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Show ei Page 6- Wasatch Canyon Reporter, 11 January- 24 January 1995 Pure Opinion: cs Dan Caruso The opinions in this article do not necessarilly-represent those of the Wasatch eee Reporter, or it’s editorial staff, but there is a pretty good chance that they do, as they made to press in this ‘pro development rag. Pure opinion is a space that is open to anyone who would like to air their thoughts on Eta le Send your ible iWie-t- pao} a= to PO Box oe one eke a relating to the Wasatch Front Range. A Eew friends mine ipetverned.. Sit Like ‘of recenely agromer sa ...b0 i. furore. most -eaepe Americans © y. Westerners), they were blown away by the beauty of the jagged Alps as well as by* the’ overLOurism. Zermatt is the perfect example of a town where the socialist government stepped in many years ago and passed a strict law to protect the Drs etimity some}: of an alpine villa. “NO cl CARS oat ALLOWED.” The use of horse drawn and electric vehicles have made Zermatt more, not less, attractive to tourists. “Why eam! cr we drive? What a stu- = MASSAGE pia lawl” The problem Capitalism is Loo many Puen PROFESSIONAL LICENSED THERAPISTS Bitt LENNON Gift Certificates are available For more information & to schedule an appointment cali between 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. Gua liEy Yoca / STRETCH CLASSES mio 2-33) oe sHegue,: “eh? 5 “Way shouldn’ta plethora of monoxidebelching vehicles eats Ot 1 Oowr mountain roads?” Carbon Monoxide | semritted= rieOn: iS fossr ly. fuel burning. vehicles. Carbon monoxide iS poisoHous. (176. ,, the cid “ee Le rae Carbon kidavs grees .wor oO — duce Oxygen. And up at the higher elevations et our available canyons, O2 {subscript “Ehe 2) becomes a more Cree element. That’s why so many tourists pass. out at 8000 feet. But that’s merely itis not a proven scientiene Lace, 1S ie? Pretty much the schoot of same Chics 2 OL tite, frets ’ pass some laws to deny them, tie «<x ight... avo do so: Like allterrain vehicles, for example. There as. wo’ <pdlace,..foer | those wonders of technology in’ our canyons either. So? dacks or fhe titeeretical, ed JPEN TO ALL LEVELS semece ne GHeCOn= Cur, BeoOas seems FHERAPEUTIC MASSAGE serene with that scious individuals are given privileges' to ruin the quality of the life for the masses. Hey; “ow "aonit label me a closet Soci Sl ict: sBUtE. Let too many people method). Monoxide Enjoy a Massage ugly argue. garage Seavinc Arta Sisce 79ST BetH O'Reitty & the’ Americans Place T A U Dining On Fe tas UPPER LEVEL, WATSONS BASE OF GERMANIA LIFT «x2 ALTA Enjoy ihe Warmth of Our Fireplace While You Dine Gourmet . Lunches etizers escargot Bates Seafood Soups ALl are home made daily ; Salads Caesar, seafood, Pasta, Chef a. Sea - nls senate Fajitas, Specials Desserts Our own Germanstyle hot Apple Strussel with a Brandy Vanilla Sauce and other eeagae desserts with Espresso and Cappuccino ve toke pride In preparing, fresh In our own kitchen, all of the foods that we serve. SELECTED WINES AND CORDIALS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST DISTINCTIVE GIFTS Gold Pendants and Earings, Crystal indian Jewelry ond Pottery, and other fine gitis ond collec tibies. _ RESERVATIONS REQUESTED 742-3037 that -lgnorance believes Global Warming is merely Ses theoretical. all proven science, but please feel free to convince yourself to the contrary. Most importantly, the trees killing we are needle needle by eee OTCEve final catalyst . that creates ‘The Greatest Snow on Bact hh. * As the Som’ s track 2enom Ebe moist ..Noten Pacific and ‘pass Onko. the continent, they dump the Cascade Concrete. besoing a raetle moisture, they then dump the Sierra Cement: Sell a bit on the wet side, Ene Storms Cross the deserts of The Great Basin, drying out. The Great Salt gives them Lake some’ sort’ of magic JuJu as B-lines the front toward the Cottonwood Canyons. The final 10, males OF tne ..Sstorms journey up the Canyons gives the snow the O2 they become need EO FLUFFY TA OW, . Cry, AIRY powder. Pras: the monoxide air, the Gia it y snow. more in lower Ge the the our Would’t suck have “at “Ef - we © dvem’:t ‘The Greatest Snow. C0 7,2a0 8 ......0 Spred: Most ol ts would not be here £O. Peed the Phae snow. “rag 1.f£ - around here was anything less. than’ The Kind. Aero “Raim. “Now there’s vou: song NO, Grateful one for busi Dy. not.a Fae Dead. It is an atmospheric SibuwatLion, -and-1t nei nothing neces in Situations er extreme barometric ve. SOmMe. ea fOr form of precipitaElon to°* Force a back “down: *tor*eite ground, saturating the soil with this poison. The Black Forest, ADDY Oo pri? at ely named, lies on the border between France and Germany. Also appropriately famed:' Ls: the. However, (THE skp DEAD £Erom April when the snow hung bigtely amd fiwety A drive ‘through ‘the Black Forest, moa on "Wrlae Cle! ee Europeans did in the catalytic-con-— verter-free 60’s, reveals the hazards of monoxide poisonimg: 2n..-the, ble. wary. Hectares of pines and firs stand dead against the evergrey sky. A Lone pileated woodpecker searches desperately tor pugs’ 2n —-ehe Pore sty “thet. “oTtiy thirty years ago was a major aviary migration route.to trtat And Pb Es “Skier. beau- i rds. -the: part: me, that as a the most is that the resort is only able to operate from January to eee ty. Maren. rt at never snows and the ‘evergreens are evergrey. Such also was .the,...fate..of Grindelwald, a storybook town in the certain levels in the atmosphere. Unable to escape en COs Se: CO... DEEN LAG holes in the ozone layer; ““tnis’-: Layer hangs: in mrd-air, another ecological WL iote gan,.> Gas, eee 1 em ia tae So's, So my grandparents told me, Grindelwald was renowned throughout pressure change, gasses and other airborne particles become trapped Alvosi. And because canyons. Let’s not allow our modern lifestyle to destroy our sacred Let’s playgrounds. EVy.:to;.Learn, <acom the, Becos aie. but io a Fiqne -raal train system ural or use gas canyons. nat- buses Let’s in save our canyons before we are forced to ski man-made hardDec uiheh Wee ise Ora, Modern Ruropean pa ease portation us a hrghds..f unetrengd “ET See Ve soo wien the trees were alive. most a- every winter more pollutants creep a bit: further up the remembered an era when the area would Europe’s BOW Mal Ley , MOOSE). Ir used to ski enere,“bie after she was already black and dead and it was imerersick nothing nice. recall -my graned-— mother telling me about the early days at Der Todtmoos. She be 2 Open November to ski days, thanks to the monoxide emitting autos, the snow comes only from hoses, not heaven. SO. What.” 1s ..7my point? Well, let’s keep the EOx Te invers@von. inthe area there on the German side — Der PodtmMoos .(in. iLtal= eos) European COMmmunIty ‘as the hot spot for deep, light powder snow. yet ‘modus (the Snowbird Tea. 2. . a... “Cacao example). . The DOT (“Department of TRUCKS”) >. WARES... vou to demand better driving conditions so they can extract federal.-Ss..to -—proMoO. EOE Lei. For the State of Utah. The only reason tourists: driverup the canyons is because they are allowed to do so. FE there’ <werea fee, they would pay i Do Ess} deals ieee buses were their Oily ride up “to “tHe Ski fresorts;:--they would ride them. What is more important? .Draving cond retons tow “er snow: conditions in Bre “rat ure car-pool and hike and ? So, hitch- take the bus)? peer “skBo be costs you ten extra minutes. it, jee long-run, we need to give our~canyons a break - and stop giving... them-..,the smell OF brake pads. |