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Show hig pivehilabep get iie Canyon - feed eet Reporter rthana aig QUARI US January 20 - February 18 ee The monogamous nature of humans is most clearly identified with Aquarians. That characteristic does not properly reflect the richness, diversity (and sometimes insanity) of your life that occasionally surprises even you. Your sugar-coated life resembles a Disney movie- fortunately you are the star, despite a minimal background in acting. ISCES February 19 - March 20 Romance is like skiing/riding for Pisces - its great when you can find virgin powder, but most likely you'll be struggling to get through some heavy crud or tracked-out snow. This Valentine’s Day head into the backcountry insearch of untracked powder. Also, consid- | er lowering your standards if romance is to be in your forecast. RIES March 21 - April 19 Aries may know how to find and keep romance, but the real mystery in life is finding untracked powder. Your need for omantic partners of an intelligent nature is a handicap in Utah. If you find yourself contemplating leaving the state, remember that powder is more _ scarce than the supply of romance will ever be for a magnate like you. URUS April 20 - May 20 As a self-deluded romance maverick, you know that there are no liniits to your appeal. Your real challenge in life is finding the diamond in a vast field of zirconiums. If you have to, poke and prod every one until you can be sure that it is not the real thing. Be aware that as soon as you take yourself seriously, nobody else will. EMINI May 21 - June 21 As a romance refugee, you should know that the temporary lull you may be experiencing will Aiden like fog on a summer day as soon as better grooming habits emerge. Some new clothes might expedite the process as well. But if the dollars spent in the quest for romance cuts into your ability to ski/ride daily, then wait until the resorts close. NANCER June 22 - July 22 If romance is a merry-go-round replete with gargoyles and frightening demons bobbing up and down, perhaps the me aoe ads will result in a more predictable ride- something familiar like a tollercoaster with endless loops. Rest assured that the romantic life of a Cancer will never descend to a level of predictablility that others seem content with. ; EO July 23- August 22 Romance may mean candlelight meals and flowers to some, but Leos are best at being direct with no need for the frills and extras. The culturally imposed need for romance does not sit well with the perpetually rebellious Leo - if you wanted to be told how to live you could always move back home with your parents. Ve August 23- September 22 Romance on Virgos is like life on the slopes- some days you can pall off some amazing feats while other days you can do nothing right. The key to a bountiful romantic life for Virgos is attrition- keep marching ahead and if you have to go through a slew of mutts to find a pedigree then maybe you should head towards the kennels. : IBRA September 23 - October 22 If your romantic life were a game of bowling, you might consider going home after the string of gutter balls you’ve been known to throw. But with your Libran tenacity it is inconceivable that you will leave before you roll a strike. If bowling seems too complicated, stick with skiing/riding. | B ie a CORPIO | dp i7TR | A AN Golden Z e Tan aa ah | 6 | se SER 3 Ss Golden Tan the with only 10 sessions in a shallow and meaningless romances that once plagued you ? +7 Valentine’s D ; ’ ° Day and expect a feast after the famine you’ve been through 2-4 weeks tanning bed High Pressure Tanning Salons Experience the Ultimate in Indoor Tanning | WV Deak ) Relaxing, | Golden Tan Comfortable, SLE Salons oo Salt Lake City 467-1600 More | Ss 3 IH PNY E | your 84-88 Toyota Truck ...PLUS a humongous collection of parts for other vehicles with more arriving daily! pee Yane Ce e for your 87-95 Nissan Truck ° Your left window regulator for Economical Located Exclusively at there 2029 E. 3300 S = ° The tail light and tailgate handle #1 tanning bed in Northern Europe past 10 yrs. New to U.S. & Utah! and erased the chalkboard of relationships passed. Look forward to a bountiful one visita every conventional year reflect the bounty your romantic life has evolved into. In fact, the | wealth and opulence of your romance leads to a natural comparison with the Crown Jewels. Take everything in stride for it will be a long time before you can forget the impoverished state you came from. APRICORN December 22 - January 19 You've finally transcended Maitiain | 30-min. Romance may have an impor- aioe has far more influence on your actions than the allure of romance, and rightly so. But try to remember that when you are home alone this Valentine’s Day after another great day of skiing/riding. | |AGITTARIUS November 22 - December 21 The torrents of snow this | 1 Ultrabronz October 23 - November 21 tant role in your life, but your actions indicate otherwise. The appeal of | USED eect nahi THAT HAVE BEEN TOTALED. Bi | Page 8 CALL | AUTO & TRUCK PARTS WE’RE BUYING CARS & TRUCKS EB Ube Wasatch 801-973-6234 or 1-800-286-6234 | | : : |