Show Vi- AT IS SUMMARY JUABTSVAUl MINEd FllflhKAM FO It TEAt'llEllS It’STITIJXK '' b' at o'JCufT ff dec 10 97 BVE SEASON JOTt-lta- Joe-Hi-i- i r i coiy)ondeEt writing the salt tike Tribune from Marysvale gums Jiptbe wren's Vork at the mines W$ pubL 4 some ol the more interest-lekpartaJjjow- t' i ti gong by Joseph School 2 Address by Principal Joseph 1 School— 0 U Beau 3 How' to teach parts of speech— ldyand hlg family of Jes- - Della Pendleton 20” (Discussion 10”) 8eF peakive received their annua 4 Song— Nellie Glop wood Ropers— hintle C?Yw which closes the sea-' ' School? ' ' fqr projecting and surfaoe work 5 Dangers in' tbc Diagram— Ella in hlgnerjudeg whore the weather Ilougaard— 15”(Dlscu3sion 10”) X is decldi fry 8 of Utah Schools— n - While o sensational discoveries have beecjd® during tae past sea- 1 son') propria jp (he opening and devel-- 1 pprnentof number of valuable pro-- ‘ pertiee has been substarn tial and satis-factory to ur local mining fraternity and to thojs whq have invested iq pro-- ‘ ' Perty contiguous to this place ' ' Webster Deer Trail r otlier mines' the Burfade in this locality has been merely ' scratch ed In tmny instances where large ' Velqs oi'fcid-bearln- g rockckrry’ fair milling pmes at the surface develoj ' ment WOT consists of pot boles not rS Over thn In the Itjrqe Heaven country work ig been nnerally suspended for the Wlhtor bttpext season will witness unusual attiyity in that district owing to the veff flattering results of this 1 I ( SftYthe f Pub Ilistory VE Bean— 20” i Specific ways in which teachers t loose time— J E Heppler— 15” (Dis- cussion 10”) ' 8' What classes should he taught by lecture— Chris Jensqn Jr— 15)Discus-siq- n - i 10”) Reclatlon— Lydia Jackson-GIS- hA wood School IQ Silence during the Reciatton 9 1 -- Minnie L Noble— 20” (Discusslop-K)’11 Are Friday afternoon exercises beniflclal?— Clara Seegnuller— 15” (piscussioo 19”) 12 Mistakes made in teaching His- tory— Sophia Goldbranaon— 15” (Discussion 10” 13 Mistakes made in teaching Read ing— Estella Jacques— 15V (Discussion - - : 10” i f (i Chas 14 Violin Solo- - -- Prof The pon year’ll deplopment work test over bp Wedge claim will be de oided in aamers by Judge Olsen Speer’s Arith to 20” (DisBrown— Fannie beginners— McCarty cussion 10”) the latterpart of this month 16 Tf he Teachers Desk — Mary Wit One pf the most important strikes of the seaon has been the finding of ney— 15”(Discqssion 10”) 17 The pupil’s note books— Emma free gold h paying quantities in the t June Bug some five miles north of Ivie— 15” (Discussion 10”) 18 Song— Lottie Buscn this placein the low bills east of 19 Teachers Jokes & Sarcasm in Along with five feet of School Room— Lillian Simons milling ort carrying free gol3 Is small bqt continuous streak of ore (Discussion 10”) that fairl glitters with the yellow 20 Busy work for beginners— An t Wllschefski— 15”(Disousslon 10’ metal Rom present appearance Will gusta 21 Company Song— Lewis Jones E Heki will be either reducing or jship 22 Regulations for Recess & Noon yiig Junc'llug ore before many more —Jas Sorenson— 20’ Intermission moons hum waned The most important event of this (Discussion 10”) 23 Question Box yosf is thp building of the Crystal Evening Session mill lu Cottonwood canyon and sit1 Instrumental Music — Joseph Puuated about eleven miles southwest of Marsysvala The building is thirty-tw- pil 2 Relatiou of District School and feet wide and consists of five j School— D A Nelson High flours exclusive pf the ore bln and 3 Recitation—Etta Morrison A forty tjfock crusher 4 Company Song— Thos Ranson light dynamo also occupies a portion ft'!”” i of the vanuer floor The currant will t be wired to the mine some 15000 east-- ( German Papers prly The waters of cottonwood creek A private letter from a friend iu are are harnessed and conducted compares American and Germany through aflame 35000 feet la length German journalism Here are some to a tank of 6QPO gallons capacity extracts Thence the water is carried 4000 f American My own appreciation steel pipe to a feet through a is greatly increased since 1 journalism Pelton motor the descent bej have had the opportunity of comparing 210 vertioal feet and is expected it with European journalism ihe to develop 9fi horse power The con- ing t German press although a very tame struction of the building and placing hand-cufficreature is muzieled of machinery has been done under the in and broken The newspaper is the supervision of Niels Michelsen of Mon-rp- e people’s educator and it ought to give and is a solid piece of work comthem a glimpse of the big movements A few more plete in tfvery respect that are being set on foot of the profinishing touches and the mill will be l gress that is being pade in the 1st lessons in 15 -- : v- ( 5’ x ! o 4 ( i 12-in- d J Every body hero abouts ias gone power piad and po wojidet for epcli day as it passes but $dds tQ tfle certain ty that wealth far greater tjian ani to be wrested from the Klondike’ frozen sanda Is to be gotteij r ufc of Niagara’s green waters by those who t bave dared to harness the world’s drearest cataract The most marvel ous dream of the age is being rcqlizer la the quiet looking gray power house that stands a mile or Iwo above the falls Three enormous dynamos each welghingi many tons and whirling a long at the rate of 250 revolutions minute are constantly transforming water power equal to that of 15000 horses into the inexplicable thing we call electric energy But this Is only a beginning On both sides of the river men are steadily at work In the sunlight by day and in the mystic currant's glare by pight making re&y for the pro duction of ncprly forty-folmore pow er By tomorrow so to speak enough foree will bo had from the rushing water to turn every city of the Em pire State includihg theGreater New York itself ? Whep the work now in progress is done the total output wlj be as follows: HrsoPover To be developed In the Pyesopt tup the turning of the wheels t field i special Interest to the 'at Beaver City may well be people Stated Here A' goof road has been built froiq Marysvale to the Crystal mine a distance of eleven mills only four or live mills being in the canyon From Just below t he Crystal mill the road has leeq extended a mile and oue it u the sawmill" From that pont i r ci' ’ of the Baidy range is only An item of J a-- ouc and oue-hal- miles f n°l oa-j- i'! if mi t ciii'rutimii from awmill to Puffer lake can be safethe -- lubor at and 8500 the It ought tall of nations trace the rise that is slowly that entirely n if YOU TAKE STOCK Mr sure ard rtslfkiocc Glonwood T no -- ii Ileilcson Maus Christensen Store Suit 1 A BIG OFF P UNTIL DECEMBER THE CENSOR and-TH- 1 E NEW YORK WORLD M ' that Two Dollars Buffalo now a city of nearly 400000 inhabit? nta and ranking fifth or sixth among fchecitiesof the Unit ed States ucs less than 50000 horse power and that all the manufactories in New including those of the great aggregation of cities at the mouth of the Hudson are operated by less than power In other words there are now planned enough hydraulic and electric installations at Niagara Falls to furnish power for city so vast in extent thaPG'reat New Fork Paris and Chicago would be only villages in comparison Some there be who predict that such a city greater than any the world has yet seen will grow up in the the immediate vicinity of the catar-ac- t — Niagara Falls Correspondent New York Telegram MI Yorlr-Stat- General Wood Worker (Case in Richfield the best one in Sevier County I is always on hand I ain prepared to take JC 1 G Clark Clork td Kj so’ t of carpenter work Call ou me for an estimate No 151) S Jacket Jump Rougb or Planed Lumber In the District Court of tho Sixth Judicial District of the Slate of Utah hundred and nluoty soven 'Red Turned Work Molding tiiS And you aro hereby notified that If you (all to appoar and answer the said complaint as above required thssald plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of $10180 together with Interest as afore said and costs of suit Witness The Honorable Judgo and tho Seal of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District In and for the Stato of Utah County of Sovtor this 13th day of Hop! ember lu tho year of our Lord one thousand Olght TQade the only planing mill contractor for any tJOLMVS-ATTOI- Best Pump I am proprietor ol (SUMMONS I I Two Dollars e DTEWAKT AM) ISPAL ©2 TKis is stictly forCasK e 550000-hors- 4 ONE YEAR KOI! r feo Jgtorfl and Residence for Sale rant' isttcrvdsxni er falls within its bounds that the total water power horse power avail able at Minneapolis renowned where-evemen eat bread because of its gi gantic flouring mills is only 25000 due: signed by O T Bunker and A Bunker and guaranteed by G Enee upon which $170 has been paid which said note Is alleged to provide for tho paymert of a reasonable attorney’s foe In case the same Is placed In tho hands of an Attorney for collection— and 11500 Is alleged to bo a reasonable attorney’s of the profits NEW TOWNSITE THyRBER ' inter-prise- ” W ' CO Total 750000 The real meaning of these figures is not clear until it Is remembered that Lowell Mass famous the wor'd over as a manufacturing town came intp being because it was possible to de velop 11845 horse power from the wat but surely taking place It ought also of Sevier to be spiced and flavored up with local County The Utah Implement Oo A Corporation PlttlUtlll news vs O A T The German paper is quite a long Bunker lluuker and G Enee Defendants ways off from this ideal of mine It is of Utph Sends Greeting The State not naif so spicy as the Bible It to CT Bunker A Bunker & G Ence doesn’t give anything that corresponds Defendants: to pur local page It is nearly dest- You aro horebya required to appear In an action hrought against yon by tio above itute of what we pall “newspaper named plnlntlffln the District Court of the Its foreign news is fau'ty Sixth Judicial District of the Stale of Our little paper here never has anyof Sovtor and to answer tho complaint filed therein within ten to days (exclusivo of thing to say about America except tho day of sorvloo) aftor tho servlco on you describe some rail road accident or of this summons-- lf sorvpd within this county or If served out of this county hnt In this flood or some other catastrophe and district within twenty days otherwise withthe average German taking his idea in forty days--or Judgment by dofaultwIUbe a ken from his paper thinks America is a said wralnst you according to the prayer of complaint dangerous place to live In But the The said action Is hrought to recover from fou the sum of $70 80 principal and Interest G 'I man paper is at least literary It and C500 attorneys fees: Alleged to he due uisplays the raw language that plaintiff on a certain promissory note dated April !6th 1W8 for f'15 00 due August 10 1RKI some of our county papers at home do with Interest atl'A percent per month after The road ought to go through xmt 100000 to You Get Part vrv £ To bo developed In the second tup nel (not yet built) I’M 000 To be developed In the three Gann d Inn tunnels 330000 To be developed by the Hydraulic- Power company 150000 Utah-Oount- Then doiyn a smooth Canyon on the western slope three miles to the beautiful Puffer lake from which a road leads down to Beaver City Thus it ll be seeu that four mllesahd a half t oter an country will ttin in direct ly put or 4 mt d lndus-tlra- heady for MANSFIELD MERCANTILE An Jenson SOME BELIEVE IN £ o 0 i&ifU' V'aS J v mm f 01 Hi PROTECTION m t1! it v 3 in-K- l t 1 Others ' in Free Trade IF you want to trade freely in TIN WARE and CUTLER qu to trade with me If by Y It will pay M Ph EH you want your house protected eaves trough it will only cost you nine cents per fuot at GRECO Shop e3t of Opera House b Missouri Pacific R’y The Colorado Short Line to Kansas City St Louis Mo and all points South and East Free reclining chair cars a- -u I’ul man palace sleeping tars of most elegant design Direct connections at the magnificent Union Station St Lcuis for every where Tickets on sale at all stations on Rio Grande Western Railway II B Koosar EJ Flynn & P A F & A T C F P Salt Lake City Utah DO YOU WANT GOLD Everyone desires to keep informed on Yukon the Klondykc and Alaskan gold fields Send 10c for large Com pendium of vast information and big color map to Hamilton Pub Co led Sold By Consolidated Implement Co and fluents Buy Your T rees of THE SALT LAKE NURSERY CO Our trees are alwaysfiee from moth They are well packed before shipping They are well raised and trimmed Consult our agent before placing Your brt£$ O C Andraeson Agent Moarec Utflh ’toff |