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Show Wasatch Canyon Reporter ir ENOL Ker BY CRAIG GORDON The snowpack has adjusted to the wild storm cycles of January and skiing and boarding conditions have been fine as Utah is experiencing its first succession of clear skies 1 in quite some time. Right now we should focus our concerns on the surface snow that these clear days/céldnights are producing, and that is one of loose uncohesive snow. When mother nature does get things rolling .. ill be, on shady slopes, the weakest link in the equaenone of which, at this time, Ls been very supportable tion. Sun exposed aspects are developing a variety of ‘by several wind events and this aes hee stout enough to provide a “slide for life” event if you) were€ ose it ona 7s slope. ssCRON ae Ry Gece Sg ca ROE COR Ras Oo bee ae ig ey. et ON ee RR a ES et i te. | OE, OO ee de... ek | Se aamans To 20 bee in time, we’ve experienced an interesting snow year so far, with Coat patterns producing a variety of rain crusts, rime crusts, density inversions and hard slab. The January 2nd rain crust was the most significant player. The snowpack said “enough” during the January 11th avalanche cycle. Actually, the interface of recrystallized snow sitting on the rain crust with copious amounts of snow and wind added to it was the culprit. It’s old news but many paths in Little and Big Cottonwood, Provo Canyon, the Park City area, and in the Snowbasin perimeter ran in respectable. proportions. This deep instabilit began to relax itself by the beginning of February. On the evening of February 1sta storm produced wonde! vder skiing conditions, very little wind, but a ensitive sluffing that yas ‘gf a firm wind crust. — density inversion made f¢ As always, before you.heae in handle of what’s going on.” vs . Avalanche Forecast Center a call to get a of Alta Ski Lifts 801-742-3333 Number of lifts operating Base Depth Cost of an all area adult ticket 8 of 8 133” $27 Briehton S . a ie should go there | he 7 SiS ae oe B rently O eee Lifelink, One area of particular interest is a collectiote'¢ ) backcountry hut systems throughout the west. in : ture products is the Pieps 457 Opti-Finder avalanche transceiver, what many people «consider to be the best on the market. The prices x 7 _ and pre longer doy. _—_gear. The Backcountry Store site comes up quickly and the images are crisp. It was nice to see the use of “https,” which means the site is located on a secure erver, and your credit card information is safe during transmission. Fear not as you point your browser to http://www.bcstore.com for all of a backcountry needs. : numbe Wicked Handy Numbersl Park City The heart of American skiinge — g01-649-8111] OPEN for skiing AND snowboarding! Number of Lifts Open “3944 Oh44 Jupiter Total 105° Full Day 3 $49 Solitude’s Phone Number 801-534-1400 Number of Lifts Operating Mid Mountain Depth Lao er 119” Full Day Lift Pass $34 AvalanchelWeather Info: ee Beaver Mountain 7 801.755.0921 Brian Head Resort- 801.677.2035 = — Elk Meadows- 01. ABB. 5435 Pe eek ra sei ~ FarkCity — | Deer Valley Resort- 801. 649. 1000 iSe Pet ee eee Nordic Valley- 201.745.351 Fowder Mountain - BOLT Kelty, and much more. One of the fea- Welcome to the Backcountry Store. We are your source for avalanche info, weather, hut systems information, and most importantly SACKCOUNTRY GEAR. | things, backcountry activi“ties and gear. The primary purpose of the site is to sell you backcountry: ge rat cotnpetitive | prices, butthe creoffered a treasure-trove of ators of the site backcountry skiing ifin oriation. The Avalanche section of the site offers links to updated avalanche reports all over the country, as well as some timely articles on wilderness ski etiquette, avalanche safety tips and more. : for the Utah area is a list of huts, contact made, Vortex, Alfwear, Backcountry is a website focused on, all $29 with brands like | Store. (www.bcstore.com). The Backcountry Store Cost of an all day ticket 37 Snowpasin - 601.599.1129 onowbird - S01-742.2222 0 Sundance Resort - 801.225.4107 = 649.2250 621.2362 ee Pity Moab B7BABSS pe eg SKI UTAH Snow Report: 521.8102 UDOT Road Conditions: 964.6000 KSL Weather a AUtah Weather Se US Navy Exact Time: Page 2 575.7669 I79. 4499 — 1.900.410.TIME BP eae tas : ye RP called. the SS | Di EO Y Base Depth ete y website § backeownn Number of lifts operating I owned plea some finest i internet’s latest offering is a locally P/Sy The | is the ATEN AB or moresgpeeifie: cyberspace. of So Ti Nowhere, cally offered htto: //www.bestore.com/ ae. at NAMES Avalanche and Brighton’s Snow Report Number 801-943-8309 Nana satellite weather maps, more importantly’ Pieps 457 OF on your own. The gear seb he tai Savant RF Where do you go when you want to get up to date avalanche information, K Ignton MOUNTAIN PARK CITY, UTAH Wolf Mountain 801-649-5400 Number of Lifts Operating Mid Mountain Depth Full Day Lift Pass $32 8 of8 104” |