trail use have caused an to be avoided. On the plus side many of the may be a few years before building fever trails which were cut in the last year or two have jelled into excellent technical trails. slows and trail access is clarified. For the moment the trails of Salt Lake City, and the unusually high number of trail incidents. Some of the upper mountain trails are on par with the finest riding in Utah. their ease of access and the feel of trails DATELINE DOG LAKE -- Access- Bad trail ettiquette rules the roost on the Dog Lake Trail in Millcreek Canyon. This placid uphill 3.1 mile trail is a perfect mim, Many people ride down the same trail they a ascended, perhaps because they “unaware of the excellent technical which can be used to descend, are trail and is almost always empty of traffic. Look for P%\ this trail at the four way intersection near _ “the top of the Dog Lake Trail. » ©¢e Proflex- 1998 models were seen on the | 3 ‘trails at Deer Valley where Proflex was _ staging a week long dealer show for sales reps and media. The most radical change is. the new Smart Shock which has a battery yowered computer. Said computer appar_€ntly will control some aspect of the shock a valving on the fly. Hmmmmm.. Death “You can’t halt progress,” the old adage goes. This seems to be the sad swan song for the Park City area, as untrammeled development becomes more intrusive and frightening by the day. help themselves sites inle es at will. The police and ly rude hostess at Eddie Mcstiff’s remarked “you should have locked your bikes” upon hearing that a group of visitors had lost two brand new bikes. Her phenomenal hind- sight was appreciated greatly by those facing a net loss of over four grand. Perhaps rather than dealing with the risk visitors to the area should be consider dining elsewhere. development, many of the best trails in Park City are torn up beyond recognition. construction AT EDDIE thefts to be very amusing. One exceptional- unchecked and ridiculously out of hand cratered UNLOCKED employees of Eddie Mcstiff’s find these ride quality- In a sad turnabout Park City has lost some of its luster as a mountain biking capitol. Due to the completely dusty, BIKES -MCSTIFF’S!!! Thieves’ prowl the lot and e ee Park City versus Salt Lake City for with of Spin Cycle are flush, but some residents are checking tance of cooperating with the public: to provide for alternate trails when they close their Atlases for a quieter place to live. existing When Spin Cycle, Deer Valley’s gem of a mountain bike trail was recently eradicated good for public relations, it allows them to Contractors the and construction Deer Crest workers development, ones. Not only is this approach control the routes where bikers and hikers travel mur- murs began of Edward Abbeyan industrial sabotage. While it is true that new trails are being cut each year, the Deer Crest development has left cyclists with because a proper trail is usually preferable to ducking ropes and crossing driveways. | Deer Crest agreed to provide new trails upon the completion of their project, in two to three years, a taste of vitriol, a feeling of sacri- “the Deer Crest development but left the lege future in famous the state. A spoiling @20 point checkout for your bike With this coupon $5.00 off! ee =_ EMPLOYEES RECEIVE 15% OFF EVERYTHING the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon 3210 East Little Cottonwood Rd. Sandy poe) aia er= ele 801-944-8038 Wwww.altacam.com Mee Gripshift ee air Se Regular price $29.95 e Nema cables © Swobo @install new gear © Giordano er Ge ee ® True wheels vitriol, a feeling of sacrilege five- In spoiling one of the most trails . climb in up the Deer Valley famous trails in the state.” switchbacks ig Tune Up Coupon e minute nao Terns bi sod bili ileal ° ¢ * Eddie McStiff’s - DO NOT LEAVE YOUR vague one of the most Mas left cyclists with a taste of avout access @Clean ®@ Adjust brakes | ootincaib which are here to stay. Moynihan wrenches up a storm on any and all bikes brought in for repair. - by ® ele Ble Mevolaal are surrounding canyons are a joy because of ee Active Sports -- For some of the finest deals on pre-owned sports equipment visit Active Sports right next to the Soup Kitchen in Sugarhouse. Owner Steve of a Trail: The Future by Dave Peck V-brakes The Canyons: Careful riding at the Canyons as the construction is at a fever pitch. Lift cables, hard hat signs, and security gaurds on Access to many of the trails are abysmal Yeo « Park West nee Wolf Mountain nee eShimano Canyon Reporter Sachse . brings you to the first signs of “progress.” Orange plastic fencing and “Trail closed—private property” signs mark the original head of the trail, and a nearly-finished residence sits in its splendor where orgiastic downhill bliss once reigned, Continue pedaling up toward Silver Lake Village and you will to the during area that time. In addi- tion to purely recreational demands, the upcoming NORBA national mountain bike race at Deer Valley puts additional pressure on the developers to provide an answer. A favorite stop for NORBA racers, Spin Cycle in its previous iteration was unique. “Spin Cycle was by far the most exciting and enjoyable race section on the circuit last year,’ says Tom Horrocks, NORBA pass more of the fluorescent tangerine racer from Colorado and correspondent to barriers, several cycling publications and three web sites. “Lots of racers seem pretty depressed in various states of repair depending on the day. Deer Crest developers complain about bikers trespassing on private property, but with the incon- - about the situation because it was so different than anything else we rode all year.” sistent demarcation it’s difficult to tell Until official trails are opened in the what is off-limits. “With the fences sometimes up and sometimes down, you can’t tell if you’re poaching or not,” says Troy Duffin, Director of the Mountain Trails Foundation in Park City. The Foundation’s goal is to expand and improve public trail access and increase Deer Crest/Telemark Park area, Duffin advises to steer clear of construction areas, whether fences are up or not. Part of the public awareness of the trail situation. With burgeoning development, Duffin — concerned parties can light a candle in prayer for Spin Cycle, and hope that the Powers That Be find due respect for a vital often acts as liaison between landowners and public users. In most cases, Duffin says, develop- ers and land owners realize the imporPage 12 Mountain Trails Foundation’s efforts will be in presenting clearer trail signs and maps, to avoid current confusion and improve safety and fun. In the meantime local institution. |