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Show E ee SS | 14 February 1997 ~ Wasatch Canyon Reporter Volume Ill, Issue G6 » 14 February 1997 ~ } | ) ' ys | Sp i ve in EUrODe. a; MWiLio gaining | INTERCONNECT REVIEW SUGARHOUSE CONCERNS Introductory lessonfn TUMBLEWEED & SAGEBRUSH 5 oe | |school, cane | _ Cover Photographer: Craig Dillon Subject: Troy Jungen Location: Snowbird =ae o uolsner Jonn orning bresee (jbresee@compuserve.com) Sey Editor David Charles Baker (davidbaker@compuserve.com) The Mystic Ron “Cupid” Pinner (TtheMystic@juno.com) Call = Real Estate Editor Alexander “Alex” Miller (AlexanderMiller@juno.com) SnowMan Craig “AvalancheAvenger” Gordon : ate : Sports Editor David “WolfMan’” Peck (peckdave@aol.com) Alta Bureau Chief Creighton “SugarHouse” Hart ay = ; Doce e e Mae lesso ae now: ee a feito. ? ae 553-1834 oe © ll Ary HAA iV bie eke. eee i ~ mayer I STEVE. html | a ee cae Online Editor Evan “LapDance’” Dillon (EvanDillongjuno.com) Contributors The Mysterious TK au Freddy “WarWanker” Swetland Photographers Craig “Marshal” Dillon (cvdillon@utah-intennet) Lee “TheVictim” Cohen Jack “CoverBoy’Popowich : — ss Sales Manager Accountant Peanut Brian “FStop” Millenbach Steve “NeedLifelnsurance?” Mayer (mayer@utw.com) R.J. “TaxMan” Penner * 3 Carolyn “Julie”. Baker WCR Legal Squad Brady “Tort” Toensing, ESQ (BradyToensinggjuno.com) EJ. “WillSueForFood” Carroll, ESQ (ejc3@prodigy.com) Sati ie Copy Editor Ho Ho Ho... ) The Finest Plumber Johnny “Goombah” Olsen a bill, but we still won't return your stuff. TO es ane for a lifetime subscription - to: WCR, 3 | ‘e Wasatch : World SUBSCRIBE: $26 for about a year, $35 for two, 1104 ASHTON Canyon aR Ta ae cn 3 THE FINE PRINT: Warning: All the employees of the Wasatch Canyon Reporter are incredible athletes in top p ace condition and are highly trained in. the activities described and depicted in the pages oi this newspaper. Unless you train like a bantam weight, you risk catastrophic injury or death if you try to keep up with us. If 408 are looking for less permanding activities pick ae copy ot the ee Guide or stay on the couch. FANCY YOURSELF GREAT WRITER OR SHUTTERBUG? The WCR welcomes all writers& photographers. We do not, unfortunately, pay much. Well, anything, aly. This paper is staffed mostly with volunteers except for the crack advertising sales team. They are handsomely rewarded and all live in huge houses and drive Range Rovers. if interested, call 486.1388. Letters to the “Editor” should go to the address below. We publish every one we get if it has your name and address and you go easy on your enemies. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length - and to belittle the writer. Don’t dish it out if your can’t take it. The Wasatch Canyon Reporter is a community newspaper published once or sometimes twice a month all year. The next issue comes Out in about two or three weeks. Our motto: “Delay is preferable to error’ Thomas Jefferson) -_although we usually have plenty of both. 12,000 issues are mailed or and-delivered to a wide variety of people and places in and around our canyons, the lower 48, and the world (one issue goes to Hong Kong). All material ©1997 and all that. Printed on partially-recycled paper. In the unlikely event there are old papers left when we deliver the |New ones, we recycle those. No swiping our brilliance without written permission of David or John and a member of our tough and humorless legal squad.. The opinions expressed in this ea publication are those of the writer. A surprising number of people lack a good sense of humor. Try to find yours if you're pane sa | ntil you see a “Fact Checker” listed above, accuracy is not guaranteed. Caveat-Emptor. If you don’t agree with something, write a letter. Or better yet, type an article and send it to us.We might runit if it doesn’t stink, but remember: We do not pay money for unsolicited material, your reward is the incredible fame accorded WCR contributors. Katie, keep sending the cookies! Be sure and include a photo release if you’re erie a photo. Please call before mailing us anything on one of those disks “formatted for fruit.” We use Word, WordPerfect, Photoshop, QuarkXpress & many other programs for Windows 95/NT. Submissions will not be returned so do not send us your only copy If you enclose a self-addressed sare jacenis we'll appreciate it - and use it to pay AVE, STE 204, SLC UT 84106- Reporter Headquarters: 1104 Salt Ashton Avenue, Suite 204 Lake City UT 84106-2374 Voice 801-486-1388 Facsimile 485-2735 Our never-changing website: WWW WY CT .COrm | AS are R OR | Seay Ceo ae aa Re oe o | R rele em ey | nes 4 |