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Show LU WELLL | II Wasatch Canyon Reporter 204, Salt Lake City UT 84106-2374 Hor fax to 801.475.2735 Dear Editors: your paper. When you subscribed it was for “about a year’ (you’re a lawyer, read the fine print; say, didn’t. you write the fine print?). We never said how many issues we would print in that year. Last year it was about 14. This year it’s looking like a % dozen or so. Where the hell is my subscription? I sent you a check, which you cashed, yet I have not seen your promised publications. Either the Beehive’s State’s postal — Service is severely backlogged or that’s quite a scam you’ve got going there. I We’ll try to send out the issues the second they roll off the presses - just please, PLEASE Family Circus. have enclosed one Family Circus cartoon - no more Dear John: cesenmenamscantetmneragc: esac A. Sv WER Lettérs. 1104 Ashton Avenue as punishment. Please remedy the situa- Saw your review of our initial attempt at Gravity - the issue you read was a prototype, not a polished product intended for consumption. Check out our latest efforts and let us know if they’re a little more palatable (and we promised not to condemn you to tion, otherwise more of Bil Keane’s work will follow. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Twight Hell). Brady Toensing Sincerely, Josh Berman Dear Sirs: Assistant Editor. Se ee Thanks for the issues. The magazine is definitely on the upswing. Keep up the good work. + arti Editor’s Response: He TE J was recently thumbing through a copy of the WCR and was puzzled by the picture accompanying Dave Peck’s column on “Alternative Sports.” What | gives with the shiney suit, the white shoes and, above all, the hat? I have to assume, given your proximity to Nevada, that pimping is an alternative sport out there? en eh aN TN RS RRR Sincerely, Brady Toensing. ae Editor’s Response: ee a ee Se ee Well, you pesky man. Apparently if you are thumbing through an issue then you have received Dear WCR: Please keep up the good work... Living here in the rain-soaked, cement-snowed northwest, I live vicariously through your paper. I need it to survive - (of course a road trip to Whistler every now and then helps!). But I know where the good shit is (you “— bastards)!! Well, at least we have the windsurfing...... Cheers. Laurent (FERMANIA SKI Lirt CHairs For SALE | Triple Seat With Bale & Pad Included BUY THEM AT . (Maybe someday you'd like a story about something in the Northwest... ( — el I'd be happy to oblige. ’'m a Cornell University English major & I write real good [sic]). The Editor’s Response: KICKSTAND CAFE Alia * Utah Yes indeed you do, Laurent. We hope to be expanding into your area soon with the Hood River Reporter and will be giving you a call to head up the Portland bureau. Dear Sirs: Enclosed is $2.00 for the ad which resulted in me selling my $40.00 climbing skins. I would’ ve sent it a couple months ago when they sold but I had some other items running and I was hoping some of them would sell and I would pay you your 5% all at once, but nothing else has sold. Thanks for getting the skins sold though. Keep it up. OPEN & DAYS A WEEK W:00am CLOSED FRIDAYS - 5:30pm * Cats & Treats for the whole family Thanks, Brian. Editor’s Response: It is exciting to see the awesome power of media at work. It is responses like yours which make it all worthwhile for us! FOR INFO ON HAVING YOUR CHAIR CONVERTED INTO A BENCH OR SWING CALL 944-28b1 |