Show BLANCO'S EDICT SOUTHERN CENSOR GKO II CBOKI1Y Jr Editor and I’uUlltdii-- DURRANT Full Pardon Extended to Cuban Rebel 3 lio Have Suffered Prosecution TO BE EXECUTED SENATOR United State s Supreme Court Declines to Interfere In Ilis Case San Francisco Nov 9 — The news that the United States supreme court has decided not to interfere with the execution of Durrant spread quickly over the city and crowds of interested people read the announcement eagerly from the newspaper bulletin boards The decision of the supreme court was not unexpected here and apparently CANNON HOME Interestingly of Condition That Prevail In th Orient Nov 8 — United State Utah Ogden Senator Cannon is home from Lis trip of investigation to the Orient where he left his companions Senator Pettigrew and Fred T Dubois who will soon return Mr Cannon did not ear to comment too freely upon the conclusions he had arrived at as with the other two gentlemen he will compile a ireport to be printed and circulated as a senate document He Bald: “IVe had good opportunities for making the observations which were the object of our journey to the orient Numerous conferences were had with the leading men of Japan — the men through whose influence that empire adopted what it calls the gold standard In addition to this we examined the industries of the country those to which have been applied the modern methods and the innumerable home industries which are carried on now as in centuries gone “There is very little to fear at present from the competition of Japan in manufacture Shelias destroyed much of her advantage by adopting a policy which was dictated from England What with her vast standing army and with an increase of taxation such as is instituted by the present administration in Japan there are not the same inducements for the investment of capital in large factory systems Besides the difference of exchange is now in favor of China to the extent of nearly 12 per cent and as the latter empire is likely to remain on the silver basis ?the stimulus to oriental manufacturing is largely in China "The effect of Chinese competition is a more serious question a menace so vast that no protective tariff will guard us against it The labor of Chinese factories is skilled it is drawn from the inexhaustible fund of rearly 400000000 of population it is the most Talk! Havana Nov 9— Marshal lilancohas Issued the following edict officially deUTAH scribed as RICHFIELD “expressing the maguani mous sentiments of the queen regent and the firm determination of the naUTAH NEWS tional government" “I pardon in full all those who hav The assessed valuation of Juah been prosecuted for the crime of recounty is almost three million dollars bellion Rebels prosecuted for com T L Smith a Salt Lake deaf mute raon crimes independent of rebellion only Durrant and his attorneys seemed has been arrested on a charge of rob- such as spoliation immorality and the to have any hope that the murderer like will be pardoned as rebels but would be saved from the gallows bery for other offenses committed Warden Hale of San Quentin who is judged A telephone line is being strung them in Washington wired the news to Actby a from Evanston to Randolph distance “Those suffering sentences imposed ing Warden Fdgar Edgar has not of 94 miles prior to the date of this edict wiilhavu notified Durrant of his fate and will The wheat acreage in many counties their sentence commuted to a ceetain not say when he would do so will be greatly increased as a result of extent and District Attorney Rarnes who conperhaps in some cases in prevailing prices full ducted the sensational trial the result Box Elder county is forging ahead Seven Insurgents were tried by l of which was the conviction of Dur-raWithin the past as a mining county infor the murder of Minnie Wilhere today and few days very encouraging strikes surgents were sent to the penal settle- liams was much pleased with the dehave been revealed cision He is convinced that Durrant ment on the Isle of Pines committed the murders and has chafed Utah's Ute Indian chiefs made a THE OUTRAGE ENDORSED at the delay in carrying out the senand good impression in Washington are returning satisfied that allotment Game Warden Know Makee Report to tli tence Mr Rarnes said that Durrant would not have to be of lands is for the best Governor — asked 9 Denver Nov The Oregon Short Line has (lame Commissioner He said that all that was necessary submitted to the governor would be for the district attorney commerce commission Swan the inter-statfor an extension of time in which to his report on the encounter between when he reeeived official notice of the decision to into court and asd for equip its trains with automatic coup- Game Warden Wilcox and his posse an order to go with the execuproceed and a of Indians Uintah in camp lings and a be fixed for it tion that date The run of the Utah Sugar Factory Routt county October 24 While Mr Durrant's were notfled this family Swan deplores the taking of human for this season is at an end Although morning of the court's decision and the daily verage has been better than life he believes that it was necessitat- were deeply affected Mrs Durrant ever before the run is only half as long ed by the exegencies of the situation ne 6tates that in his opinion Game wept hut said her son was innocent as usual Warden Wilcox's version of the fight and that she did not yet give up hope The Rear River Orchard company was correct and that the killing of the that her son would be vindicated and will ship a large amount of Utah fruit District AttorIndians was unavoidable and neces- his innocence proved to Philadelphia where it will be put on Rarnes the only thing stated that ney However he recommends that exhibition It includes almost every sary now to was from the order of appeal in justice to all concerned there court variety raised in the state the but that they supreme should be the fullest possible examinawould not try this as United States Senator Cannon arriv tion by a commission they thought appointed for ed home from China and Japan last that lie also says that the they were sure to fail purpose week where in company with Dubois commission might provide ways or ANARCHISTS CELEBRATE and Pettigrew he has been making a means to a recurrence of such prevent Orient in of conditions the study troubles Tenth Anniversary of the Execution of It seems to have been demonstrated Their CcmrsdN abstemious lapatient Oil Foot to Klondike In Salt Lake City's municipal election New York Nov 9 — The anarchists bor in the world It averages less than New York Nov 9 — A farewell re of this that women are not successful as city last night celebrated the 10 cents per day of our money It proEach of the three parties had ception has been tendered at the tenth anniversary of the execution of duces as much per capita in factories mission to a band of seven Chris- their comrades in given representation to the fairer sex Chicago in a public and in mills as any labor in the world and in each case they ran hundreds of tian crusaders who started for the meeting in Clarendon hall There were China can produce as much cotton as votes behind the ticket Politicians Klondike gold fields to establish among about 500 anarchists in the audience she needs She can draw from the MonUnBay that women voted against their the miners a permanent mission Johan Most presided and read his golian sheep flocks all the wool necesder the leadership of Alexander Deso-tsex She has in two speech from manuscript sary for the world the missionary band will travel on Most spoke of the “Canaille of Ca- provinces (so it is stated by engineers Capt Donovan late of the Salt Lake foot all the way from this city to Den- pitalism” which he said police force has gotten over the Skag-ucongratulated and others with whom I conversed) trail into Klondyke Ilis party was ver Gospel services will be held along itself that the social question had been more iron and coal contiguous than is the route From Denver the missionLetone of the very few to succeed quelched and that peace and order pre- to be found within the entire boundaters from him describe the horrors of aries will probably make their way vailed He wanted to tell the political ries of the Uuited States the trail and state that hundreds turn through the Southwest to the Pacific bandits “that the anarchists were not “She is making rails and all kinds of back disappointed and disgusted The coast to mourn or to shed tears iron and steel fittings It will not be gathered but to sing a song of triumph" for the tnany years if financial conditions lear ' for gold in the far north is not Presbyterian Union Due of un mixed pleasure future was not far off throughout the earth remain as they New York Nov 9 — The celebration “The spirit of the revolution must are now until China will be an exThe monthly statement of State of the 25th annivsary of the adoption and will endure until the Treasurer Chipman shows a cash bal- of the Westminster spirit of ty- porter of all the things which she lias standard under shall be crushed — until the formerly bought from civilized lands” ance of 830J7134 at the end of Octo- the ranny auspices of the historical commitof justice and equity and huber Receipts for the month were tee of the New York Presbyterian un- triumph To Disband Annexationist and peace will prevail” said 11845010 and expenditures 91157328 ion was begun in the First Presby- manity Havana Nov 9 — The annexationists The chief item of revenue is fees of terian church here The afternoom the speaker He called the government a cowboy have received through the columns ol lecretary of state 81363075 Wasatch session was devoted to addresses The with apologies to the a newspaper of this city a hint that government— sounty made the largest remittance evening session was held in the Madi— and tickled his hearers by it will be well to abandon their meet$00000 and Sanpete county the smallson Square concert hall and included one bomb in fired was the ings The article in question convey saying only est 00 cents musical programme and a collation ed the information that the club was exebut did excellent it Ilaymarket Prince of New Mexico to be proceeded against as a gambling cution Champion Jail Breaker Is in Salt Lake in the interest of a W Charles Mowbray Hermann institution under which pretext it The new sysMemphis Tennessee Nov 9— T S new telephone system and Schmitt August Lutt were the would be possible to do its members Thomas the forger made his second tem has no central station and who great deal of harm without going to addressed the meeting speakers automatically make connec- escape from the jail here by sawing the length of accusing them of conThe system is cheaper than the the bars of his cell and afterwards tions spiracy These meetings have thereONLY A FOOT FOUND one now in vogue sawing the bars of the window in the If sufficient fore been discontinued is vouched Mr Trince rear of the jail Thomas had made Magazine Blows Up With General Blanco's formal reception at Tkree Fatalities agress to have the system in operation himself famous by his previous escape the palace a week ago was a very from jail here and at Chicago and his New Martinsville W Va Nov 9 — chilly affair Outside of tlie officials within a year Colonel John S Mosby once the ter- subsequent marriage with Miss Fannie At Fine Fork Wm Conn of Cuba N and representatives of the commercial Rutherford of Minneapolis at St Louis Y drove to the e magaror of the Union army but now enbodies who attended there were onlv Three other e with a zine with prisoners charged of wagon to get about thirty people present General in the peaceful pursuit pracgaged minor offenses also escaped twelve gallons of to Bianco is Baid to be in ticing law was a visitor in Salt Lake poor health shoot some oil wells over which ho has and to be City one day last week Colonel Mosby constantly in need of mediIllinois Coal Strike is (11 years of age but in spite of this supervision cal attention and therefore not likeSpring Valley Ills Nov 9— Steps While he was inside another he carries himself with the spr' ly to be able to endure the hardships have been taken at a mass meeting of wagon with two men in it who of an energetic campaign against the of a man of 40 His mow sts miners held at to continue have not been identified drove are as quick and his eye as bright and the coal strike Marquette up insurgents the winter by Before these through btrangers alighted the alert as in the old days when the creating a Personally Marshal Blanco is will hoard consistmagazine blew up with a report heard liked by the members of all parties mention of his name made half Washof miners from Laing Spring Valley ten miles away ing tremble including the conservatives who Salle Peru Ladd Seatonville and The only thing found that ever was owing to their wealth have The possibility of contest over Salt Marquette The management of the generally human was a piece of a man's (foot succeeded in the mass of the Lake's election has developed a queer strike is to he put in their hands All swaying else the men the horses and the '1 lie autonomists and state of affairs It seems that an im- Several mines at Marquette Cahill and people in Cuba were as if they never had ex- the conservatives are far from wagons is condition before a imposed Peru are the only mines working in isted being at possible Where the magazine stood is a hand in suit can be begun Fraud must be Urn district glove and no matter what the cavern Windows were deep yawning new captain general favors he is charged and supported by parties broken in every dwelling within half Fatal Quarrel of Farmers sure to have the hostility of whose votes is alleged to have been pretty a iiiile one or the other Ilelton Mo Nov 9 — At noon yestampered with As there is no means of identifying ballots it presents a conterday nine miles east of here Arthur Christian Science Healer Arrested dition that cannot be complied with Wright killed John Hess and shot tils VIOLATING OUR GAME LAWS It is a part of the old Australian bal- latter's father William S Hess at Ute Being Hhnt Out of Colorado are ow KaniasCity Nov 8 — Nothing ever stirred the Christian Scientists of Kanhome their All those involved are lot law Killing Utah Derr Nov sas farmers Vernal no is hut renson 9— City as has the arrest of Mrs A 1 A new form of relinquishments Captain Wright's given for the Baird Christian Science healer for The coinmund the murderer here passed shooting through valley passed adopted by the state board of land commissions contains an affidavit that this afternoon and is making bisway today en route for Duchesne Every failing to notify the health authorities thing is reported quiet along the state of a case of diphtheria which she has land to be relinquished to the United sou til line Parties just in from Diamond treated Among the 1500 or 2000 ScStates by settlers in consideration of Fatal Mlufttep in Utah state that there ientists in the city there are few who mountain Utah of same the state the selecting Leadvilie Colo Nov 8— Joseph are Indians now camped in that sec- do not support Mrs Baird in her conin satisfaction of any portion of gov- Hatcher who arrived from Carters-villtion deer troversy with the health officers The killing ernment grants to the state and agreeMo was fatally injured by fallofficers look on Mrs Baird's ofNow Utes health the are that to to tract the brought the to sell relinquisher ing down a chute 50 feet lie was a ing as serious She will not lack fense the realize that gates to the great at private sale at a stipulated price of partner in the lease of the mine nnd of ab'e Colorado are closed game lawyers when she appears In poregion not less than 9125 per acre is was in an upraise when he made thu and should she be convicted lice court them will in all they is and claimed against no probain character by fatal misstep is certain that appeal to the court of do their hunting on the Utah it other person His condition is critical and it is bility final resort will be taken side of line the The Indian war it seems turns out feared he will succumb to death Wolcott hi Wtftphinffton to have been an unprovoked assault Probably Untrue l Lee has returned tc on the part of officious game wardens Nov 9— Senator WolWashington Nov 8 — The Evening York New Havana cott of Colorado one of the commis- World There are said to be 750000 head of Steformer says The convicts who escaped from the sioners who have been in Europe in sheep on the desert between Price and venson's failure to return with Senator the Colorado line where they will Montana penitentiary last week have the interest of the bimetallists arrived Wolcott and General Paine was due to been captured at Pocatello in this city last night He went to liis a new turn of affairs in winter England wlu-rhe home remained about half which may result in some change in of 1 the he expense situation in Rio Janeiro is reIt is estimated that an hour and then wnt to the white the recent municipal election in Salt garded as critical The troops reinuin the attitude of the British governhouse in response to a summons from ment on the bimetallic question Asa under arms ready for emergencies Lake will reach 83500 President McKinley t Senator consequence the Evening World says In Salt Lake’s municipal campaign Fort Custer Montana has been it is understood made an informof the United States comthe average strength of the parties abandoned on al report of the commission's visit in tlie report recommendation ol r will not be made public missioners 4648 Democratic Senator Wolcott declined to was: General Wade He also recommended Europe Stevenson is heard from talk for publioatior 3778 Republican 3603 Populist 783 the abandonment of Assinibone court-martia- nt fifty-thre- e o hard-workin- vote-gette- g rs Bow-er- y a a cow-boy- WEYLER IN s to Bharcver He May Cbanc to Land Madrid Nov 8 — The Spanish govH Arretted ne nitro-glycerin- two-hors- nitro-glycerin- e two-hors- tli-ne- ss e sub-distri- ct non-miner- Consul-Genera- Vice-Preside- e Wol-iot- Non-Partisa- n un-M- The October pay rolls of the Com- stock companies aggregated 857175 Charles Hall a printer was arrested on the Cth in Laramie for forging two checks for $2525 each is in W Kelly a sheepherder Mont at charged Livingston jail with forging tho name of Edward' Proffitt a prominent stockman ernment as a result of the deliberations of the ministers over the utterances of General Weyler has come to the decisiou to try him by no matter where he lands if he cohfirms the accuracy of the press reports of his utterances The commanding officers at all the It is reported that an eastern synports of the Spanish kingdom have secure a lease been instructed to demand of General dicate ia trying to in the Salt land oil acres of Weyler the moment he can be commuto be used for creek Wyo country nicated with the exact terms of the speech which h3 delivered in reply to grazing purposes The Montana state board of pardons the manifestation at Havana on the occasion of his embarkation for SpaiD has refused to confirm the pardon of J C Geldert serving a term of 18 years on Sunday to whom pardon was The steamer Montserrat on which for murder General Weyler sailed for Spain Sun- granted by tlie governor two weeks court-marti- as cabled to the day on Wednesday Associated Press reached Gibarra on the northwest coast of Cuba with her engines disabled and may be compelled to return to Havana in which case it is not unlikely that there will be in teresting developments ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION Brazil' President Murderously Assaulted by a Soldier Rio Janeiro Nov 7 — A soldier of the Tenth battallion which constitutes part of the local garrison attempted to shoot President Moras with a pistol The president was just lauding at the marine arsenal after visiting the steamer on which General Barbosa minister of marine has returned from Bahia frustrated the atNormes the president’s nephew was slightly wounded in disarming the soldier General The bystanders tempt but Colonel Mareada Bettin Court minister of war then interfered and was himself stabbed The wound was so serious that lie died soon afterwards The at- tack has caused the greatest agitation in political circles Mining Town Held Up Des Moines la Nov 8— Three colored desperadoes armed with a shot gun and two big revolvers held up the mining town of Marquisville four miles north of here They walked into the poolroom and calling on fifty miners to hold up their hands one of the party went through their The miners had just been pockets paid and quite a sum was taken After the robbery the desperadoes strutted around town and gloated over their work for a few minutes They fired many shots but no one was hurt They are still at large To Oppone Annexation Washington Nov 8 — Word has been received here that the delegation of Ilawaiians who will come here to oppose annexation is made up of Prince David Kawananakea James K Kau-le- a David Kalauakalni and J M Kan-eakThe Prince will pay his own expenses but that of the remaining delegates will be met by a subscription among the natives the amount to be ua raised being $4500 of $5000 The delegation is to arrive at Washington in December snb-icribe- rs Nitro-Ulycfrl- NOTES NORTHWEST DISGRACE Western Fermions Washington Nov 8 — The report of the commissioner of pensions for the year ending June 30 1897 shows that there are 2888 pensioners in the Rocky Mountain states and that they were paid $411401 during the year pensioners and payments as follows: Utah 778 The widow of remarkable The ago Stockmen near Glendo Wyo are complaining bitterly about tlie ravages A J Covington of the wolves 3 prominent stockman stated that tlie wolves have killed sevoral of his large steers A reward of $500 has been offered for the capture of the two men who at' tempted to murder Will Griswold Iq White pine county Nev some weeks ago The county offers S'’OU and Griswold himself offers $300 Cattle and sheep are being shipped out of Reno Nev both east and west The east is bidding against the west for choice herds of Nevada beef and mutton and the beef producers and floekinasters of the state are reaping a well deserved reward in the revival of business in their line Robert Graff while stenling a ride on tlie Montana Union at Garrison Mont fell under the train receiving injuries that ill probably prove fanal Cashier B D Hatcher of the wrecked Northwestren Natioual bank of Great Falls Mont has been sentenced to g five years in the penitentiary for the funds of the bank miss-applyin- The two Roberts girls kidnapped at Plumas Junction Nev last week were found in a cabin in Last Chance valley The two men Foss and were not cuuglit but McNaughton persuers are still on their trail and it is quite probable that if they are overtaken there will be no need for a jury J C Conway of Laramie Wyo who was recently released from the Wyoming penitentiary has improved his time by study and is equipped to renew the battle of life He was sentenced to twenty-fivyears for killing a cowboy at Casper but Governor Osborne commuted hisseitence e to six years Fifty miles north of Helena adjoining Lewis and Clark county Mont on the west is a new mining district that is making a great record for itself and yet its existence is known to comparatively few of the mining men of the state The district is known to who are at all familiar w ith it ns Ileddieston district being named after the man who discovered it What seems to have been an- instant of carelessness on the part of Con Cronin cost him his life as he was coining off shift on the evening of the 4th inst frqfti the Diamond mine in Montana He was knocked from the cage at the level and fell into tlie sump 220 feet below and was inthe-Te- 100-fo- stantly killed A number of California hunters ara shooting ducks on the Humbolt lake receiving $110953 Idaho below Lovelocks Nevada for the San 190 Nevada 265 $35130 Francisco market Ducks are numer099 $102120 ous and they are being slaughtered by wholesale The hunters do the Dutch and Kanaka Wed which they St Faul Minn Nov 7 — Holland shooting from boats and Hawaii were united by a notable brought from California The expense wedding in St Paul The crown paint- of outfitting being heavy they must er to the Dutch royal family a distin- find the business quite profitable guished European artist was married and will likely follow it for several to the daughter of Hawaiian kings a months as the ducks make the lake beauty bride was Eleanor Kaikulani Graham of Honolulu the grooin was Joseph Hubert Vos of The Hague More Iron Crystal Falls roost important Mich Nov 7— The iron discovery of the Menominee range in several years has their winter quarters Tlie antelope are running around in large numbers c!ose to Hock Springs and consequently sportsmen are liuv-ina gay old tune On Sunday last g John Kastner and Nick Ivappis brought home one each August Kendall and F Tom llrnnnutnan Boyer killed three and partner were also successful in been made on the bank of the a few and yesterday Tom river one mile south of the gettingof a band crossing tlie truck beheard Mansfield mine Tlie vein is 77 feet tween town and Vandyke and followThe ore assays deep and 40 feet wide them lie shot three within ing 62 per eent in iron and sight of 051 per cent in town phosphate thus putting it safely withTom Sainmon who worked at Rock in Bessemer limits for some time and who was Springs Orrn State Bold Up arrested at Hams under suspi-oBaker City Nov 8 — The Sparta having something to no with the held was up by two masked men death of the stage man Henry Chapthree miles from this city tonight The man who wasyoung found dead in a pool of highwaymen had a lantern which water at am s Fork had a prelimin' frightened the horses causing them to ary hearing Tuesday and was disrun away and the coach capsized The charged there being- not the slightest driver grabbed tlie mail sack and evidence to connect him with reached the city in safety death of Chapman Jlieli-igam- -- f 1 Aluminum A Alr-Sh- lp Berlin Nov 8 — The aluminum ship fitted with a benzine motor was tested in the presence of a number of generals and the chief of the department The ship rose a thousand feet floated in the air a few moments and at first obeyed the man steering it but later a strong wind which prevailed rendered the ship unmanageable The experiment was considered partly successful and will be repeated under other conditions air-shi- p company has been formed iix southern Johnson county Wyo who will establish a large store at the famous K C ranch on Powder river The new company has $10000 capital nnd will construct shearing and ping pens Tw-- bunds of & Wilcox (lip- scabby sheep owned which were being trailed to Van Tassel for were quarantined by tlie shipment Converse county (Wyoming) Inspector and will be requred to dip and eradicate the scab before pioceeding by Lee |