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Show 14 February 1997 _ Helicop ter Hubbub y Dave Baker last one (he is asking for agreements for past permits two helicopters, down from three _— previously, for if any. There are several possible permit options on the table and the Forest Service will consider every comment they get. For additional information on the permit process, contact the Salt Lake Ranger District at 801.943.1794 instance) his detractors were not satisfied. “He has never flown three, and rarely two. Why should he get a permit for two,” asked one person. Smith disputed this and asked why when he makes allowances it’s never enough. He said people wouldn’t be happy unless he was out of business and this did indeed seem to be the case. Whether you are for or against, the Forest Services asks that you try to be specific in your comments. _ It’s that time again. The Wasatch. . Powderbird Guides has its permit up for renewal, and they. want another five years of running their helicopters in the Wasatch. On the other side is a group of backcountry hikers who want to have the Forest There are lots of confusing items “skier days” versus actual days as well as limits on how many days in each area where they are allowed to drop skiers. There is a yearly goal and a five year average. Runs, actual days and skier days. It was so confusing even the after against person the spoke out Powderbirds. Out of a room of sixty-five or so people it seemed all were against the helicopter skiing operation until Greg Smith finally decided to speak. While the room was predominately —anti-helicopters, there were about a half-dozed folks willing to speak up on behalf of the Powderbirds. The people against helicopters all seemed to think: it was a foregone conclusion that helicopters were. inherently evil and that the only reason they were allowed to fly was because of some political pressure on the Forest Service. After several Service deny WPG their permit. : On 3 February 1997 the Forest Service held a meeting which explained the whole situation, or at least tried to, and also served the kickoff to-the public comment as 45 day period which will end on 7 April. While the permit is quite difficult to understand, the basics seem to be this: Greg Smith and the Wasatch Powderbird Guides are allowed to*fly about 1,000 skiers per year in limited areas. This done -with flying is_ one 55-60 generally helicopter days per season although they are allowed up’to three helicopters flying ata time. comments such as, While “How do we know you are not going to just cave in again this time and renew the permit like you did last time,” Mike Sieg pointed out that it was public land that was being discussed, and that helicopter skiing was a legitimate use of it. He explained that this was not a popularity contest and that the land was there for all to use. Just like a commercial raft company can use public rivers, a heli- is being copter outfit can use public accepted by mail until 7 April at the SL Ranger District, 6944 S 3000 E, SLC 84121, there was talk of possibly having a public forum where people could officially speak. In fact, the night of the 3rd turned into a little bit of a public forum as person lands to ski as long as they follow certain rules and don’t endanger people or Forest Service people on hand, including Dave Ream and Michael Sieg, sometimes stumbled over the facts and figures. While many thought the meeting was for public comment, it really was not. Fhe Forest: Service's goal was to give information on the permit answer public process questions. comment and While the, “I don’t like helicopters,” comments are accepted, the Forest Service pointed out that specific complaints are more effective. If you have a more specific complaint, such as the fact that a helicopter landed on your tent, then you are encouraged to write in. Or if you believe the helicopters are adversely affecting wildlife, then write in and say, “I’m wor| ried about the Red Vested Bulbul.” Conversely, if you were rescued by the Powderbirds and love to heli-ski then the Forest Service welcomes your comments as well. What it all eventually boils down to, however, 1s whether or not the company meets the requirements for public land use and well they have met how their Micro brews on tap. Wasatch Red Hook Boulder Squatters Giant Deli Sandwiches Great Vegi Lasagne Canyon Views Located in the Albion Day Lodge 801-742-2500 3 animals. This. common sense, “Hey it’s there for all of us to share,” argument fell on deaf ears. Even though Smith’s request for his new permit is more restrictive than the Page 5 One person in your tour carrying a Pieps is equivalent to holding your breath as a - form of birth control |