OCR Text |
Show bol A ZI ARP RR me Re RR RA weve v eve eves Wasatch Canyon Reporter on a Sear Toland siain Uah c on busi- ness last week. While in Park City I picked up a copy of your local paper. Your response to Christopher _Smith’s article was childish and a waste of paper. If you were so opposed to his article, why didn’t you state your case _and substantiate it with your experi- ence and testimonials from credible sources? : I thought your “readers” wrote letters to the editor? Could you not have called your editor into your office and accomplished this. Why As for the, would you’ embarrass That space should have been reserved _ for advertiser number 25, and you out pounding the “I thought your - they do, and you did- and it’s a’ doosey. What, “Could you not have called your editor. your quick eye, and Guide. hens * AP John Bresee,” from last issue] _ John, next time just call all 200_ readers and tell them personally, you [sic] feel better by number 10 and — probably find a new crusade, Barry [illegible last name], Oceanside, NY. Editor’s Response: Barry - “200 readers?” That many, you think? We will have to double our advertising rates (and we see you work for New Millennium Eyewear; would like to be that lucky 25th you Well, Barry, plished this,” means is anybody’s Keep up the great work with the ~WCR. bg rae to ditch work and take a -growler with! am b | ae ue AY ones | QAL€ guess. John genetically inferior.” called every- fact. He pointed out that the article by Smith has only one side presented: the anti-helicopter side. There is no need to “substantiate it’’ with anything. It is a fact that is plain for anyone to see. An article such as Smith’s has its place - and that place is in an alternative newspaper like the Black I, Sleep Guide or the Hill Times -. or even the Wasatch Canyon Reporter. It does not belong in a main-stream daily figure out what you meant. Finally, there has been some confusion about what John was saying was the comment of one disgruntled anti-helicopter crusader. While this. is true about the TP;much too liking, John’s “response” said absolutely NOTHING about being for, or against, helicopters. He was against John, Not to nitpick but... “Grapple” is a verb, synonymous with wrestle, pronounced with a short “a”’sound: grap-ul. “He grappled with the concept,” or, “I grappled with the SO that tried to cut me in the Jupiter lift line.” The type of snow, typically. associated with frontal passage I have been told, is “graupel,” pronounced: grah-pul. Luke Smith Editor’s Response: | Many and varied are the errors in (From the Dent cits: internet, and free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have not tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one. k Letters continued thumb and forefinger, I apply pres- page 12 SLUG | MAGA LINE sure, squeezing them | together Cae Tm NCR until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser” and > eat © the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to another round. go I have found that, in general, newer blue of every story, not one-sided attacks. - Journalistically the Tribune is in a 1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for _ breeding purposes.” This week they wrote ek to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a and M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, T hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my true bred hunting dog, he stabs giddily at the keys, assuming he has espied a spelling error. In this as © Whenever I get a aukace of nant : Tribune want and expect both sides such send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840- for the enjoyment of all) and of papers Tribune. the I pack it neatly in an envelope and specifically to the WCR, we print this Every once and a while, much like a Salt Lake M&M, Since it would set aside the weekend for a grand “I can’t believe they’re for helicopters! The Wasatch Canyon Distorter is not fit to be toilet paper,” for our one make no sense to eat this one as well, in his, “Subjective Response.” scabrous left with strongest of the herd. | ~ you all know him). Editor’s Response: We aim to please...you aim too, please. the Readers the I am Be: 5forBEEBE the the brown and red M&Ms are as - When I reach the end of the pack, | and this the old WCR. This one happens to relate to an over eager editor with his hand poised anxiously over a keyboard whilst he runs spell check. such species continues to adapt to its a“ ronment. ‘cause we don't think section no one could | the article on which Mr. Bresee was make any sense at all. John did “state his case.” Quite clearly, in on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the “Letters reporting is the bailiwick of alternative newspapers. The Wasatch Canyon Reporter is neither for or against helicopter skiing. commenting, printed 6 January in the SL Trib. Having made that leap of faith, we must point out that you do not or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but | |§=M&Ms are tougher, and the witrnea | n ewer candy and > Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, Dear Dave, ness we’ll give you the several weeks so you actually read long in the intense theatre of competisnack-food world. name one-sided biased reporting in a major daily paper. Biased, one-sided benefit of a doubt and assume that you were in town for business for Style office general, the brown and red ‘cal _ busi-accom- I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive “I have found that, in Ne (last into adver- tiser?)! inferior. or fax to 801.475.2735. tion that is the modern streets closing number 25 the day you one into his wrote the incredibly with “John _ office Bresee Fights Back.” [Ed. Note: Barry is referring to “The Publisher Weighs in: Subjective Response by 84106-2374 Thay One _tnstance both he and the computer were wrong. Thank you for your “ readers” wrote letters to the editor?” and yourself in front of all 24 advertisers? ‘should have been femalbile ‘enough position, allied with an avowed church owned paper, they must strive harder than most papers to achieve the appearance of stringent objectivity. (ea tougher, the ones are genetically Page 4 Superb Mountain Views KK * xx Southwestern Cuisine Relaxed, Informal Atmosphere www.shallowshaft.com AINSI am? Oe YY &Fe For the Witter Sasori Located in Alta, Little Cottonwood Canyon Resewations & Schedule Info: 742-2177 |