Show zyg&:"w (' A T i " m v mi V Vol 2 No 32 TnEBONNEYILLEBOOM' Professional and Business Cards CONDENSED NEWS Project Prosperity Big Irrigation ' E E HOFFMANN JamesT Driscoll has been appointed UTAH postmaster at Eureka wahjacb M Judge Wallace — —- — - W ly L BnoWS brown fe Attorneys at Law 'bOM— WMOHT Block Richfield Utah Wilt practice In all the courts State and Fed aiJ Land ''feral Corporation Business Solicited Commercial G T Bean Wtomej Rapp ItAPPanhBEAN Mrs Gertrude Goldberg committed suicide in Salt Lade (Vedncsday Tho L D S College board Ms de dared itself opposed to foot ball Considerable alining excitement prevails on Saddle Creek Cache County Lawyers practice In all the State and Fedral The enemies of the teiilt Lake High Land Office poilrts and United States Messers Rapp and Bean are able and ex school liavo accomplished nothing so 'pertenced lawyers In all probate land water far pithing and Criminal litigation "Will attend all sessions of court In the ‘Sixth Judicial District and adj acent counties afHsuthern Uta Mercur will 8don be lighted with (bfice lu Anderton Building from the $111 ’ JOSEPH ECKEItSLEY narrows plailt ’ Alma Crosby and James Thompson two of Beaver’s prominent citizens are dead Attorney at Law 1 County Attorney for Wayne County UTAU LOA Lawyer 60000 sheep Notary Public Utah — — I J Stewart O W Collins STEWART and COLLINS Attorneys at Law UTAH RICHFIELD 0pH HERBERT DR Physician and Surgeon OJce at Pioneer Drug Store 'UTAH 'RICHFIELD MMB A convention of ladles have plauncd a move to found a national university at Washington D C M W MANSFIELD fyllURBER Jordan light brought Richfield Utah SHIPP Physician and Surgeon 6fflce and residence at the Kentucky House aj£ have passed through Sals Lake county on their way to whiter range in Tooele county TheJUn'lted States navy department is purchasing some large guns and otherwise streDgthlng our navy: tf i - Midwifery and General Cart of the RICHFIELD UTAn MRS AtfNlE M NELSON and Nurse Midwife absence for study I am a I After year's ’ my place ready to resume my practice Elsinore - The Davis county commissioners have decided that the owners of ditches culverts on county road cros at mustput siugsand then keep them in repaif Utah liOMEll McCARTY U S ' Deputy MINERAL SURVEYOR and NOTARY PUBLIC MONROE UTAH The Wriffvt House Edgar nowe and H M Dinwoodey both Democrats claimed election in one of the Salt Lake municipal wards The canvassing board gave a doubtful vote to Howe and declared him elected — 'of k" farmer mayor of Ogden has ‘lately delivered ' an address before the Maryland Academy of science on our irragaticn sys- Ilillmaa Brough tem soil K WlUGlIT t PROPRIETOR First Class In Evert WAt TEHTIS Him- - - i x IIBISOSlBtlE' riCflFIELr UTAH I i fof-nvin- r employment A masshedam Is going-trequiic some engineering skill The whole business rellects credit upou its projectors —Salina Press NOTICE TO CREDITORS- ' tt 'GOOD FEVLlNOS BETWEEN fctew- building on the business of said Estate Hannah Frandson Adminstratrix Stewart & Collins Attorney’s for A dmlnltratrlih Dated Nov 19th y Saturday night All of the players did fairly well and general surprise was expressed at the Society Stock Company should do in UTAH at its first play The player most suprised all was Miss Etta Morrison whoplaved to her first house and showed extrajrdinary ability in Impersonating the character she did Takenin all the people seemed extra well please with tho production Since that night the same play has been put on at Elsinore and Monroe and from the comments heard it gives sowell who THE WONDER H3QN0M 3H1 I results In all places It is being played In Saliha tomlght and night will be repeated at the good Opera House again Miss Penrose Is trainer for the JO p-ie- puv J8A3 5S0dua an u©iLEjJ0ssy tQ jseg eqx com- SQOOD AHG pany has played In many of Americr’s leading cities knh Is an excellent trainer as the results show Mr Bean keeping up his reputation in the part he played while all of tho players show promise of becoming excellent In the &rt Change Not an Old Friend is WHO WILL BE A Maxim That Holds Good in-n- s y NOTICE TO CONTE C7VRS Tho vmli'rslgned ’nxirU of trustees of School Elsinore Sevlor Co UUhwlll District No of all rock work receive bills for the for the four room school building (with the exception of tho iihuri ring of the rocks) unwhen all bids til 10 a in December 1st ls-w'll open at 7 homes Nielson’s residence work to he Completed ou or before tho apples first day of July 1KSM for further Informain Sevier county orchards this fall tion call on trustees where plans and speciWe fications may be seen would feed suffering thousands The trustees reserve the rlnht to reject auy If-haud all bids not considered advantageous to would like to hear from Jim Rev Charles R E Bliss in a recent iu lecture to a Boston audicuce declared farmers would grow tothat the Klormou Church was fast matoes sweet corn and peas enough gaining power iu Utahaudthat polyg- to keep a factory running night and amy was still generally upheld by day during ths season As for fruit the Mormou people rotted have the and pears that Friendship Business Tligra is always one thing to be rerhembered in business that jb)d nevdfr Ev6r sltlce 1871 thi use anything by dan'lng with tile tried and trusted There Is quite a little talk already as Co-nRichfield p m It has never beefl Rchfleld hti bta t d fing hit who shall be appointed to fill the found wanting in its treatment of the public It has Always had ndthiagbil vacancy In the next city council The fives and still has i supply of the same ial articles on h 1 canning lact-orgreat institution Sevier county With a little in APPOINTED? Democrats claim the right tb have one representative there as they h id but one and he cannot qualify The friends of iMorteu Jensen claim the place for him as he rau next to Mr Rasmussen on election day There are the two ways of looking at it Personally we could not hope to s: i better city councilman than Morion Jensen but the upper part of town justly d n in i rep-- leata'j ive and ne should by rights should have one will met Who it bo? also Lea De I'ocrat We wonder if Jim Bolitho lias canwith any encouragement oh inn A 1897 Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings THE BEST and CHEAPEST It Is of Great Value in Richfield Utah Nov 18 1897 To whom this mav concern This will certify that we have bad business relations with Bishop Brand-leon different occasions since coming to Richfield abd tie has treated us There fairly in all personal dealings is not and has not been any antagur nistic feelings or 'differences between us to our personal knowledge Very Resyiectfully The Woody Concert Sc Signed Convention Co Theo Brandley - In The Matter of the Estate of Lar Frardsen Deceased Notice Is hereby given by theuuder- signed adml'nlstratr lx of the Estate of Lars Frandsen Deceased to thft creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased to ex hibit them with the necessary vouch ers within four months after the first publication of this notice to said administratrix at her residence lnElsl nore Sevier county Utah the samA being the place for the transaction ot 15-- The ning factory project could be made a I n 1 "ji-i'- d ' Through a perusal cf tho Tom-iLaws and Regulations I find that there are limitations upon PostMasters holding either Stale Territorial or Municipal offices tlmref re I malt" the announcement hat I will he nn-hie to qualify as Connci’nian in (lie that I city of Richfield LT-llio- 15-About nooi Spring City Nov yesterday a young man by the name be Attorney General McKenna will of Irvin Allred was accidentally and of a the Supreme appointed justice seriously injured by the discharge of a Court of the (Jutted States gun in his own hands He was about a mile and a half south assumed control We trust the Sick of the Piute Pioneer most fascinating of professions may be so to Brother De Witt p d Seltoober is home from survey Ing on the site of the Otter Creek re SOrvolr lie tells us that this reservoir js going to be a stupendous piece of worlv-- and tl)C g00( resuit8 to follow Lr( almost incalculable The reser voir will be about six miles In length half a mile wide and the average depth of water somethin like 27 feet Thou sand-of acres oi desi rt land can bft wateiod and there will be room new setth-along the Sevier Win k Is being crowded a dozen o mote men ami team- - finding steady j is spokes Witt has VOTERS OF RICHFIELD Second North Street This tobe followed in several other pints did tit t know o! such a pioiibu u oLtown by the same move One per- eai licr arid aL thanking to voids son remarked “What a little bit of a for their suppni t Job it is when you just get af it I I am Be- - p et oil would rather grade the streets by my W A Seegnullei ')7 Richfield Nov Ml placo than to sec them so muddy a What CUtt the Bonneville Water S' ’’ season We more trust still pne gradtt Power company do with the elgh' ing will be done this winter J II Hood Is home fr in Moino high mouths with at least eight times When He tells us that the thermal spines as much water as now usnd? af that place are wonderful and t hat the Bonneville company gets It store'' A SAFE PULL It will hn lie experienced considerable relief In two or three reservoirs B a Mr Load On'oFivAvusoN f'om a trial of tliclr waters kinds Sake one of the most profitable propositions diviHood like others who have visited to Elsinore 'of in the west and one that will pay Monroe deplores the fad that tho dends to the builders and colonizers than le of the spi mgs do so little to owners lit a farmer Otto Francis m Into Elsinore The climate is of for fruit one day this week having a heavy alvertise (her virtues and to iuke the Salt Lake valley ard a Then all kinds the very best There is shipping safe loaded with bullion from the place at tractive to visito-good market in the mining camps west the mines at DeLamar It has always tie no conveniences and the environ t and south fetigar beets have been been customary to ship this bullion for ments are far from Vicing cheerful tried and found very rich and the Bon fillford and the cause of the change Monroe could be mane n gieat health neville company will build a sugar u unknown Itwsa heavy piece to resort if these springs were owned by will as conditions soon as jus slide Into the express car and took all men of cam il and push A few thoufictoiy the ipen for a convenient distance a sand dollars invested in a hotel and lify hath house' together with Judicious win of Oak W l'iam Partridge City round to do it Rumor has it that advertising will make Monroe one of i was fearfully wounded on Fool L rent tlie of the safe were t lie best known towns south of Salt peak two weeks ago is recovering largely gold but only lie who loaded LakeCity The springs are all right is that the people one t knows trouble The tt hundred miles away do not kuow of Fillmore Nov their existence— Salina Press QUEENA OPENS son of Silas M 'Smith at Meadow Utah while playing fell from ihe doorstep a distance of about 18 inches The play of Queena was the first to One of on to a small express wagon be put on at the Richfield Opere nouse the wheels being broken one of the and drew a fair sized audience to it block on will cover a great deal more land a nr1 give more fall for fbo power plant There are now over 20 tohs and many ranches above Leamington and al1 prosperous They use the water dur ing the four low months in each year ly obtained some Utah black bass to plant in Colorado streams C A De men It was folUtah Nov 14 Leamipgton Bonneville Water & Power compaj lowed by the city’s grading Center Is working about 20 men In and above Street Then came I K WilghtJnn Leamington raisiDgthe contour lino Bolitho Guy Lewis and Die Jensen 18 feet on both sides of the river which family who are now bus) grading their reYale and ITarvard Universities play- of town and while attempting to of the barrel froni the ed football lately but neither made a move something : : Utah Monroe score It Was tfafe hottest game In gun it was accidenatlly discharged the ball entering the arm below the history elbow coming out jnst above and reDB E SMITH entering the fleshy part of the arm Dentist Mrs Anna Cottrell an aged and Dr Cassidy was summoned but at Anderton Building widow of Bountiful "jumplast reports had failed to get thC bulUTAH RICHFIELD ed in front of a train and waskillea on let Tuesday MRS N H ST JOHN Main Street started the ball rolling Several lii entered Jhe brain near the temThe child after making one ple DeLamar the great mining scream expired instantly This sudCaptain man has recently purchased a strip den death which occurred Sunday at of mining ground In Mereur for 555000 5 p m was a most terrific blow to the griefstricken parents who have the Colorado's game warden has recent- sympathy of the entire comir unity ' t 11 Year A $150 TO AD I N STREETS New Impioverucmls Being made G Brinl -- 3nd federal Office Ence Block Will now A sugar factory for Ogdoq Lawyer and Notary Will practice n all tho Courts Stae seems assured fct&JFlELD Utah Fcqiay November 19th 1897 Richfield Elart-no- DO YOU WANT GOLD Everyone desires to keep informed on Yukon the Klondyke and Alaskan can t get this infant industry on its ths district J w Sylvester C Ucimunson gold fields Send 10c tor large Com feet we VfH speak to capitalists and Thomas Nielson pendiumof vast information' and big have a canning factory lu Salina next Trustees olor map to Hamilton Pub Co summer--SalinPress First Publication Nov 6th iDd )tir it-s- Better Fall and Winter Goods can not be found in'the county- RICHFIELD O-O- P E £1 - M IS E D187) Theo Brandlev Agt DO YO U WANT Cook Stoves Ranges Haturs? Parlor Sets Bedroom Suits? Tinware Stove Piping? "Lumber Lath Shmgles? Moulding Rusticor othersupplies usually kept by stove furniture or lumberdealers? It you do go to The Pioneer Furniture Store H O MAGLEBY 1 ( P ro prieto X oiiiOcUhA |