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Show es Reporter, 11 January- 24 January 1995 © ALPINE. Os °° ASTROLOGY ile Page 10- Wasatah ries A move in the next month will force changes in your lifestyle and help you discover your true desires, both physical and spiritual. Romantic interests can not be neglect‘ ed in the post Holiday Season period; take necessary precautions to ensure continued romance. Recent acquisitions in skiing/boarding equipment will help you realize your true otential on the slopes; that excuse of bad equipment is no longer valid. Do not neglect your ew Years Resolutions! A “Ss eeing that sah e€Sscapes | : ch mortals” | aurus Financial woes are unrelenting as costly pleasure- -oriented activities will take a [osc seat to the demands of bill collectors. Unfortunately, romantic interests will take a nose dive as your ability to “wine and dine” will decline. Random demands in the workplace may have a profoundly negative effect on your future - BEWARE and use common sense. Backcountry experiences will provide the most memorable encounters this winter; do not be afraid to hike. Do not deny that you made New Years Resolutions! emini Unknown to you are a number of personality assets in your possession. Try to unveil your assets in the next month without compromising your standards. Your intake of sunshine is precariously low this month and special attention must be taken to ward off the negative effects of a low sun trajectory. Take advantage of the high pressure sunny skies before the winter blues set in. Adapt your behavior to conform with your New Years Resolutions! ancer Watch your butt in the next month as a wave of apathy overtakes you and others notice. Deception is in your presence, but be careful when trying to distinguish between proven friends and shallow pretenders- whether it is at work, school, while recreating, or in social settings. Romantic drives are waning, but do not fear as it is merely a lull in the chaotic storm of romance. Your apathy will extend to skiing/snowboarding- maybe you should consider pursnts other non-snow activities for.a well-rounded effect. Pay attention to your New Years Resolutions! LL This month your precious freedom will be encroached on by many different demands. Your space will diminish| when your good nature can not deny the requests of others. You must look inside and reconnect with your inner lion to find the strength to declare your life as your own. If you feel your physical space is threatened, avoid riding the Dedication is required to maintain those New Years Resolutions! iin life is achieved when you do as you say. This month will provide you with ample opportunities to image with your actions. You will find life pleasant as variables turn in your favor. Unfortunately, time passes entirely to quickly, and when times sour like old milk your life is an eternal ride on an with bad breath. | m L= Consistency consolidate your when life is good elevator full of people ty, corpio New romantic acquisitions provide heady relief from the monotony of oneself. Be aware that recent conquests may be an illusion- remember, in the Wasatch you don’t lose your boy/girl friend, you lose your turn. Recent accomplishments help boost self esteem but be careful that you do not become a legend in your own mind. Your feats on the slopes are impressive, but boasting is inappropriate. Do not forget your New Years Resolutions like in years past! S agittarius In the Wasatch it is a faux pas grande to belittle others because of their lifestyle. You will accomplish little in the next month as the inevitable winter blues exert influence. Expect a change in your living arrangements in the near future, not necessarily for the better. Skiing/boarding on sunny days will be your salvation this month, although do not expect too many bright days. Do not neglect your New Years Resolutions! apricorn You may be convinced that your parents made an error when they made your birthCe: too close to the Holiday Season, but allay that omnipresent conspiracy theory that you harbor. Your period of transition has not yet abated; anticipate the changes to refresh you like a blast of fresh air on a smoggy day. Trials in your romance will serve to cement the nature of your relationship for better or worse. Your dedication to skiing/ snowboarding has saturated your snow oriented drives, but don’t worry as other mediums of snow recreation await exploration. Remember, you made those New Years Resolutions- now persevere! % quarius It is not to early to drop hints about presents for your upcoming birthday. Emancipation from recent school or job burdens is rejuvenating and you can now achieve all those tasks you have so diligently postponed. However, pressure from your family or friends will claim some of your new found freedom. Plan on a quantity of quality skiing/boarding as January storms will exceed your expectations. You must conform to the New Years Resolutions you made for. pray ay : : : Pp isces A reunion with friends/romantic partner is euphoric and will quell the Seas of Turpitude in your soul. Time consuming demands on your time will be discretely skirted MASSAGE Z ea | opportunities. To neglect your New Years Resolutions is a crime against yourself! . Liz McDonald, | ~ LMT - Powderbird | cap AACE 3 507 East 1700 South Sal t Lake City, UT 8 A105 : | Guides at Bach Chiropractic Offices and that recent state of apathy will quietly dissipate like morning fog as burdens are lifted. Plan to travel in the next month. The time has finally arrived to catch up on missed skiing/boarding | THERA PY | ~ LEGENDARY UTAH POWDER (801) 487-1010 * FAX 487-1015 Reena: acumienaay®. eae Vie The day to day monotony of life has dulled your sense of adventure. While. it is true that financial burdens remain suffocating, excitement comes in many cost free forms and your appreciation for life will only benefit. The pendulum effect in asserting itself in your romantic life, be prepared to hold a straight line as temptation threatens your core values. You can lively up yourself AND increase your adrenaline threshold by making a pilgrimage to the top of Mt. Superior, and then ski/board down the face- rewarding you with the most bang for your buck! eT ee LJ = * - @ ’ Tram. |