Show Jtf Remember this PAINTER GILBERT V QUEER suroery FOOD FOR THOUCHT Elf Atui Are Made to Take the FIdcd h " (’0lll'li''k' at mlrintffht is ended STORY OF A of Needle and Thread "n Ue itiindi with his hut In Ills tint CELEBRATED It TV " Science ‘7 !vitik'ly ii livers beside him has made vast strides ARTIST’S CAREER Niunaioui during Iiow and be kissed t” The sooner you begin to nlu lt0Vl the last half of the Pain biiKv his tho mlits of the futur- eIn and no century nuimn oiNCl STii-rj “u Uet his thouvhts he does n’t branch ’ of speak— use Schilling's and Burn H knowledge Is this progress wonderlnit how they will Brief Blographlnal Best tea and Sketch of the more marked xo live on six dollars than In that of surgery a week muiago Famous London Illustrator Who Ke —Up To Date baking powder the better your Many an operatlot is now performed eently Pssad Away— He Led a with facility and Smoke 20 Sledge llon’D Saving Bank was that for Bets not Cigarettes safety opportunity to get some of Book Picture Maker end Trait Company dreamed of fifty years ago and Of Nos 1 8 many and 5 Main street Salt Lak that A Havana an operation that we now $200000 tiowspapor says that a war consider w haV9 on d°P°sit more th’ ith the United States trivial f°W than GIL-berIR and to JOHN beneath And the more you will en“ought the remark waa b million and a half dollars with a good lynching of Americans inbegin They pay S R A presi- than considered as next to impossible the percent interest por annum and ’ cake and eating That would I hi an excellent itpitul compound dent of the Royal The Introduction of anaesthetics and the Interest four times way joy your to begin a war and year Deposits needn’t worry of Painters the researches of Lord Lister in antiare sent from all Spain A Schilling A Compauy Scolety alxuit ending It the parts of the United San hranciMo In Water Chicago Coiois septic surgery account largely for this Estates 1006 Have you an account? If not state of things Indeed before the in- insures us died In London the start an account NOW Womon and chi other day at the troduction of antiseptic methods in the dren have the CAN SAVE For Hale Very Cheap right to deposit in their own 80 years namo of theatre age as operating to lives were their own many Second-hansubject order Write for any information Gilbert’s first pic- lost from those bugbears of all sur- L augraph und Ruminirton Donamnre Yost 1 and needed ud wuid received ture was exhibited geons pyemia and septicemia as re- bend us your repair work tviiowriters We keep WHOLESALE an experienced PBICtS 1 ONE PROFIT In 1836 WxLFORD WOODRUFF President factory man thoroughly It was a sulted from the operations themselves Competent Miirau FREE Of am 1 rounj to all makes repair of The typewater drawGEORGE M CANNON Cashier color method therefore of securing a writers SHOE CO MESI nSTOFFIBL— wo-- rtd ing and Its subject was “The Arrest wound which Is still I’ J- CONWAY CO 238 loam 8t among prevalent t TI??e 18 more Catarrh In this section of Lord Vo West Second South st ‘i1 Salt Iuko City ChiAaffaJli country than all other diseases Richard Hastings by the Protector the Brazilian Indians may be looked put together and until the last few Duke of Gloucester” In the upon as at least strictly antiseptic yeara a as supposed to be incurable For a same year he exhibited an oil Sewing ELEGANT Machines many years doctors Prospectors’ Map of I’tah painting The materials required for performing It a great local disease and prescrlnedpronounced Am Huy dirttpi The Passenger Department of the Rio local remedies and In the Royal Academy and in 1839 he the the are A found operation by constantly failing to cure J’Mit Frieee Factory handy almost Srande railway has with local exhibited at the British 10 Wurrantftd treatment ell an issued )Mtrst just Institution it in anywhere a pronounced DR G W SHtJRES Incurable Brazilian forest These Sc AttMohaini for ence has proven From that time forward his catarrh to be a const map showing all mining districts of are a species of a work Ao Non infnnoy arf pictures fTh® 0- - eat disease and ant which therefore very large m The record together with an outline sketch Speelnltt In the W requires constitutional treatment Vlranl Vedjrso to 124 5a of Hall's CatanTx were seen constantly in the last named has mandibles that can bite through Cure muuufaeturjd tillto Duo Th older districts und the RAilIrrno F by chent-J and gallery atacadat lUniUiMF spoeiul almost Co Toledo UMo Is the durthl calliug the occasionally $1860 any substance The mouth is tention to several to is ftu reuulur irtylM ional cure on the market oniyft constitutprice $40 to emy Most of his paintings have been furnished with partially developed reis tft J he Klgr SndoU $3 Hi movable Internally In doses from 10 drops taken transversely which gions nd for InriiecAtaloituebefore historical and many of them were sug- jaws recently ltuve shown import-au- t to leasfioonf ul nu buy und uv money It and does not possess a sting A directly on thS gested by the classics In blood and mucousgets MFO CO uncoverings of gold and copper now surfaces Wah'h v Chic- and bite of bvs-tethe from English one of 1 hey offer one hundred these ants is perfectly attracting notice of investors for continental humor His brush was harmless prospectors any cose it faila to cure Sehd dollars and is followed by no swellfor tnd others and testimonials busy up to 1890 In which year he ing or other Address I1 or evil results F J CHENFY A CO lower The copies of tills valuable map address lip painted “Onward” of the ant instead of °ed° F A Wadlbiqh G P A Suit Lake a being simple S0M b£ Drukvlsts 75c He was better known to the English-speakin- g cover City A a Family Pills are to the mouth is developed into a the best public as an illustrator of strange K A great commotion seems to lmvo taken n jointed organ which can be iitMfcer hnuld ftldrra books and periodicals than as a E mkkky a a j a Mmichenter law tithe w J a place among paint- shot out much farther than the It Is a quoor country where one has er Among his most Important illus- upper 5ontempluted railway circles owing to a KM10NI)i iA U P A half Kv or 8 a Up or when at rest can be folded hatch through car service between a dozen climates in his flat the Puciflc coast th- of i backyard so tq iVLi SHORFS lohl'i °'suffering always seeking und Chicago which is to over the face 8 And say of can and It hour the joke be rapidly prois one is always mankind always trying OUIIK one operate each he pccpl® day is This tt:a‘ week re-fnot truded " gives a or withdrawn It is furnished uew value discovering others In fact the farmer ?e every dollar paid him has and fru-BOOKS STATIONERY AND departure by any means as the Denat its extremity with a decided to give quackery fraud and im-PERIODICALS n grower are obliged to make a pair of forceps ver & Rio Grande Railroad Te’eihone or wit e A R Dorse deah blow and protect the spjcial study of thoir individual Co formerly and is able to grasp and tfeitn company with the climatio Uo" objects ‘lloane telephone its connections have been No' asTs im! 1 ' from the decjjIcQ-bla conditions to obtain the best results ’!'!! Is operating ant few L '?ke hours obtain strength and charlltansfirmness of a small pair of through car son’ ice trim Iu tfiKHls at eUy prloes Eyery the cultivation W t between the Pacific up on mlsojllaneous Looks unit prepay of flowers the pincers Nothing unless cased in metii articles lly is peculiarity and Atlantic coasts via Lake H'“LKlVB even Pueblo Salt heavier "i ones more al MAN'0Vlwl“1 We can resist those jaws What the marki d a complete stock of hooks on nil Denver Kansas City and Chicago for carry In various hlmllnas School and Teachers’ sulileois Still the California climate is far Brazilian Indian does when he or one books and super li HI s e I'V'I and V three ip years lilb'es and week books HOOD rior to the at orage taking the world over each Prayer viz: days of his patients receives a ° Blank hooks: Oltii-- and gash is this: every Wednesday Thursday and To rn !oi“U'l! l! Frederick H Dewey in November Friday cli lrthl‘‘y’ Wedding and Holl- He catches some of these ants Hydrocele lymvri W1IneSu' Varicocele v iin -t’i Lipp and also The Stricture curs engrave and to for this through serevening byph smal and Society stationeryprint i V lrrpP)"noe holding them to the wound which he vice are of the latest hL0rB11' Pren‘ature old age ncoits d sjV satisfaction Pullman guaranteed and do3ign has previously closed elxss “oleoma- ty JEniboased In Bold together lets are supplied with new clean linen and bedthem bite They fix their mandibles ding throughout A Pullman porter Is asThe Companion’s Souvenir Calendar for on each side of the wound and then he signed to each car These cars are under 1()S a series of s charming pinches off the rest of the body leav- the personal supervision of u treted and cured without faithfully copi- d in colors and etnbottsd in' special excurf'or People That Are ing the mandibles and jaws to close sion agent whoso unt11 the cure is effete f gold is duty It is to see that Sick or “Just Don’t T20llar recognized as a most' everywhere reserves Joct0T the up the wound tJ A row of these ants’ passengers are given right however casV-!- f every comfort and Feel Well” he can’t charming piece of Every uew Eheads keeps a wound cure you “h? ‘ncurab° dcn ‘ want your ONLY ONE FOR A subscriber together quite 8 a attention receives it without gionev additional’ Removes Pimples cures Headache DOSbefore nevr as For Dyspepsia made the effectively further iitd needle information a PeSBon°K8 by to and thread of Moreover cliarpe apply the paper is sent free! And rr r any Costiveness 25cfs a box at druggists or by mod xv SIR JOHN GILBERT R A a surgeon hut the ba tuples dree address Dr BosankoCo Phils Pa to new subscribers pain given to the agent or to B F Nevins general lurent every week from the trations are those of an or to II M Cushing edition of victim of this rude time the stibscri tion is received until Janof traveling passenger W N U Salt Lake No Shakespeare upon which he Bpent sev- must be considerablestyleRude surgery agent D dt R (1 railroad 46 1897 53 West Second 18!(8 uary as and thin for a full year to Jan- eral years this Whea Answering Advertisements Kindly In 1871 he was elected method seem however it has Its South street Salt Lake City Utuli may sacredly con- - uary lSli'J fidkntiaI Mention This Paper president of the Royal Society of Paint- advantages In Illustrated prospe-ta- s being strictly antiseptic of the volume for Dr- - G W SHORES ers In Water Colors In whose and FOR 18(18 uud no 30 DAYS YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 29 CENTsT galleries evil effects causing The sample copies of the paper sent he has been a constant Box 1585 exhibitor He of the ant are extracted with a jaws Salt A ake City Utah freo Address pair of Their Marvelous was knighted more than twenty-fiv- e forceps after the wound has satisfacThe Youth’s Companion !years ago In 1876 he was elected a CBSE YOURSELF207 Columbus Ave Boston Mass CURE BY torily healed— New York Herald Academician Royal I'M Biff ii for unnatural and was also made Hclnuffttflt a hidaniiuatjuii chevalier of the Legion of Honor irntattuQg or ulcofuttons for Fifty Cents ELOQUENCE OF A GIRL Sir John for many years refused to DCnj bru De3- (PfBVOU COCUlfton Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak ramloBu and hoc antnu- sell any of his paintings with a view to men strong blood pure hie Si All theEyan8 Chemical Oo or poisonous druggists The latest child phenomenon comes fitold by Drafffflit one day presenting them to the nation from Jersey City and or ont in plain wrapper she is drawing For many years a discussion WEeffec“dbvCJi£0Vr- 0- 8i?tPmont ‘hat more cures have been 1893 In he divided the collection among crowds of ny xprtH touching prepaid for 2 !!rl"the ‘Lwo 00 or 3 bottles enthusiastic years than the to hear 1275 people authorship of Shakespeare's work has the art galleries of London Manches her In remedies combined It cannot faiJ Morn than 1000000 Circular sent ou request this week Her name Aa m Pittsburg been kept olive in certain for ter ?Vr® Rfcfnnmfliim )Atlve Birmingham and Liverpool quarters—much Neural! Jynpopdia IWk- At to the we triness of a patient public Pro-- ! that time he was presented with the Stock fessor John Fiske in the November AtlanCMMp?8wVKl£rpM freedom of the City of London an hon 1 you would keep posted tic contributes on article entitled SScTviss?' or was that never before and has nev writ© for information Forty Years of the er since been given to any artist Frompt Iieplies Folly which should effectually put a fui praise from thousands of heart We sickened and’heavy'with pSi-- V !etters WesterQuick Keturas quietus for now painless and happy all time to this de’a" hrllv md woM to express mr extraordinary GRAVES literary OF for GREAT FRED A SEARS n 'but tt?k”1 ’Ut !!!' I’”t!e of thB medicine and I gratitude wh‘ your “ HORSES h i for lusion fool like a new nnttlo me a much romi Ed tlm iliHit fhi petMcCoruick Block SALT LAKB CITF The recent death of the young stalHe had been ueln A novel medicines and a Hu made not lone propu ii ent your meUioine and If they will lion Domino and the mark of ago to the Receivers of the Baltimore & Hove Jt would respect dead man bring: to Ohio Railroad life 'i he B & O has a brunob V e shown him by his owners the Messrs HICKJOItl) Very respectfully your C H B I) thev recoive replies Roth NHVoH runuiug from wlmt is known as Alexandria Keene in an Staff -- uth(orps quick W Junction putting near asbingtoa to appropriate slab prosecutinc Claims since 1 8 7 8 over his grave recalls the fact on the rotoxac River where aIShepherd'i car that but NEW DISCOVERY 111 i— is operated in connection with the ferry few rhir'y of the great horses which lines have W rL south from Icauing aoMvH tbe A hHiMHor book of totlnionlRR and lOcliivft' c?BnnTyP°s r Capitol died in this country have any tablet of it ii eastern c illeqe desired to lease treatment Frew Iir It iiiiki Vhmi3 mpi to show where their bones lie buried this short stretch of track for the purpose For Thitty Days 3 Large Bottles for of educating voting men iu One of the first horses to have 'P fr $250 practical How to Gl Rich this 8WAKSOS KHM- W4TH' rf'RPI O 107-10- 0 In his letter he of mark explained that DHOPn Kf S respect shown him was Lexbo thought thoro was a wide field for Uuragu itx bright ington and energel ic boys who could be thoroughISABELLA H HORTON well This fine ly iu tbe horse Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life grounded died in his practical side of is Isabella Away Harvey Horton and she is near the house occupied by his stable To quit tobacco easily and forcverbe mug-- n railroading provided thev could be eduCANDY ou cated little colored girl Just 13 a groom line of Ho road belife regular tic full of nerve and vigor take years old Overton lieved that by the Henry and at his LexHer of request veteran employment Is the vocation that make weak men railroad men as tencturs that of an evangelist that the bovs ington was buried not far away Mr and her CATHARTIC strong All druggists 50c ortl Cure guaranis said to be forcicould profitably spend 2 or 3 preaching A workJ teed Booklet und sample tree Alexander years Address ble Lexington’s owner ns trainmen remen logical and convincing The John engineers switchSterling Ili medv Co Chicago or New York ing had an appropriate marble shaft placmen stution Wesley Methodist chapel Is where agents and in other capacied she ties at the head in e t of railroad required the is service grave on which holds her Pittsburg services Johnny not wearing his little defender tins brunch of the Li & O is of considera-M-Aso is and though recorded brief mention of the horse’s the budge any moro Ho doosu’t sjem t ) be value the Receivers were compelled to church accommodates over 1500 victories so fond of ministering to dumb animals decline the offer people its congregations this week have Uncle Frank” Harper who was a filled halls since lie hell a poor half frozon been iu his CURE CONSTIPATION A Kansas poet has sited for stairways and vestibules damages neighbor of Mr Alexander followed and overflowed hand to get it warm which lie suffered by the falling of a into the street Isathe example set by the Scotchman and bella bridge I b’lieve niy Harvey Horton Is fatherless and The bridve should be conprompt use f I’iso's Cure in Wyandotte when his incomparable turf poor and ahe is performprevented quick consumption— Mrs Lucy demned— for not killing him trying to earn money ers and stallions Ten Broeck and enough to educate herself Dec 12 ISi'o Star Tobacco Is the leading brand of it has been proposed that the world because it is the best Wesley chapel furMaking Amenda: See muduine did yru nish a scholarship for SCOTT the talented lit- GECt ever see see such a homely man as that JAS GTENDINNTNG RUMFIELD tle girl and to this Tho Prince of YVtilos has been sued President end over $100 has and Treoa for one over by the chimney corner? Sir Seoretai that fJIOnOOO but already been court the j dismissed raised Is my hudiand Ah miniums how true as being “an abuso of theprocess ofthy case court”! the proverb is that the homliost moil alIt is nice to be a prince ot JoUa ways have the linn lsomost wives J?®" rnc" society people of Atchl-so- n costs It to Tour to Educate Bowels With Casrarcta Klondike— but go money w are telling an Ingalls story which Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever this week you can buy all kinds of furnihough undoubtedly true loses 10c If C C C fall druggists refund motley none of ture stoves carpets organs pianos chairs In U cleverness on that account tables iron beds steel ranges etc etc One of If these be molnuoholy days the Ingalls girls who is two steel safes very cheap alleged to be ’Tis owing to man's idle wuys Everything very choice of her be will sold company and very of regardless cost before I go AGENTS FOI They conio with cheer to every soul proud of her father to Klondike I X L Second-Hanrecently attended IUiffnlo Scale Company Who's got the cush to lay in Coal Store a Detroit Stove Co dance In the course of Atlas ’°L 43 E Socond South — Chicago Record Engine Works John Van & Home Steel Ran-r1118 she was lteeven: P A SORENSEN approached by an Dodge Wooden Pulleys Coles Air Tight Heaters Atchison young man the son of a gro- California I’owder Works TO CERE A COLD IN ONE DAY H ortlungton Steam There was once an arch Armadillo Dumps cery keeper who had known Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlno Tablots All Celebrated Anchor brand Cylinder and Revere her Rubber Co from U Who to refund the falls if cure tide built him a hut ’neath a willow money Druggists Oil infancy though not intimately Engine Dodge Injectors Ho hadn’t a bed Iloxve Brown & Co Drill A Tool Steel Leviathan asked her for a dance That rich Mr Muggins is a distant relawhen she lc Belting So lie rested his head as plied she drew back a little super- Miners’ Tools tive of course isn’t hoi Oh no he’ exOn n young porcupine for a Stoves Tinware pillow etc ciliously — Curolyn Wells November ceedingly close St Nicholas I think you are the son And General a Assortment of Mill of Findings! our Win groMrs low's Soothing lirap HONOR OF TEN BROECK AND cery keeper but I Infer that For fhll(lrpn trothlnffnoften the ffunmri'dticM ' Says No do not Everybody you 168 nation allays pain curoa wind colic McentitaJjotti know me Cnscarets Candy Cathartic the most wotidor-fLONGFELLOW I am the daughter of the (H SI : MODS! B sjii use cirr min meillciil discovery of tho age and Longfellow died he gave them decent Hon pleasant John J Ingalls” A trust is an institution that demands refreshing to the taste “Ingalls’ actgeritly and positively burial on his pretty Nantura farm Ingalls’” near on the kidneys liver and bowels cleansing the musingly inquired the cash for services not rendered Midway and over the grave of each groceryman “Where have I heardyoung entire system dispel colds cure headache that he has erected suitable monuments habitual constipation and biliousness name before? Oh See the advertisement of “6 Drops” fever yes I remember Please buy and try a box of C C C 10 These now enduring stones tell the observer Your father was the man who Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company in 2A 60 cent Sold and guaranteed to cure by all the breeding and the performances of reported the another column of this paper Take druggists prize the horses which lie beneath them a City Journal advantage of their splendid offer More Activity which is open for the next thirty What transformations in character KOJiUliliKTS and HEADSTOJ83 Society (’Irena Tlie Pianoforte and life would be wrought if we bedays only 111 Society of In Moline people I a Covent Garden have wailed our lot less and gave more heed Just been giving a circus They had a it Is announced that a playbill of 1767 A Colorado man is suing for divorce beto Its Improvement Less will lady a sing complaining tent and all the paraphernalia of cause his wife has cold feet Some men and more song from “Judith” accompanied activity in the church would regular thing and took In 2000 the thrown in expect to got a for Dlbdin “on a new instrument called bya also he very helpful As exercise charity with a woman’s heart remarks the Mempianoforte" ahakej off ennui and acts as a counterphis Commercial Appeal active to indigestion so cheerful work It is only from the belief of the Japan which forty years ago had no clarifies the vision tones up the spirit goodness and wisdom of a Supreme Be- other than coasting vessels none of and improves the condition our that can calamities ing be borne them steamers now has several steamIn the manner which becomes a up In time Hold by druggists ship companies the largest of whlrh To Care Constipation Forever Salt Lake Citf —Mackenzie owns sixty-thre- e Take Cascarcts Candy Cathartio 10c or SSe vessels If C (J (J fall to oure druggist refund none WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIQNS StJacobs Oil sign whereby Quick! Conquers nl-h- -- Times-IIeral- d Y0U20TD4D “Mteol Smith-Prumi- r L lr it ec al I NOT UI i 307-30- 9 m DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU clr-la- SOUTHERN Homesoekers’Giiide rs CURED t Kaer l'l" ' lgn’ figure-piece- color-wor- k an RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA B CATARRH ASTHMA LA GRIPPE ! DROPS” Commission o vchW “'‘VI doc-n- pension zF flSr' Y pro-feio- Si tnlnr-rtruii- nnrujo ae wonder-work- W ?dmm Geo M Scott & Co Importers and 0 Ifl Q PClXAQ T" Bar and Sheet Iron Steel FIpe Dealers d semi-publ- ic Mi ul Elias Morris Sons Company to-d- Onrnett-Fitzslmmo- fight”--Kanaa- Marble anGranite Mantles base-burn- Cerates etc ZZW I |