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Show 11 Janaury - 24 January 1995, Wasatch Canyon Reporter, Page 3 Wasatch Canyon Reporter Volume I, Issue 5 January 11-25 1995 INS THs issuL-_ Publisher J ohn Bresee Editor David Baker Creative Director & CFO - Stephen Edward “Balog” Balog Senior Editor Felicia Olivera EDITORIAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR COTTONWOOD CREIGHTON Editor At Large David “Fat Boy” Doherty Staff Mystic Ronald “Church of Here & Now” Pinner PURE DAN Alexander “Prolific”’ Miller Cover Design Kelly “Photoshop is My Life” Hancock Advertising Sales Executives Michael “Elvis” Henderson Jill Mason Mark “The Shocker” Stock Jonny Atencio OPINION CARUSO FELICIA FAT SKI REVIEW REAL ESTATE ALEX MILLER “ COVER ges BY: Craig Dillon < Knee-Droppin’ Tree Hugger: Kevin Krill Oo % LOCATION: Wasatch Backcountry- Cardiff Bowl + Equipment Manager Blaine “Backcountry” Conrad Editor’s Chauffeur Carolyn “Julie” Uhle Staff Personal Injury & Divorce Lawyer Edward “Eddy” Carroll Hl TO SUBSCRIBE: Send in your name and address with 20 bones to: WASATCH CANYON REPORTER SUBSCRIPTION DIVISION, PO BOX 8118, ALTA UT 84092-8118. Letters to the editor should go to the samelf address; bones optional, but will help get your letter into print. The Wasatch Canyon Reporter is a community newspaper published every other WEDNES- DAY throughout the winter months; the next issue comes out around the 25th. This paper is staffed almost exclusively with Cottonwood Canyons employees. 10,000 issues are mailed or hand-delivered to a wide variety of fipeople and places in and around the canyons. All material © 1995 and all that. No swiping our graphorrhea without permission of someone important who works here.. To call us: 801-486.1388. The facsimile number is in this august publication are those of the writer. Many people lack a good, solid sense of humor. Try to find yours if you read something you hate. Until you see a “Fact Checker’ listed above accuracy is not guaranteed. Caveat Emptor. If you don’t agree with something, write a letter. Or better yet, type a coherent article of 1,500 words or less; no 10,000 words like that Creighton guy wrote. Mrs. Larson, where’s that dog article? Send it to us on an IBM-compatible disk with printout. We have MS-Word, Lotus Ami Pro & WordPerfect for DOS. None of that Apple stuff, please. Wasatch Canyon Reporter PO Box 8118 Alta UT 84092-8118 Voice 801-486.1388 Facsimile 485.1910 CompuServe E-Mail 72557,2760 12. DOHERTY Contributing Editor The opinions expressed 10 OLIVERA Creighton “Powder Pilgrim” Hart 485.2735. S$ -9 DINING IN THE CANYONS Mike Chew Advertising Placement Director James Hunter “Stay up Jimmy” Holland 7 PENNER WASATCH EVENT CALENDAR BIG RON’S ALPINE ASTROLOGY DAVE Contributing Photographers Virginia Pearce Chris Murray Craig Dillon PLAN REMEMBRANCE: MIKE GRILL. RON Real Estate Editor PARK HART Hours: 7am- 6pm SIX DAYSA WEEK! Sunday 7am - 1pm 14 |