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Show schalid Wasatch Canyon Reporter beeen ‘Sales Manager,’ they bought it and hired him away. Some of our finest jokes are our most subtle. We knew pennies it was coming, however, as the folks _ over at the Guide called one day a while back and asked for, “John.” Naturally John Bresee, who happened to have answered the phone when both our receptionists were tied up, said, “This is he.” After listening patiently to a gentleman from the SG, who extolled the virtues pene nose ro AS. THE BULL of selling ads for them, John menSomehow, shockingly, the WCR managed to omit the tioned that, “perhaps [he] has the wrong Jon.” birth of one of the most important personages to grace this By golly, he did. Unfortunately for them they small planet. Charlotte Day Bresee, 0, was born to Bill finally caught up with Mr. Atencio and & Susan Bresee on Christmas Eve. She has the good forwowed him away with corporate perks such tune to be niece of the publisher. Already her steady eye, devastating agility, and quick reactions bode well for her - as business cards and voice mail. Good luck, JA, on your _ future career in the ski industry. Congratulations! The Wasatch welcomes Fred “Duke” Swetland who drove all the way here from the Sunshine State. And like all good Floridians, he drove all the way at 5 MPH under the posted limit, in the left lane, with his turn signal on. Three Alta Ski Instructors have received the honor of being new career as an ad monger. Whilst on the subject of Atencio, did y’all see him posing on the cover of the March Bike Magazine. Nice logo placement with pimpage for Powerbar, Zoic, Amette, and others: Lee Cohen chosen for the DECL demo team, Shawn Hanka, John Musser, and Andy Baker. Congratulations! Hanka 1s a peser extreme skier who is well known to the readers of the WCR. Jonny “The Corporate Virus’ Atencio has jumped ship, and joined the renowned Sports Guide. was the shutterbug on that one. Everyone should go check - out Craig Dillon’s powerful presence on the web at http://home.utah-inter.net/cvdillon Craig says: “Well my web page is still under construction, but I thought I'd send out the URL to my close e-mail friends for a sneak preview. there is a bunch of stuff that will change, but shoppers! The Outdoor Retailer show was a big success, with many of our local manufacturers reporting a successful show. Saw a lot of familiar faces - and even met a “Steve Mayer” who works for a competing paper. What a coincidence as we have a Steve Mayer working for us as well. In fact, he’s our new “Sales Manager.” As he’s the only “Steve,” when the Guide calls this time there won’t be any confusion. ) | after nagging brother Evan to put the site up, we finally connected.” It looked pretty cool to us - and now everyone in northern Utah has the URL, Craig, so you better get cracking. Gordy Peifer made it into the WCR hall of You know the magazine for people who dig seeing the word anaerobic in print. Apparently they took our little joke on the masthead to heart, and when they saw the title, Coes fame by kicking down for his classified ad. Kicking a long $20, which we promptly blew on cocktails with umbrellas. (Ed. Note: Debts to the paper are never to — be paid to the publisher at a bar) Gordy, tell your daddy — that we’ll never misspell your name again (at least, not unintentionally)! This brings our grand total for our classified “pay as you want” section to $22.50. Thanks WCR e “ ag teen — e nese Call 801-486-1388 to place your ad today FOR SALE: Roof POD. Huge, strong, safe (lockable). Black sette stereo w/subwoofer, much more. Excellent condition. $13,000. Call Dave at 801.647.5851. w/red accents. Mounts to Thule, Terzo, Yakima - LOOKING FOR RIGHT LIVELIHOOD? Would earning $3,000-$5,000+ rails. $700-800 new, a ‘steal at $300. Call 971.0058. WANT TO T RADE: One wicek +/in Pacific City, Oregon (on the coast) hosted by the top Dory Fisherman for ocean fishing and beach combing. Trade for ski time in alta, call Pete and Ann at 503.761.5491 WANTED AND FOR SALE: _ Dear Dave, I spoke with you the other day about putting a classified ad the WCR. I'l be brief and not very concise: Wanted: Yakima rack (bars and towers only) to fit ‘88 4Runner For Sale: Alpine cassette deck and/or Sony speakers. Best/first offer takes. _ Contact Nathan at 534-1779 or evenings at 483-2977 | Valmonte skis - 190’s - with cable bind- ings, $60. Women’s powder suit, only used 10 times, $55. Size small. Voile snake skins, $20 Two 14” snow tires, less than 3000 _ miles, $50 for the pair. Universal snowboard bindings, $65. Call Jackie @ 742-2088 to make an offer. CAR FOR SALE: 1993 VW PASSAT GLX WAGON, 5. speed, V6 (172HP), Tornado Red, 69K miles, still under warranty. Equipment includes: | ABS, traction control, BBS windows and glass rimes, power moonroof, tinted glass, ski rack, fog lights, 6 speaker cas- BONANZA! 1996 Prolink EXP Demonstrations PR 8, skied 5 times. Mounted with 997 — equipe drivers, world cup riser plates. © Well over $1000 new, a song $500. 1995 fits size 8 %/9 mens, exc. Cond., $150. Demonstrations, PR8, nearly new, with wild, organic health products at home satisfy your need for a _ meaningful Call 278-1118 BE YOUR OWN BOSS: When you want, where you want. Proven home business opportunity which offers huge income potential, 90% gross profit, flexi- 997 Suspension bindings. A steal at $400. 1995 9100 Equipe 1S Giant Slalom, PR pany with a world vision. 1-800-927-2527x3285 FREE TO GOOD HOME: 4 year old Female Black Lab. Spayed/current on shots; very loving and active. Great indoors and outdoors. Call for an interview: Day 647.2060 or evenings 654.5940. Ask for Tina. FOR SALE: SCARPA T72, size 5% used 10 times, PRIMO shape. $375. Call Nikki at 536.5703 FOR FOR SALE: Nordica Grand Prix boots, size 23.5 (women’s 6-6.5). Unsed one and % seasons, a bargain at $50. Merrell Supercomp telemark boots, - women’s 6-6.5 $75 Black Diamond Chouinard Toute Neige, a month withing the first year distributing _ lifelihood? Progressive, 14 year old com~— FOR SALE: 210 cm w/standard heavy duty 3 pin Osolo bindings, MINT, 2 pair. $150 or $125. Call 278-1118 FOR SALE: Merrill Super Comps, SALE: Elan MBX 16 weight 204 cm brand new, unmounted. $220. Call Dan at 272.1379 FOR SALE: Santa Cruz 163cm Snowboard with bindings. Great condition. $200. // Size 10 Airwalk Snowboard Boots - $40 // Evolution MT Quest 206 Telemark skis bindings. $250. with Riva classics cable — Call Perry at 535.4130 (day). FOR SALE: ELAN FUDDS- mi¢_ width powder ski, 180cm, skied 3 times. $200. // Scarpa Inferno Ice Climbing Boots. Size 10 %, lik enew. $125. // Ice ble working environment, extraordinary FOR SALE: Thule Rack - 48” bars, one universal key/lock that locks rack to _ car and accessories (include. Kayak rack) — 4 OEM Retails near $600, first $300 takes it all! Call 278- 1118 Scarpa T2s, size Page 14 _ For Sale Men’s Stretch Ski Pants 583-5443 Get a Life! Rapidly advancing telecommunications company offers personal freedom for aggressive self starters. Be your own boss with flexible hours. Call for more info. 800- 646-6032 Ext $200. Call 971.0058/message. SALE: 97s. box. $300 or best offer. Ask for Heather and VW’s but you’re on your own there). FOR - and Charcoal $60.00. Creighton Hart @ AUDI WHEELS (painted white) for the 1985-87 4000 (probably fits other Audis 9201 - 1. Excellent condition, one season’s use. $250 o.b.o Call Liz at 742.2300 A SALOMON FOR SALE: Rangers 461 9074 _ CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Be able to afford your dreams. Growing telecommunications co. offers career with huge money making potential. Full or part-time. Call now! 800-646-6032 Ext 9201 Telemark Boots! Arkos se Women’s size 6-6.5 Brand new, in the Quality Used Skis and Poles. Stop by Wasatch Powderbird Guides heliport or call for specifics. 801.742.2802 or from whiteAudi. My Audi’s black and I don’t dig the color combo. Yours for a mere one. Call Dave at 947.9537 Snow Brand New never worn, size 36, ONE SOLD, ONLY ONE left, call now! Black K2 77’s w/Tyrollia’s 200cm- $100 // Barfoot snowboard 158 cm w/Burton bindings- $75 // Dynastar GS w/Marker M48’s 195cm- $100 944-5122 FOR SALE Great as extra for snow tires or for your Super Courmayer. — w/marker M38’s -$125 New 2 Grivel 1995 BOOT SHELL ONLY. SHELL SIZE 6 % / fits men’s size 8 % NEW (used 1 run) Call Kern Barta 463.6443 | tion $200 or best offer // k2 KVC 195cm SALE: “Condition, © S199." 200cm w/Salomon 997 suspension used 4 days. $450. Technica TNT explosion 8s bed, mattress and frame- excellent condi- SL 521 6040 x 4191 WHEELS FOR exeelicnt VOLKL educational product, and unparalleled support system. This is not multi-level marketing. Change your life forever. Call 1-800-915-9329 x122 FOR SALE: Complete mahogany with leashes. $180 for both or $100 for _ Axes: 8, Performa World Cup Race boots, size 340-345 (U.S. 9.5), skied 6 days, $195. Call Andrew @ 508.465.2317. — |