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Show 11 Janaury- 24 January 1995, Wasatch Canyon Reporter, Page 5 Open Space or Office not Space: Continued from page 4 Colenald. Fugene, Oregon, and Boise, Idaho have made it a priority to preserve neighborhood and regional parks. The Cottonwood Heights Regional and Creekside the base of growing trees and used as trail materials. On the other end of the coin, local land developers ALC -@earing up to See a slightly different scenario for the above parcel of land. Trail Wallace Associates, Park (the unofficial a Salt Lake based real estate comally include more than 400 pany and MHI of Dallas acres of land. This is if the Texas are planning a multi currently undeveloped phased, office, commercial acreage along the I-215 and — research park complete with 3000 East triangle remains hotel, in the Cottonwood undisturbed from developHeights area of the valley. ment. All will be an urban wilderness and human/wildlife sanctuary. Imagine hiking, horse name for now) will eventu- Wallace .meeting many of the Counties requirements that to include corridors and stream for trails for progressive develop- ment. | However it is the traffic study and the amount of increased auto visits to the area that have many resi- . dents concerned. Utilizing the Wallace Associates traffic study, presented at the December meeting, it is As well, residents can _ drop off their old Christmas trees at the parking lot by the pond just west of the Old Mill along the Big Cottonwood road at approximately 3300 East. According to Dick Gutherie, the trees will be mulched and then distributed along traffic views of the Wasatch. Is this with links to the hiking and — what the citizens in Cottonwood | want? Remember it is the unob- bike trails. Remember you structed do not want to slow down a powder friend on a 36 inch powder morning. The Wallace development firm owns the land Wasatch Front from virtually all points in the valley except for the Downtown possibly slated for develop- impact will include the space and wildlife habitat Their proposed officeresearch park includes up to 12 building ranging in height from 1 to 4 stories, with two towering over six stories high in this East Bench Neighborhood of 3000 East and 6527 South, adjacent to the I-215 inter- . change. These are to meet the assumed growth needs of the community. However just up the road in Holiday, a similarly built 6 story ' office building is being torn down after sitting vacant for the past several years. According to area resident, John Cedarquist, “I do not recall it ever being occupied, why none of the building snows any signs of corrosion.’ The Wallace Awoncite! development plan. Which has been presented to the Salt lake County planning Commission in both November and in December has had several hoops to to jump seek through as they approval. They are million visits and nearly that many autos that will visit the corporate park. With the majority of them utilizing the I 215 and 6200 south exit. This is based upon the 12,000 a day figure plied by the typical work year, 50 weeks multiplied by 5 days a week(12000 x 50 x 5 == 3,000,000) As any one using I 215 and 6200 south/cottonwoods exit, will testify, traffic is often backed up through the two lights to Holiday boulevard, al/4 mile distance away and as well on to I-215 interstate the principle exit for the ski areas and the canyons. Not to mention that this exit is heavily used by the vast majority of the 5.5 million Wasatch Cache National Forest visitors that head to the Canyons annually. Can this area really handle an additional 3 million autos *Beautiful Accommodations at Reasonable Prices | ‘Outstanding Food/ Private Club *Ski Accessories and Gift Shop Ski Rental & Repair | Open 8:00-5:30 Daily * Snowboard & Telemark Equipment Available * Full Overnight Service on all Ski Repair (801)742-3000 Hampton multi- itself. Remember that this is P.O. Box 8017 Atta, Utah 84092 | “We need to place a premium on open space, to preserve the habitat not just for ourselves but for all living beings,” stated local climber Melinda Macilwane. The visual heights and impact of the office development has many locals up in a fuss. It will create a permanent visual impact | determined that an additional 3 million, yeah that’s 3 of the The Fabulous mentioned increase in traffic, the disruption of the scenic skyline, the permanent displacement of open -Map of Development Area views See Open parks or Open Space, pg. 13 ment, or parks depending on how the final decision goes. This once abandoned rock quarry is some of the last remaining open space in the eastern portion of the valley. The planned development will do more than just touch | the surface of the land. Its without using an automobile provide additional financial resources other than county funds. The private financial help can purchase additional lands to be donated into a land trust thus expanding the park and preserving open space for all eternity. Contact Don Davis at The Salt Lake County Parks Department. Dick Gutherie at the Cottonwood Heights Recreational Center, or Creighton Hart of the Salt Lake Regional ‘Trails Council. Associates Prior to Planning Commission approval this item needs to be resolved as well as the development of a major park and ride facility, this a big congratulations bench. Thus accessing the Bonneville Shore Line Trail or the Mr. Olympus/Tolcat Canyon Trail-heads. And eventually the peaks of __Raymond’s/Gobbler Knob or Mt. Olympus drainages plant trees, clear trails, and and create a permanent landmark if built. This piece of land already raises and towers above the main val— ley floor, so anything built upon it will only appear taller A six story building will greatly alter and obstruct the soon with new UTA bus lines. set backs For the or having an automobile hinder your recreational experience. As with any project, time and money are key components to reaching the final goals. And this is where you as residents of the area can participate. Volunteers are needed to the from the golf plan had no mention of interfacing and coordinating ter x-c skiing from the valley floor of Holiday or up mention course as well? As well the back-riding, biking, or win- Cottonwood, to increases Inn. 10690 South Holiday Park Drive Sandy, Utah 84070 Toll Free 800-426-7866 * 801-571-0800 Capacity: 131 Rooms W@ Your going to love us! We 100% guarantee it! - The location of our hotel is ideal, located just off 1-15, fifteen miles south of Salt Lake City, Four major ski resorts are just 16 miles away with free shuttle service to and from the bus pick up provided. South Town Shopping Mall, cinemas and restaurant facilities are located across the street from the hotel. Ml If you're not completely satisfied with your stay you don't pay. - Free continental breakfast - Free in-room movies - Non-Smoking Roams - Washer and Dryer. | - Free local phone calls Indoor Pool and Spa Pay Per View Movies selections Ski passes available “Your Skiing Headquarters” |