Show A FRONTIER DUEL By I Maj Alfred R Calhoun HE plagues of the mining camps in fi the far west were fl the bullies and des- o peradoes who ng honest in-!- L dustry lived by ( gambling or even ig-n- These fellows alarmed go ways themselves carry with a swagger and figuratively drag their coat tails on the ground at all times In the hope that some one will give them an excuse to shoot Fairplay Is a very good name for a town or camp and Falrplay Colorado Is today a thriving plact but like all western towns It had to pass through all the stages of social evolution from the absolute barbarity of Its beginning to the high civiliza tion of the present There are many men not yet beyond middle life who distinctly remembe the first hut erected In Falrplay and who retain a vivid recollection of the first hotel the Great Western which was composed of three rooms one canvas one log and the other unplaned boards Though this establishment claimed to furnish “accommodations for man and beast” It had no table for horses and all its lodgers bad to sleep In bunks In one room while bread and bacon constituted the bill of fare with now and then sugarless coffee The “extras” were composed wholly of bad cigars strong chewing tobacco and whisky of a kind so much viler than the ordinary fluid that one drink of It has been known to produce all the effects of delirium tremens on a man accustomed to It and It always produced a homicidal mania In those who indulged in it as often as once a week The bar of the Great Western was the rendevous the headquarters for all the miners and teamsters in the vicinity and you may be sure that it was a constant resort for the gamblers and desperadoes who always swarm about a new mining town like flies about a sugar hogshead In July For the accommodation of the latter class with whom he was in full sympathy and with an eye to his own gain— he had only one eye — the landlord of the Great Western had fitted up a place for playing faro and a number of pine tables on which those so inclined — and it was surprising how many were so Inclined— could play that alluring but most uncertain game called poker At this time there were only two women in Falrplay viz: Mrs Chamberlain the wife of the principal mine superintendent and Lizzy Chamber-lai- n law-abidi- at which the wrekly— more oft in the ccolnesa and determination: "thU FOR WOMEN AND HOME bully" pointing to Sniveiy with hla r1 voiver “is a good shot ray man Is not I propose they shall sheot across a ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR MAIDS pocket handkerchief or let only on AND MATRONS pistol be used we’ll draw lota to sea which man shall take it Are you AUntlwamid Fur Coats— Possibilities o( agreed?” he asked turning to Arthur tl Varmw as a Good luvoatiuent— “I agree to whatever you say — ” Clown for Children — Scotch “But I don’t!” shouted Red Sniveiy Plaids &ow tlia Moat Popular “This ain’t to be a murder but duel" “A murder!” cried the stranger Together DREAMED of Parstriding toward the bully “Do you adise— and still dare to speak of murder?” Though sun lay Boft “I want a fair fight” replied Sniveiy on vale and hill “A fair fight is Impossible without Falrplay” were And trees As Arthur shook the fellow’s huge an equality of skill and force You green and rlvera bi lght hand from his Bhoulder he said very would not fight you cur If you did not The one dear thing feel that you had all the advantage on quietly: that made de“I do not drink” your side” said the stranger with light “You don’t eh?” sneered Red Sniv- stinging contempt By aun or stars or monthly— mail was delivered One rainy afternoon after the mall had come In Arthur Lyons went up to get the letters and papers from the east While he was leaning against the damp bar waiting for the man behind it to look over the addresses of the parcels that had come by poet he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder and at the same time he heard Red Sniveiy flaying In a mocking bantering tone that meant mischief: “Come Lyons join me and we’ll drink to the health of the beauty of ever-welco- els “I do not” “Then I’ll drink for two” The barkeeper banded Red Sniveiy a bottle and a glass Half filling the latter he raised it toward his lips but stopping as if he had suddenly changed his mind he shouted with an oath: “No gentleman ever drinks alone!” and with this he threw the contents of the glass Into Arthur Lyons’ face The unexected explosion of a bomb could not have caused greater consternation than did this unwarranted act Men leaped from the tables and sought places of safety tor such an Insult they felt must be folllowed by immediate shooting Red Sniveiy expected to use his pistol for he drew it but before he could fire Arthur Lyons seized the arm that held the pistol with his left hand and with his right he planted a blow between the ruffian’s red eyes that caused him to fall as if a bullet had been sent through his brain “No more fighting here” shouted a number of men rushing In between Arthur and the man whom the landlord of the Great Western was helping from the floor “If there’s to be shootin’ let It be done fair and square outside under the rules of the code and not In a crowded bar whar Innocent men may get popped over” “I agree to that!” roared Red Sniveiy who had now recovered himself “Landlord you'll act as my second” “I’ll do that and take your place if you go down” replied the lanlord who was only little less of a brute than the man he was championing “And I’ll act for this gentleman” aid a tall man who had been sitting unnoticed since he reached the place a few hours before with the mail-carri- er “Mebbe you’d like to change places with your man” said the landlord of the Great Western "That Is exactly what I proposed to do from the first” said the stranger “This is my fight" he added turning to Arthur Lyons “Hear me out I have been searching for this murderer for a year and now after a hunt of ten thousand miles I have him under my pistol and no man can fire at him till I have squared my account" “Who are you?” demanded Sniveiy his countenance purple and his thick lips trembling with excitement “I am George Pierce the twin brother of Henry Pierce whom you murdered in St Louis one year ago” The stranger threw off his cloak and false beard and stood before the cowed desperado — Hyperion facing a Satyr “Stand back men and let us have it out Coward and murderer though this Sniveiy is I will give him a chance for his vile life — ” The men dropped back and Sniveiy suddenly raised his pistol and fired He was In the act of cocking hit pistol again when the young stranger raised his arm A crack a puff of silvery smoke and a crimson spot in the center of the man’s forehead who lay dead before the barroom door One hour after this George Pierce shook hands with Arthur Lyons and rode away from the mountain camp the preserver of one man’s life and the avenger of another’s Soon after this the landlord cf the Great WTestern had to fly the camp and was subsequently lynched in Nevada Arthur Lyons is today one of Colorado’s most prominent citizens and he often tells his children of the early days of Fairplay and of the duel he came near fighting on account of their He had a long black beard his hat was slouched and his coat collar turned up so that but little of his face mother could be seen but there was that In his voice and bearing that convinced The Rabbit Problem Solved the lookers-o- n that he was no ordinary The vexed question of the extermiperson nation of the Australian rabbit which e As the stranger took his place her daughter has hitherto constituted the chiel Arthur who acknowledged the Ladles were certainly at a premium has confronted that problem every am bow drew from he courteous and Lizzie was very popular and a offer by a administration has at length tipodean toast with hundreds the of standing received a satisfactory solution There men working In or near the camp is no longer any necessity for invoking But as she was a very charming modthe services of great scientists such est girl she would have been popular as the late Dr Pasteur and Professor had the sexes been more evenly balKoch to devise means for their exteranced mination for the invention of the Some men with wives and daughrooms on board ship has led to ters at home in the states rather the bunnies being exported in a reblamed Mr Chamberlain for subjectcondition to the omnivorfrigerated to the hardship inseping his family ous market of the mother country arable from such a life but had they Rabbit pie is a favorite dish in the known that the devoted wife and United Kingdom and the rabbit which daughter insisted on accompanying could not be successfully canned for him and sharing his trials they would and preservation is now leavtransport not have been so hard In their judging Australia for England at such a ment rate that soon there will not be a single Arthur Lyons a fine fellow of four one of them left in the antipodes and twenty was Mr Chamberlain’s assistant and as he boarded with his Manna- It was pretty generally conIn Australia tropical Asia and Afceded that he had “the inside track” rica true manna is found on a kind of so far as Lizzy was concerned and blue grass It appears in masses as that their marriage was only a quesA PUFF OF SILVERY SMOKE large as a marble on the lodes of the tion of time stems Nearly three parts consist of two his coat and he revolvers under was however in Fairplay There one man who emphatically refused to held them with the peculiar grip of a mannite which though sweet is not sugar The manna also contains a believe that Lizzy Chamberlain looked man who knew how to use them Arthur Lyons like all civilized men ferment wh'c'i has power to decomkindly on Arthur Lyons and this man cane BUgar without evolving carjwas known as “Red” Sniveiy the first of sense was opposed to duelling but pose name being given to designate his com- he knew that if he did not fight this bonic acid or any kind of gas plexion and the sanguine color of his fellow under the rules of the “code" the chances were he would be PERSONALITIES bushy hair Red Sniveiy wished to be known as shot down like a dog and he well Sir William Harcourt Is chopping “The Mountain Terror” and he tried knew that in such an event there was hard to have the name attached to no law to punish his murderer He down trees on his estate for exercise Miss Alma Tadema has written a ihimself but as the majority of the knew that he was not a good shot with miners looked upon him as a nuisance a pistol or any other weapon for his volume of poems which will shortly be Irather than a terror the name did not life had been spent at college or at published hard work where he had neither need stick to any great extent Gen Lew Wallace has written a new for nor opportunity to acquire the book was a d Red Sniveiy swaggering consisting of two poems dealing He was supposed to doubtful accomplishment with Oriental life braggart was Red best the Sniveiy notoriously be a silent partner in the Great WestRev Mr Saunders a member of the He had shot in the mountains ern hotel and it was a matter of pistol East Ohio United Brethren conference to send the bottom known a been of notoriety that all the gambling fea- tin box into the air and then recently resigned because the confertures of the establishment were under to draw skimming his pistol from his belt and fire ence decided that its members should his immediate charge two bullets through the center of the not use tobacco he always He always had money An ant which Sir John Lubbock the bit of circular tin before it reached the drank yet he was the one man who ground English naturalist has kept for obserdid not appear to be affected by the “Have you a good pistol?” asked the vation many years died recently vile whisky — indeed it would be nearly stranger as he took Arthur’s arm and whereupor the Indian Mirror publishImpossible for any liquor to make him led him out of the hotel in the direc- ed an obituary notice of his aunt more brutal and bloodthirsty than ho tion Red Sniveiy had taken An obeli adorned with a medallion was when in his natural condition “I have not” replied Arthur of Chopin 1 as been erected at Reinorz He claimed Missouri as his home “Then take this It Is loaded and in Prussiin Silesia w'here in 1826 at and when he became confidential— has a fine hair trigger Are you a the age ct 17 he gave his first public which was always the case when the good shot?” concert Be organized it for the benefit game was going against him— he Arthur took the pistol the stranger of two ortmans would hint that he was forced to come handed to him and replied: Mrs IUi’imond Ritchie the only surwest “owin’ to a little Ciittin’ scrape" “I am not and so you must place viving daughter of William Makepeace a game of cards he had over this man so close to me that his su- Thackeray intends to write biographbrazen the of his will disnot result to my With effrontery perior skill a 'ecdotic notes for each volical and Class Red Sniveiy made himself very advantage” ume of a new edition of her father’s “Leave the whole thing to me and works which is soon to objectionable to Lizzy Chamberlain by appear 1 his disgusting attentions so much so do not Interfere no matter what proJean da Reszke and W K Vanderindeed that she dreaded to venture out pose” said the strangbr pressing the bilt were among the purchasers at the unless accompanied by her father cr young man's arm to be a gentleman and sale of yearlings from the Jcyenva “You Lyons appear jArthur The tenor bought the colt Orme-so- n On one occasion the latter told Rod I will do as you say" implied Arthur stud for $4000 while Ontario for $3300 The crowd In the bar came out in Sniveiy very emphatically that his Oasis and for $4000 went to Mr Vansee care the duel all ’o to Miss was rain the disagreeable taking conduct derbilt and that it must be to be out of range Chamberlain The shah of Persia who owns so "I propose” said the landlord “that stopped and this was said with such calm en phasls that the bully was not we place our men at ten paces with re- many valuable articles of jewelry and left in any doubt as to the young volvers we seconds'll toss up for the fancy goods is the possessor of what man’s meerlng nor of his determina- werd and then they're to fire and keep is doubtless the most expensive pipe $400-00- 0 firing till one or the other goes down” in the world it being worth some tion to en'orce his request stem and the kind” of of whole The uses the do long “I’ll replied its other nothing to many In addition the Great Western res the postofllce the udknger in tones that evinced bowl is simply incrusted with Jewels be-id- cold-stora- cashmere vh ca matches some dark Is finished around the edge with a narrow ylaiting of the plain material which also forms the belt cuffs and occasionally the sleeves Serge may be employed instead of cashmere and the yoke belt and cuffs covered with narrow braid tramps have uceu caught drinking froaj these vessels Filth and disease laden mouths may easily leave i sufficient number of microbes to contaminata in entire household Espeshlly is thii true in the case of milk which is one of the most favorable means for tha culture of bacilli Consumers should which makes a very pretty finish insist upon having their milk supply Wide collars of plain material edged served in sealed bottles and those with a band of plaid are another should never be left In areaways or on funcy Sash ends of the plain stuff doorsteps in color hemmed the It plaid knotted at around and the fall in choose with a low-cplaid bodice with yoke and aleeves of the plain material and a wide band of the plaid around the skirt but these gowns are not nearly so attractive as the plain serges trimmed with braid made with a blouse Eden weather waist opening in front over a bright we Was Just that velvet vest and stock collar The belt were two logeth-and cuffs are of the velvet and tiny er belt front Plain are very pretty and may or at the back as you serge gowns are made I dreamed of heaven— with God so nearl The angels trod the shining sphere And each was beautiful the days Were choral work were choral praise And yet In heaven's far shining weather The best was Btlll— we were together 1 Together weave from love a nest For all that’s good and sweet and blest To brood In till It come a face A volco a soul a child's embrace— And then what peace of Bethlehem weather What songs ps we go on together Together greed life's solemn real Together own one glad Ideal Together laugh together ache And think one thought “each other’s sake” hope weather one hope — In new-wor- ld To still go on and go together! — W C Gannett Attractive tioaue of Children The new models in children’s garments ar not remarkable for redly new and original ideas but they are very attractive as children’s clothes always are and now is the time for supplying the needed gowns for school wear Scotch plaids seem to have the lead In materials and are to be had in a great variety of all wool and silk and wool fabrics The poplins too are very popular this season with a great diversity of colors and designs in the plaids and aR the pretty plain colors from which t) choose These make very pretty dressy gowns for the older girls and velvet lace and silk are used in the trimming Brown and blue green and red are the favorite dark colors and with plain skirts little bolero jackets of velvet to match trimmed with a little cream lace or fancy braid and brightened up by a stock collar of bright plaid silk the Narrow velvet effect is very pretty ribbon in black in the same color as the poplin is sIbo used for trimming Corduroy velveteen rep materials and plain cloths and serges are also In the Juvenile outfit employed Plaids however make the most desirable school dresses as they do not show every particle of dust The blouse is the prevailing style of bodice for this material and it is sometimes made with a tucked yoke of plain PRETTY gold buttons plain on the too are material very decorative are appearing much earlier usual and are quite the proper thing to be worn with straw hats which are with us so late Among the novelties in fur Is a sealskin Russian Jacket pouched back and front with h basques below the belt This belt closes in front with a handsome than six-inc- turquoise buckle the garment ip lined with white broeade The ingenious girl will readily see that this garment can be copied In seal plush or velvet with very good effect length coats will be trimmed with sa- ble astrakhan Persian lamb and caracul The fur will be used on the high standing collar and will line the fronts Coats made entirely of astrakhan are likely to prove popular and let me say right here that they are one of the best investments possible to make in clothing A New York girl has an astrakhan coat which she has worn for six winters and expects to wear six more When the styles change the coat is changed and we all know how Impossible It is to detect piecing in astrakhan when it Is done with a little care If long coats are in style the owner of this garment adds a few Inches And so she changes sleeves and pockets and fronts and tails and is always Then the possibilities of darning astrakhan are so wonderful All you need are some bits of the material and patience 'From your pieces unravel the little ends of cut wool and sew them one by one on the worn places When finished It This Bride Says She Was Hypnotised About two weeks ago Mr Newton Peck and Miss Rose Wadsworth of Mantua Ohio were united in marriage by Justice of the Peace Charles Streeter The wedding ceremony was pronounced on a Friday They lived happily together until the next Tuesday and then the bride of but four days went to her former home She went to Ravenna and was in with several consultation attorneys about her prospects for securing a divorce She claims that her husband hypnotized her and that she became his wife while under his mysterious influence This is not all of the strange story It seems that the man who married them was not a justice his commission having expired last April But the law says that such a marriage is a legal marriage and if they are separated it will have to be done through the courts The Doorstep Milk Supply Bottles of milk or cans left uron doorsteps In the early morning hours may be convenient if not absolutely necessary under present existing conditions That the practice is Hazardous to life and health is admitted by all persons who have watched the hanIn several dling of these receptacles instances the most repulsive looking GOWNS EVENING me-ploy-er is doubt'ji if a professional tect the darn— The Latest would de- Oim Wuy to Sea a Girl Boms After tbooting Laura Kershaw because of her refusal to permit him ta escort her home at Columbia S C the oflier evening John Moore picked her up Slid carried her there Laura had finished work and was going to her bcnr0 arcompanied by another woman They were walking down the railroad track when Moore from behind called to Laura to stop She did ! not hT'l him “I giwss I can make you stop then” he sail With that he fired The bullet struak the woman in the back of the heal It glanced upward and penetrated the skull where it lodged in the box Laura dropped Her companion was frightened “You done shot her and you got to take her home” she said to help Moore “We’I I stopped her and I’ll take her hone" he said With that he picked Laura up and never loosed her till he laid her o her bed He then decamped The voman’s wound 's not dangerT be police ous captured Moore shortly after the shooting Frllli of Fashion Crepa de chine trimmed elaborately with black Chantilly lace in applique ever-arme- I Astrakhan and Fur Coats Three-quart- er I woke — and to my dream was true That happy dream of me and you! For Eden heaven no need to roam— The foretaste of It all Is home Where you and I through this world's weather Still w ork and praise and thank together And Furs It is a modes in little early for any decided pretty evening gowns yet those that have appeared show that pink will still be the popular evening color Any shade is fashionable from the deepest rose to the palest blush In fact pink is so becoming an evening shade that some women have foresworn all others and will wear it in stuffs of every de- scription A novel Idea is to combine another color with pink the contrasting shade put on in straps across the lining These straps run around and may be of any width desired— about three leches is best After the straps have been put on the lining is covered with gauze Just as though it were plain Spangled evening gowns will be very popular and the greatest amount of A good taste glitter is considered an gown is of accordlon-plalte- d pink liberty silk bodice and gathered on to shoulder’ the sleeves are tight shirs from wrist finished with rows of silver-sp- a ribbon The skirt has a large spanglei sign covering tha entire front and reaching around the waist t back The remainder of the sk: finished around the bottom with sprays--on- e For young in each girls gore under 18 it Is bi or sheer white choose cashmere lin for the evening gown Silk Dresden pattern is also sometime lected but It is not considered ii best of taste Conservative wome lieve that no silk at all should be until a girl is well over her s days— The Latest makes fdntrmlng dinner dresses Pink fa the leading color for evening gowns snd if it Is combined with violet you havw the latest whim of fashion One o’ the latest novelties in gold trinkets s a little fan chain fastened at the s de of the belt from which a very smdll fan is suspended The no'leeable feature of dress trimming is a floral applique made of silk guipure and braid Jet too is very conspicuously mixed with embroidery Light colors in cloth are the correct thing for afternoon and reception gowns and all sorts of jewelled embroidery cs bright velvets are H8ed as a trimming Lace is universally used this season on both light and dark gowns We have lace vests lace cravats lace bows in our hats and lace everywhere that it can be arranged with good effect Plaid hosiery is attractively display-e- d in the shop windows and every conceivable mixture of colors is represented in this article of dress There are silk and wool silk and lisle ail wool silk and cotton to suit every shade of temperature Lace gowns of every sort and kind are fashionable White Brussels lace In a very simple design made over white taffeta and plainly hemmed at the bottom makes one of the pretty new evening dresses It has long transparent sleeves and a fichu med with Brussels edging around the shoulders trim- -' |