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Show Ballroom, Level B, C & Seniors $3. 7:30pm PN ae ete 31 ehe ate eee etna ease Paar aree en Siowbird, 9:30am. Call for course site. 7 MARCH — JANUARY Warren Miller’s 1994.95 Lecture Series- Ski Touring the Wasatch: REI. 7pm. Call 273.1850 for information. FEBRUARY 4 FEBRUARY 16th Annual Children’s Mini-Downhill: Solitude. Call 801-536.5707 for information. | ALTA Ski Area annual Ground Hog’s Day Telemark Event. A Ski Film, Vertical Reality: Snowbird, Ballroom, Level B, Cliff Lodge. Adults $5, Kids & Seniors 14 MARCH nace: Breakfast Ist Annual Jimmy Heuga Ski Solitude. Call 801-536.5707 for information. 5S FEBRUARY 20 ALTA Ski Area Telemark Mogul EEvent. Dual Moguls at Alta 6 FEBRUARY Warren Miller’s 1994-95 Ski Film, Vertical Reality: Snowbird, Adults $5, Kids & Seniors 11 FEBRUARY MARCH 23 MARCH 1995 Subaru U.S. Freestyle ee Mon.-Thurs. 1liam-9pm Fri.-Sat.. d 9:30am. Call for course site. 25 MARCH Paul Mitchell Freestyle Competition: Snowbird, Lower Sitver information. feoee _ Warren Miller’s 1994-95 Ski Film, Vertical Reality: Snowbird, h 10am-2pm 1995 Subaru U.S. Freestyle Championships, Upright UTAH WINTER SPORTS PARK. 9:30am 28 MARCH | Fox. 9:30am. Call Konrad Roturmund at 359.5723 for more eci Warren Miller’s 1994-95 Ski Film, Vertical Reality: Snowbird, Ballroom, Level B, Cliff Lodge. ag Kids & Seniors Kids & Seniors $3.7:30pm 29 MARCH APRIL 1 APRIL April Fool’s Day Celebration: 22. FEBRUARY Warren Miller’s 1994-95 Ski Film, Vertical Reality: Snowbird, | Ballroom, Level B, Cliff moe Adults $5, Kids & Seniors $3. 7:30pm 24 FEBRUARY Wasatch Citizens Series X-C Finals: Solitude. Call 801536.5707 for information. MARCH Adults oo | “i ad 7: 30pm. Price TBA 3 APRIL : Warren Miller’s 1994-95 Ski Film, Vertical Reality: Snowbird Ballroom, Level B, Cliff Lodge. Adults $5, a Kids & Seniors $3. 7: 30pm 6 APRIL Sth Annual Utah Special X-C Olympics (Day 1): Solitude. Call 801-536.5707 for information. | Warren Miller’s 1994-95 Ski Film, Vertical Reality: Snowbird, Ballroom, Level B, Cliff Lodge. Adults $5, Kids & Seniors $3. 7:30pm 7 APRIL 3 MARCH Sth Annual Utah Special X-C Oiesipins (Day 2): Solitude. Intermountain Divisional Freestyle Championship, Ballet: Snowbird. 9:30am. Call for course site. Call 801-536.5707 for information. 16 APRIL 4 MARCH 6th Annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt: Solitude. Call 801-536.5707 for information. | Peeeeeniees Divisional feeaeic Championship, 1iam-7pm Ballet: Snowbird. 1995 Subaru U.S. Freestyle Championships, Mogul: Snowbird. | Sumday Brunc | a on.-Sat. Danch 9:30am. Call for course site. 24 MARCH FEBRUARY Ballroom, Level B, Cliff‘sag $3.730pm Sse r ving UTAH WINTER SPORTS PARK. 9:30am Winter Concert Series, Jonathan Edwards: Snowbird. 7:30pm. Price TBA | Wasatch Telemark Series Western Regional Telemark Championships. Dual Slalom and Giant Slalom at Steamboat 1 MARCH xpiss Marathon Race for MS: 1995 Subaru U.S. Freestyle Championships, Mogul: 9:30am. 21 MARCH | 1995 Subaru U.S. Freestyle Championships, Mogul: 9:30am. 22 MARCH 1995 Subaru U.S. Freestyle Championships, Upright Aerials: $3. 7:30pm 18 Now Open for $3. 7:30pm Free Slalom, Pro-bump for top sixteen times. Springs, Colorado. phone (801) 572-4920 fax (801) 576-8676 Warren Miller’s 1994-95 Ski Film, Vertical Roa Snowbird, Ballroom, Level B, Cliff Lodge. Adults $5, Kids & Seniors Wasatch Telemark Series Event. Dual Slalom, Dual Elim Tele- Ballroom, Level B, Cliff Lodge. 9468 So. Union Sq. Sandy Utah 84070 $3. 7:30pm Maul: 834 East 9400 So. Sandy UT 84094 (In the Sandy Mall) Business Hours: | Lunch 11:00-3:30 Dinner 3:30-10:00 Weekends 3:00-11:00 Sunday 2:00-9:00 >” Opel 8:30 am to 5:00pm Daily for Breakfest & Lunch (801) 742-2500 LOCATED IN THE ALBION DAY LODGE THE OFF NEW RIGHT BOARDS YEAR At least 25% off: O.P. Tech Bamboo Rip Curl Curtain Ladies els ee Soun Bombshell 581-9977 Eee (Just Dinner) Aldos has a full liquor liscences along with fine Latte’s, Cappucinos and Expressos. Every Jazz game televised. mreie' fenton” - FAT: Universit 1330 East 200 SUE a aH START AND EE ee) ae ri erp OLS AU we 4 BIKES jeneenn © geemeni © pemenet' wmeen ~ jonmen ”iemeena acon Coupon: . Garment tanenen Wi One Spaghetti Dinner; Including Breadsticks, Giecoromelone OTe AITA, UTAH HAIMA GRIL THE ALBION AGGRES SADC ROSSIGNOL Orel lemanleme ere « Dinner $7.99 and Lunch $4.99. Good Through Reale a He : ag |