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Show Page 4-Wasatch Canyon Reporter, 11 January - 24 January 1995 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS: | Dear Editor: I just returned home to Vermont so I can make some more money so I can go back to Snowbird & Alta for umpteenth time in create sheer horror!!! And now there’s a force who wish to tempt mother nature with putting another gas station between the Wasatch faults on a prima- March. Sound familiar. While I was there I discovered a fun way to stay in tune with what’s happening there while I’m back in Vermont; Please begin my subscription at once. ry recharge area for the =-Thanks, Hillsboro pond (a.k.a. Snowbird Employee Park “Rod Williston VT Dear Editor. I think it Carr, a> time we concerned Snowbird boarder. Editor’s Response: Easy “Earl,” Gad II is no fun. Just tight trees, steeps, Big Royer’s, access to Whitepine, and deep deep powder. Dear Editor: I was teased! Like the monkey on my back, once was all it took. I’ve got to have it. Take my money. I’ve got to have it. I’ve got to have it. One and two hooked Please, please me. send three and four and any more. Yeah, To these force’s this is the prime area one quarter of a mile south of Big Cottonwood canyon on the > infamous triangle of & Ride) on Wasatch Blvd. 1s changed the name of GAD II. It should be named “A little taste of Alta” with a complimentary bulk granola dispenser. --“EKarl” valley’s Aqua Firs [Sic]. thanks man, uh. | --Duke ‘E’ Duke Partridge, Somewhere in MA Editor’s Response: Prozac works by control- ling serotonin levels in the brain. Over ten million people have been successfully treated with this wonder drug. Run, don’t walk, to your nearest clinic. Dear Editor: When the forces of nature created the Wasatch front it was sheer beauty!!! If it happens again it will As of Dec 21, 1994 they still don’t have permission to build there, Dut there [sic] trying hard. Although they already have permission to build on there [sic] Original site which is on the corner of Bengal Blvd. and 3500 E. which is only a four block difference but Open Space or Office Space: Cottonwood Height Park Plan is moving down the right trail. by Creighton Hart, Powder Pilgrim While some of you are out skiing all day some of us are out creating parks and urban play areas for the people. While some other folks are also out there working for the man, conjuring up large office and research development projects. Interestingly enough both these desires are occurring in your backyard or neighborhood, notably the Knudsen corner area of I 215 and 3000th east. Those undeveloped parcels of land off to the South as you exit the freeway and on to Wasatch Boulevard, in your not on Wasatch Blvd. Alas we can figure the reason of their reasoning! caffinated Pure Greed!!!!! Who care’s if we have clean water to drink?????? What changes are these you speak of? Well first off, Cottonwood Heights Recreation District and the So let’s remember with the other competitor at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon it is poised to pollute Ferguson and Big Cottonwood’s water supplies. We should tempt mother nature more. So in conclusion urging all to write Governor Levitt and let him know how you feel about this future tragedy. Who will be here to answer to the reasoning of our actions, to our children. Who will see their tragedy as sure idiocy on. the part of their ancestors. --A.G. Chandler | Somewhere near the mouth of the Canyons. Editor’s Response: - Sooo...you’re in favor of the gas station? blur to reach fresh tracks, are facing some interesting changes. | Salt -; dhake =~ County Government, have a willingness to create walking. trails, golf courses, parks and open spaces along the canyon mouths and along the lands that flow westcreek . ward with the drainage toward the Jordan River. Most notably is the commitment along Big Cottonwood creek. Here a 6 to 8 mile long walking trail and parks, designated and adopted by the Salt Lake County Commissioners is under development. Over the last two years’ volunteers from the University of Bennion Utah Lowell Center, the Boy Scouts, and and Salt Lake County Department officials posed a regional park golf course in the Old a variety of local citizens have planted shrubs, trees built picnic and tables, selected a site for a sand volleyball courts and provided general maintenance and trash pick up. All of this as well as attending meetings to designate even more land into parks and open spaces. Tive trail, starting at the and Park proand Mill Cottonwood Community. It is now taking Shape from this original conception. As much of this land in the Old Mill hollow is unbuildable for residential or commercial/office development as it sits in a 100 year plus flood plain, or mouth of Big Cottonwood by the UTA parking lot will traverse the Old Mill Valley and eventually link to the has possible wetlands desig- jected completion dates are Lake nation under the federal wetland’s protection act of intersection of 6200 South | 1991. Furthermore, the hillsides lining the valley are and Holiday Boulevard by over 20% grade, thus the Cotton Bottom exceeding the Salt Lake Restaurant. County’s hillside protection Additionally the County ordinance. Preservation is Parks and _ Recreation the only option, thus turn it department is developing an into a park and regional 18 hole golf course along trail. the north side of 6200 South Several local groups, Salt and East of I-215. The pro- in the 1996-1997 Council, season. well, a proposed ice skating rink is being discussed for the land just north of the swamp lot on 7800 South Watch Boulevard. This ice skating rink will help alleviate the congestion at the current Cottonwood Height Recreation Center Rink. In the summer the hockey boards can be removed. The other discussed option has been to place a Rainbo gas station at this location. This gas station idea is meeting with much community resistence. While these plans for the Old Mill Gold Course and expanded trail system are a welcome addition to our community, several groups and individuals see them and Boulevard Kansas City, grander plan for a larger regional park. Originally discussed in the early 1980’s, Norm Simms, the Lake Regional trails council our Canyons Berkeley and the East Bay, California or Swope Park only as the beginning of a first president of The Salt Save Trails and Lion of Zion Design included, are taking charge and moving the regional park plan ahead. This plan is an expansion of the existing designated park and trail lands. This expanded plan will preserve all the remaining acreage from 3000 East to I-215 on the West, and from the golf course on the north side of 6200 South to the subdivision and steep hill at approximately 6800 South. This will be a large regional park eventually serving a neighborhood of 25,000 to 40,000 local residents, plus numerous visitors and other valley residents. This regional park will be comparable to the likes of Central Park in New York City, “ildem Park “dae Ridgeline Trail System in “We are very excited about this addition to the Park Department,” stated Director Glen Lu. As Regional System in Missouri. Other western cities such as © Phoenix, Arizona, Boulder, -See Open parks or Open Space,pg.5 | |