Show j cents In Uediir out the fact tlmt potatoes to soil well Cily Dixie didn’t raise much wheat ' — 0— the must be of unmixed seed The pota thi year and fc'evier coquty will sureCoffins and Caskets should bo Law breakers me made toes are usually allowed to in co that ly be called on for oreadstufl tosuppl $ If you believe In Silver lfi to ) apd more by laws not propqrly enforced do and Sofas not cook Ono tley evenly ' cf the the counties south beforo the year good meals good beds that Invito than by any other way In tho world (ireatest troubles that la to be found ever Clocks and Bhackets leep and pleasant dreamq good There has been an ordinance prohibit- In shipping Sevier i county potatoes Is ft 4 IIkd Room Suits ing loose cattle on the streets of Rich- that they are not raised In large Book Iffiigiiincs Pabloh Sets should bu inked out of The loaves field for years It has been hut a lit-i enough quantities of anyone kind to t an Pete and Seyjp? Branch ho ditches Ourwann spring water t Bubkaus and Wasustands tie while since the city council gave load a car The same l 'a Hall) Pnpcrj 30 wl' tnje of apples hastens growth of diseam germs and ' i ' T3astBptfn! And all I'ubnjtueh notice that the law would beenforced Thousands of bushels of f STATION apples went he lea ditches but assist the anfl a T THE LOM B“T PBICES AND yet we have kept patienf watch und I to waste this year simply because work o Msd Mxd bilinos t' have not found a day In which loose carload of any one a At kincj could not be i in 625 p tn Ar BALT fAKE LvSOOam t cattle wcie not running our streets found and only cne carload was JWONBOHI FUBNITUBBROOil Iicrieville baa had an ordinance to re-- 1 ped from a county boasts of county that might pave John A Johnson Peob a that makes you feel at potato yvelghlngsix pounds 8 qutiee quire boxes put over the ditches that shipped fifty We people of Fevier oe cannot beaten fur Utah home cross the sidewalks a Sample Roopi op with d potatoe-ariIn the county want to quit raising amoder-towyet many we when learn our Main business knew we street go fo of such an ordi- - ate amount of everything and raise !the A B O OF IT hardly I will nance There Is a law to punish a some one product for supply train lods toother states OF A P export As yet tt allows his we TIIE KENTUCKY HOUSE waste water 1o haven’t learned to use the markets jnanwto flood the public road yotatttil tlmq j the railroad affords us and we Old Prince BIsmarcb must nearly made Monroe Sevier Co Ft a of tho year one road or another of the do so If we are to thrive and like many other great Germany SALOON RICHFIELD county is flooded Thus it goes with enterprises the Germany nation misses !i U W BA'MLOSE Prop other mattes Is well If wobave laws 30 am 8G3timLv BELK5JAI him The hand that creates can best Ar65 ptu660im Tt Is not from accident alone that HAS THE NEW YORK WORLD ' let them bs enforced or let them be Train 23 will run Tue day ' Thursdays aid nlrol there are so many tramps In the UnitGOOD WHISKY 9300 A Saturdays Train 24 will run Mondays EDITION off'otrr stiathte and ordinance wiped ' 7 and Fridays1 G CLOY ed States Something has made these I 150 Papers a Year IS Pages a Week n L Mount AjjenL’R'ch field bocks for while tahd never tbero lived 189 ALCOHOL D O Dodgo Gfu’l Manager tramps It Is natural for men to stay Turkeys roost high pf nights now FOR ONE DOLLAR CALIFORNIA Clbl PE BRANDY up to they are a menace to society at the home' of chlldnood H Babcock Traffic Manager but defects Publlshod every Alternate Day except Best Brands of Bhvkberry Fort and breeders of disgust with government It Gen'l Passenger Agont FA Wadlolgh in our social system has made them Sunday Cherry Wine and such other liquor and an admission that some is not General olBceuit Lake City tramps and some reformer must deal utsbr tjxs are needed in sickness MHMMMnnannMwmMivnw strong enough to uphold the laws that with the cause its finding problem W Cigars he Is sworn to uphold and enforce and cure It will never cure the evil NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Edition of Tint to feed the tramps and let them go on Nsvy Yobk Wobld Is first among all 32 mills Is a pretty high tax but trapping They have acquired a bad Inandthe Sixth J udiclal District Court ‘weekly” papers in size frequency of in for the County of Sevier State St of the people George pay It rather habit and It must be remedied the of Utah publication and the freshness acthan to run their school district in tramp must be cured of and variety of its contents! It I curacy tramping In the matter of debt It shows bravery on tho part of f Notice to Creditors the est ate of has all the merits of a great 96 dally tt j Susau Barney any people to pav their own bills and ' at the price of a dollar weekly Its A quarter of a century ago the deceased not leave them to be paid after they Estate of Susan Barney deceased political news Is prompt complete acare dead Richfield needs waterworks emigrants who came In the Uuitod Notice is the under curate and Impartial as all Its readers by hereby given aiid many other Improvements but let States were as a rule people who signed Nilsson administrator of will testify It is Jeppa against the monous try ourselves for them now and pay came here to do hard labor on the the estate of Susan Barney deceased Sigurd and Coyote and for the polies people our own bills We have Leard it call farm or other places and thereby make to the creditors of and all personsjdiav It prints the news of all the world Stage Line ed enterprise for the vaious adminlJ themselyes a home’ But the emi' lng claims against said deceased to having special from all correspondence exhibit them with the necessary vou tratixus of Salt Lake City and Ogden rant9 ofThat sort arc becomlD few- chew within four months news points on the globe GRASS AND RABBIT VALLE Important the after er and the vicious law breaking class CUT BURNED F ROUTE to make Improvements "What person first pub! icatian of this notice to said It has brPliant Illustrations stories P 7 OR BRUISED can not show such “enterprise” as to is on the Increase The United States Adminstrater at his office In Monroe by great authors a capital humor Yaursolf or aaveauy horse oowddg has room for more people but hereafter Sevier County Utah the same being page complete markets departments Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning spend borrowed money and saddle the sbird or any animal that is wounded we should pick for we are now getting the place for the transaction of th debt b onto Is unborn for except the find will a Sunday reach Burrviile at there the household and women’s work If any way you business of said estate in the County noon and go on to Loa or Coyote JOHNSON'S BLACK OIL man n Richfield who la not willing to the scum of all nations along with of Sevier Utah and other special departments' of unusA CURE TIIAT CURES night shire toward water works we many good honest people tis ual interest Dated this 8 day of Oct 1807 pay Accomodations for passengers an Beware of imitations Genuine only II do not know who he is Jeppa Nilsson Administrator Then let Until December we offer this aci lities for carrying express jMben signed J A IlarriE them do it If we an cnterpris-- l 'Ve admire the Salt Lake papers for Fillmore Brothers Iti t Censor tothe newspaper for Administrator Burrviile one Ing town we will make Improvements tuc tight they are making for tho high Da t of firstAtty C0 92 for Sold at Z CM I Drug' Dept year gether cash Strictly publication Oct 8 1397 Proprietors If we are brave Citizens we will pay pchod Aochnel just opened can not in advance the bills as we go along for ’tls a cow- - fo the best of work and theSalt Lake NOTICE l'lBLICATIOf ard who would run his child in debt high school lias Just become well estabNo 3509 AND rather than to settle the bills himself lished when an attempt is made to St George has taught every city In the obi iterate it The progressive element R1 ) GRANDE Land Ofllcn at Salt Lake City Utah ill over the slate cheer the fighters October 25th 1897 state a lesson Now let us heed it rAiLroadco Notice Is hereby given that tho following vv he Show your rqgard for those who m to itutain the high school named settler has tiled notice of try TOUBIST OB FAMILY SLEETING CAB hislntnntlou have gone before in to ' make " float proof In support of his claim It bEKVICE amt that said proof will io maJu before The McKinley Republicans of Utah Do you know that every evening the at UiehflcUI Sevier Co on The movo for an official nurvey of County clerk lecember 16 1897 viz: H E No 1HC2 Parley Denver & Rio Grande R R in connce-Uu- seemingly backed up1 by the adminRichfield is commendable Ko person Wash bum for tho N E M of N W H Sec 3f with the R G W runs a Tourist istration have gone back to the spoils ' Tp 21 S It 3 W of all sure isat to where a row plant br Family Sleeping Car to Denver in lie names tho following wltnossts to prove as the following letter from system of shjde trees and have them on the his continuous resblenoe upon and cultivaitrhich a lower berth can be secured for tion of said land viz: 12:00? In addition to this daily ser Glen Miller shows has established Ms jlne or of ihc place where he shall Lorenzo ! ison bee Jan ei Gregerson Orson Salt Lake Utah Oct IS 1897 tvice the D & R G also operates en build a better fence or makq a Co-- oi Washburn and A WinJet all of Monroe So "Mrs Edna Cole Dry Fork Utah -Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays walk Neither can the city vler County Utah there distinct Tousist Sleeping Car Dear Madam:— I take pleasure In Ityron Groo compel con 'Is red stables put back iais to Q'nth Sinus Citv Chicago I that have this day froix the street until this Is done i!3oston and New York— no change for advising you DELINQUENT NQTICE to forwarded TostoIIlce the departreduced wtah passengers— at greaCy Let nothing stand n the road of an Vermillion Irrigatic n Co ONLY FIRST-CLASperth rates These Tourlet cars are ment your name for postmistress at official aurvey WORK EXCHANGED Vermillion Nov 2nd 197 INSCRIPTIONS Managed by the Pullman Company Dry Fork aud expect the appointFOR PRODUCE There are foldelinquent upon (he II $nd are provided with all i ecowary ment to bo uncle within the next week described stock on account of lowing The or ten days 1 trust that tymveniances and appliances id his re- assessment levied on the 28th day of you will co- Gov McCord of Ariz-mcar feature together with the ntinue to cause iu Jlpurist push the Republican port paye a high tribu to to Mormons Sept 18'’7 the several amounts m r optrain service and scenie atthe names of the respective He reports are -posite tractions of tho route has placed tho your part of the State and I shall feci os C'doni-aholders a i follows hares ii tt mu 0 & R G in the loremost ranks ol roe to call upon you In the party’s law abiding wad that they build up David li Stevens £2 idures CVitili and Railroads fuJTor rates an nterests In at time near the county We have seen a great cates No 2J3 and 2 12 amount due L’s pj y the jVesterfl letailed information apply to any ture We feel thatoffices should to deel of the west and no other part Is Teter Hougaard 20 shares Cer 110 go Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry ones who has been leaders arid workers more characterircd by stability than amount due fS45 to B F Novins General Agent or II Legrand Durfce Z shares No Ccr21) II Cushing Traveling Passenger In the party and who will be of ser- those parts settled by tho Mormons amount due ?325 n Agent D & R G No 158 West 2nd vice to us In the future With this J J Ivie 10 shares No Cer 128 orraiBh idea I have recommended you for the South Street Salt Lake City due amount $650 his remarks at the Taber During TO M Ivie 1 share amount dot G5cts place Very truly nacji? Butiday eyening our old friend 1 ns People of Seyiek and Otiieb John T CraneSsnaroB amount due Glen Miller B II Roberts denied that tho MorCounties With: $120 mon people were apposed to educa James Bolitho 5 shares No Cer 221 due $325 amount tion No one ever in Utah believeu Yeu leave Ogden or Salt Lake in politics continually Indulged In Is CA RPETS Co & C Co 501 shares NoCeiE Y vhe evening and after breakfasting in one of the wrst forms of idleness that charge uuy way 229 amount due $21969 WINDOW SHADES Ibe sumptuous dining oars of the known It makes no difference whethAnd in accordance with Law und LACE CURTA NS SANTA FE ROUTE on the third er It is of the board of directors as man order by a newspaper or a man Here Blade The Beaver BA IP:’ (M 11 PHAGES of the complains orning you arrive in are reeervoirlng schemes canal enter- little encouragement the home dra- shares of each parcel of such stork as WALLPAPER may be necessary will ho sold at the Chicago or St Louis prises better agriculture better moral matic company receives In Richfield Vermillion Hall on Saturday Nov 20 We are ayents for the ce!eb::ied Jn season to attend to business or con- and social conditions and a hundred It Is Whether any 1897 at p in to pay delinquent asentirely different nect with all fast trains for tle East other to there botalked up yet things other dfamatlc company is patronized sessment there on together with the Some one has said recently that the cost of advertising ana expenses of the are a number of men on our streets or not borne companies are track of the ATCniSON TOPEKA sale papers on our exchange llstand friends II fc SANTA FE railroad was in such C Meyer Sec wc meet who can talk of nothing but disV I On 3t perfect condition that the long A paper that runs just to make mon- A of politics-proper understanding New ou the of run tance the ‘Flyer” DELINQUENT NOTICE ey may live and do well but It is pot York Central could be equaled if not public policies a proper weildlng of of the best the survival The questCeuarRidge Irrigation Co itceeded by its magnificent trains the franchise and a determination to ion Is with newspapers to be Sigurd Nov 2na 1897 have good government are all comJ D Kenworthy are There upon the fol delinquent matter will sell best?” more than Gen’l Agt Passenger Dept mendable but this continual round of described stock on account of lowing “What matter is the best? - so West Second South Street nothing but political talk displays a assessment levied on the 27th day of a weakness is weakness that Utah Lake Salt 4 gnawing Sept 1897 City tf 20 shares D n Poll Sevier Bold lu$3000 Juab of of We have worth at the very heart republican governCounty on hand 0 F WARREN Traveling Agt due amount $310 cerne seed this year and at prices ment 20 shares Emma Poff higher than those In Sevier county amount due Missouri Pacific lt’y $360 Another Instance of farmlngon And in accordance with law and Fastest time shortest line and best alsc) scale When the Otter Creek reservoir was order of tho board of directors as accomodations for feeding are the ina (o fon many shares of each parcel of &uch tduciehts we offer to shippers of live first taked up its facilities sec lied be he will 4 as sold stock necessary may ifotock octween rueblo and Kansas overdrawn but the surveyor linds it Another attack Is being made on in front of the Sfgurd Store Monday better tliau at first reported Sevier iCity Spjciallive stock Iraiai fir football It Is evident that th3 at- Nov 22nd 1857 at I p m to pay delinu’das nable number of cat cuntyran Increase Its population for tackers mean business Foot ball quent assessment theie on together & B KOI ser C F & P A 8 k0 to J2000 within the next five with the cost of advertising and must be played better or uot played at HORN & MILLER of the sale jfc J Fly up T F & P A years all TWO BLOCKS WEST OF THE COURT ITOUSft C Meyer Sec yalt take City Utah C It I Co 3t Richfield ViA p oy I - t l in many towns our own among number is anything but what It ails ) 1 ‘ ' A j 1 i 1 I eat-Po-u ’ ' ved-fillc- V d ‘ I Hospitality I slilp-Ucmro- e Oaf-fiel- a n ’ Wott-tesda- K THKICE-A-WEE- - V TEST-TRQQ- F Try our H E Thrlce-a-Wee- KEEP IT HANDY I ‘ YOD-HAy- m-- The DENVER ‘ roil ' Remember the Dear Departed ‘ ‘ ' Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR HENR1E T“ Marble Works on Center St East of Store and is prepared to make grave stones and do all kinds of Cemetery Work C-it- S i s RIUIRDLEY'S that-the- — l’ an ttimm u PuTAjfare Store iiiiigalvs 6ANTA FE ROUTE furniture I i 1 VCROWN” Organs S Pianoes ! t t and - THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS In acoiu-mcrci- ‘ County constantly Coffins Caskets Trimmings Burial clothes Handles Screws and tho like Wo are prepared take charge of preliminaries funerals and to do other services usu&llv re quired of undertakers |